hey guys just a heads up there is an error with adding files to the installer under advanced options and have talked to stanneiman and he is working on it
1.3.2 fixes 3 bugs in the add additional files/folders option: - First of all I was very tupid and forgot to update that sub for 1.3, it checked variables that weren't used anymore. - The command to open the explorer window is changed because windows xp doesn't seem recognise the /e and /root switchers for explorer.exe. - When the exe runs in the root of a volume (like C:\), then "System.Environment.CurrentDirectory" returns C:\ (with backslash). However when it's ran from a folder like C:\Folder\) then it returns C:\Folder (without backslash). This was also causing problems with the add folders option, now it's fixed by checking for a backlash first and only adding it when needed.
Thank you Stannieman for this useful app. I'm trying to convert the official brazilian retail edition (X16-31999.exe, MD5 :945ef4ba12e046553efbfea8ea323b4f) with no sucess. There's no error message; on the contrary, the program says it had completed sucessfully, that the ISO was created and that it will erase the working DIR. However, no ISO is created in the assigned location (nor in any other one). I have tried it in my W7 x64 main machine and in a XP SP3 virtual machine with .NET 3.5 with the same result. Any clue?
What directory is the exe running in? And I have to reply with the most common reply from a developer when his app doesn't work: I thought I fixed that. EDIT: I know what's going wrong. The exe you're using isn't supported, it contains Home and Student 2010, Office Home and Business 2010 and Office Professional 2010, all unsupported products. It extracts the exe and than checks for a supported product, if it finds supported products then it will convert them if needed. After that it moves it to a "destinationdirectory", and after all installers are done cdimage makes an iso of the destinationdirectory. But if it's empty then cdimage won't make an iso. Next version will check if the input installer does actually contain a supported product, to avoid this kind of errors. You're only sollution is to use a supported product (pro plus for example).
Thanks for you reply. Now I see what was wrong. There's something curious though: in all my attemps, I have not found an empty destinationdirectory. On the contrary, I have found the Office content in this folder: F:\TEST\ChannelSwitcherWorkingDirectory\Output installation files\x86 It seems that I should assume that those files are the (untouched) "unpacked" contents of the original .EXE file.
Sorry I was wrong, it does move the files to the \Output installation files\ dir, so I'll send you a pm with a test version to see what's going wrong. And yes, it are indeed the untouched contents of the exe.
I'm not being able to reply your PM because of my post count. I'm not being able to post links or images in this post for the same reason... I'm sorry. Please be patient. EDIT Ok, here is the message: x64 F:\TEST\ChannelSwitcherWorkingDirectory\CDIMAGE EXE -OC -J1 -U1 -IOFFICE14 "F:\TEST\ChannelSwitcherWorkingDirectory\Output installation files\x64" "F:\TEST\Office2010.iso"
Ok I know what's going wrong and it's due to the use of an unsupported product, if you're interested in the "why": When a supported x86 product is used it'll set the boolean "hadx86_installer" to true. When a supported x64 product is used it'll set the boolean "hadx64_installer" to true. At the end it checks: Code: If hadx86_installer = true and hadx64_installer = true then (if both x86 and x64 installers have been inputted) 'it has to make a dualarchitecture installer now, so it will pack both x64 and x86 directories in the \Output installation files\ directory in the iso. Elseif hadx86_installer = true (if x86 installer was inputted, but no x64) 'Include only x86 in iso Else (all other cases) 'Include only x64 in iso End if The last (else) part is only meant to be ran if hadx64_installer = true, and I assumed that this was the only possibility left. But because it's an unsupporred installer none of the booleans is true. Because it doesn't halt when an unsupported input file is used, it will also run the else now while it isn't supposed to. Since your input file is x86 the x64 directory is empty, and therefore cdimage won't create in iso, in fact it never does if you tell it to make an iso of an empty dir. By checking for unsupported products in 1.4 this will automatically be fixed
As a matter of fact, your explanation is far more interesting than to convert one Office version into another. Thank you! EDIT BTW, I've used your "private build" on the correct versions of Office (Pro Plus) and voilà. So far, I have used the x86 ISO in the virtual machine, and the x64 ISO in a test machine, both successfully. Perfect.
Just released 1.4, added support for a few products + some small bugfixes. I hope I can include language pack support in 1.5, but that requires more testing and thinking first.
I am always getting an error that its unsuccessful in creating the image but my input file is 100% valid can you help me out?
What input file are you using? In which directory is the input file and from which directory does the app run? And what OS are you using?
Tried with x86 as well as x64 input file both obtained from technet. input file is under c:/user/ /downloads tried with e:/ tooo This app running from %temp% Using windows 7 x86
Try to run it from somewhere else than the temp dir, I don't know why that may be a problem, but that's the only thing that differs from the scenarios that I've tested here.
Hi, so it´s Std. version supported or no? I can´t change retail to VL, ending with "Could not succesully make change to the..." I use X16-32324.exe and X16-32361.exe. Thx.
Did that also but still the same error. So is there any other way out??? any manual procedure that i can follow?