OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
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  2. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    You need to setup winre before you sysprep. If you run reagetc /info /target w:\windows (or whatever the command is) then you'll see Windows has moved it to W:\blah\blah folder already....
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  3. Kiwonks

    Kiwonks MDL Novice

    Aug 9, 2009
    thank guys for the info.

    I don't know what I did.. but when I tried to reinstall win8 and I see Partition 1 Recovery 300 MB ; 70 MB left.. and I think winre image already in there.
    abort installation , and try to refresh installation menu inside windows an it WORKS.

    refresh : work.
    reinstall windows : work in windows partition only.
    and recapture windows work too after reinstall, with winpe boot by remove recovery image partition and recapture it again.
  4. cloudi32003

    cloudi32003 MDL Novice

    Sep 15, 2010
    Windows 7/8 - OEM Recovery Partition Creator

    Hey everyone,

    Would need some help here, after installing windows using autoattend.xml and boot to audit mode.

    Some one please kindly explain the steps to do. I'm struck at audit mode and dont know where to go. I'm installing windows 7. Thank you.

    :biggrin: :confused:
  5. technomaster

    technomaster MDL Junior Member

    Nov 4, 2012
    Just install your required drivers and what appz you need... when you restore your OS from recovery mode your installed drivers,appz will restore which you installed in audit mode after recovery complete your OS will be refresh like you install windows first time :rolleyes: When you install all things run the basic version 1.3.13 for 32bit OS you click on x86 and 64bit AMD64 .... For further guide read documentation :)
  6. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009

    I just answered your PM.

    Btw, I would suggest you to put your question here juste in case someone else can answer it... you won't have to wait for me :p
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  7. chryses

    chryses MDL Junior Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Tnx for you continuos support :worthy:

    Two simple question:

    1. It's possible to manage the script so after the computer reboot in audit mode, I had the install folder on the desktop?
    2. Ther's any way to "edit" the boot phase so I can chose if I want to boot with the AutoUnattend mode or the "normal" mode (the normal mode for me is without the recovery function)
    In this mode I can put all the file together on one cd :)

  8. cloudi32003

    cloudi32003 MDL Novice

    Sep 15, 2010
    Hey everyone, so after i ran auto-attend xml and can boot to audit mode. The latest Basic1.3.13, Windows 7 Recovery Tools folder where do i place it at ?

    When I run Update_Settings, it keep prompt me this. Please kindly anyone can guide me with this. Thanks.

    An error occured while updating the settings.
    Please be sure to run this script from a
    writable source where your credentials allow
    you to write.
    Script unusable.
  9. technomaster

    technomaster MDL Junior Member

    Nov 4, 2012
    You can place this folder anywhere in your root its not necessary even if u run the tool form your pen drive its work.... did you copy Example Setting and paste in settings folder..???
  10. cloudi32003

    cloudi32003 MDL Novice

    Sep 15, 2010
    Hi Technomaster,

    Yes i run it from the thumbdrive, where i copy the Example settings to the settings folder and ran the update_settings, it keep giving me An error. :confused:
  11. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012

    I just used the new package .13 on my dell n5010 since my warrenty is over....I did notice something but dont know if you can hide it....the recovery partition is visible in windows disk defrag.....so is system for that matter.....will it corrupt those partitions if someone defrags system and recovery partitions? Thought I would ask. If it doesnt matter then I dont care just was wondering. If it can cause issues then how can a user protect their computer from corruption (like if their kid gets on it and defrags, lol)? Happy holidays to you by the way.
  12. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Can't hide it since it is still a Windows partition. Partition also shown in the system recovery (system protection).
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  13. Satya318

    Satya318 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2012
    View attachment 19944
    So Can any one please help me create the partition layout given in the picture using Anarethos Basic Recovery Tool.I mean I want to edit the xml file and all concerned files so that I could get that partition layout
  14. The Devils Killer

    The Devils Killer MDL Novice

    Aug 24, 2012
  15. hijacker83

    hijacker83 MDL Novice

    Dec 21, 2012
    Hey guys!
    I am trying to create recovery partition which don't work anymore after I installed windows 8.

    I have asus laptop both operation systems windows7 and windows8.

    I read the instructions and i didn't understood few of them.

    2.2 Preparing the USB drive
    1. From the “AutoUnattend” folder, under either the “GPT” or “MBR” folder, copy the
    “AutoUnattend.xml” file to the root of an USB key
    2. From the “Settings – Examples”, under either the “GPT” or “MBR” folder, copy all files to
    the “Settings” folder
    3. Run the “Update_Settings.cmd” script
    4. Copy the configured package to the USB key or the installation CD

    I copied all files and folders of Windows 7 Recovery Tools folder to my kingston usb disk.

    2.3 Installing Windows
    1. Connect the USB key to the target computer and start Windows installation
    2. Select to install Windows

    I connected usb disk and received "insert boot disk and press any key" notification.

    Where should I install windows 7 and windows 8 from dvd or from usb? Do I have to reinstall them? I have important datas on hdd should i backup up them? How should i procceed? I will be greatfull If you could reply. Thanks for help.
  16. Satya318

    Satya318 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2012
    Dear AnarethoS

    I am using Sony Vaio SVE15113ENB and whenever I click on ASSIST button it loads Windows RE via Vaio care rescue.So I want to ask you Can I create a recovery partition like sony ,I mean,When I launch the recovery wizard it will open via VAIO care rescue.Please help me.
  17. hijacker83

    hijacker83 MDL Novice

    Dec 21, 2012
    Thanks. I will try and i hope i can success. I guess When i click on INSTALL, files will be copied from from my c: drive to recovery partition. Am I right?
  18. maxineza

    maxineza MDL Novice

    Dec 22, 2012
    I need help using RECOVERY TOOLS 2.0.0.EXE

    To Anarethos and anyone else who can help:

    I am new to this Furum and my first post to this forum is a question.

    I was trying to create an OEM Recovery for my Lenovo G550. using, "Anarethos Recovery Tool 2.0.0 Final
    How to use Recovery Tools 2.0.0 Final", everything went smooth until I got to, "Step 6: Installing Recovery Tool 2.0.0. Final", I had installed the Tool to desktop that also had WAIK installed. I copyed the folder which contained "Installx86" and pasted it in my C:\Program Files). then I clicked "Installx86 and browsed to WinRe Source which was in my System32/Recovery.

    The tool did its stuff except for one Error "Description of the files cannot be found" that I was unable to tell what caused it. when the computer restarted, it rebooted asking me to create an image for it. It ticked the yes option and it did not last for more than 2 Seconds. then it opened the Main Menu window. from there I rebooted the system to finally create my new user but nothing happened. It kept booting to Recovery tools.

    Please help would be very much appreciated.
  19. technomaster

    technomaster MDL Junior Member

    Nov 4, 2012
    yes you r right :eek: