No, it is not. The Autounattend.xml is good, but all the others settings files should not be there. Did you prepare the "Installer" folder correctly using hte "Update_Settings" script or not?
ok if followed the instructions in the pdf copied the autounattend.xml and then moved the files from example settings to settings ran the update_settings bat it finished then copied them to the flash drive but my flash drive is my install disk update : if you could show me how it should look that be great ? because the instructions are short and kind of hard to understand ..
I'll try to list the current volume and I'll post the results. Seems that the partition is not hidden, like a very long time ago, when all use fdisk J
Windows 7 or Windows 8? If Windows 7, did you also copy the Imagex files required? Did you installed a lot of software? YOu may have run out of space on the recovery partition when capturing..... You can also edit the CAPTURE.CMD file and add a few PAUSE in it to monitor the capture status and checkl for erroers on screen.
- Copy required settings file to the settings folder - Run "Update Settings" and be sure that everything is 100% - Copy the Installer folder on the recovery key - Copy the Autounattend.XMl file in the root of the drive - Start the installation booting on the drive - When ready, copy the installer folder on the computer - Run install.cmd
ok thanks i will try it out ... so you copy the installer to main drive and start install after install of windows is complete
Hi! I have just downloaded Windows 7 recovery tools by Anarethos – 2.1.1 and I don't find the same documentation and the software to do a recovery partition. The software that you have is the new but i need the old software. Where can I download it? Thank you
If you downloaded from Anarethos site as listed on First page there was documentation. The documenation for Legacy 2.11.exe is also included in the install software.
Exactly. Personnaly, I use the old $OEM$ folder trick to copy everything I need on the target computer during the installation, including my SetupComplete.Cmd file, Office 2010, etc. Then, I just install drivers and start my recovery tools installation and job done.
For both, ( Windows 7 and Windows 8 ) And yes i have installed a lot of software and midi synthetizer with soundfont ( 5 Gb ) and the Recovery partition is out of space. But how to edit Autounnatend.xml file for windows 8 With UEFI and modify the recovery partiton size ? Does it work with notepad ? Thanks for your help ! EDIT : It have edited the autounnatend.xml file, i will test soon !
Good. For Windows 8, you must ALSO edit the ResetPartitions.txt file, as this file will be used to recreate the partition when using a recovery media. If you specify a to small partition, the recovery process will crash.
i'm trying to use vBox to test it out but i get to a black screen maybe i'm using the wrong xml file and settings ?
Seems like my problem was with vmware so uninstalled completely and reinstalled vmware and modded the bios for vmware to hp and everything worked.....ur recovery software and the multi oem folder by searchengine works together perfectly. Using wifes lappy now that I used it on and I like it.....hope the wife does. lol Thanks again! Sleep does a person a world of good. lol