Maybe, the links are actually online, but they got removed from my post. It must have been an admin I think, but no one ever sent me a pm about it, I think they should have done that at least... I'll have a look at datafilehost. EDIT: Reupped to datafilehost
I just realized the source code was released. I can convert the source code to C# and use it as a base to improve the compilation program I am creating. Thanks for releasing the source Stannieman!
A big thanks to Stannieman and all that have helped to develop the office 2010 installer channel switcher. Found the util very user freindly and encounted no problems to covert my office pro student edition to VL edition. Great work and thanks
Is there a way to Channel Switch and ad a ServicePack all in one step or is this a 2step process...Channel Switch and then Add the ServicePack1 into the ISO?
Use add additional files/folders option and extract the SP to the updates folder, click ok in the dialogbox once the extraction has completed.
Thanks for the reply...could not find this thread again for some reason after I found it. That worked great as it saved a step. Another question. You can add more then one file in the main window. So are you able to convert, let's say, x86 and x64 of Office, Visio, Publisher and add SP1 all in one step? Would it create a combined or separate ISO?
Yes you can and everything will be in 1 iso. But for the SP: not every producs uses this SP, I think for example sharepoint workspace has it's own SP. So obviously these producs with serparate SP won't be upated unless you also add their SP.
That is just AWESOME!!! I wish I would have paid attention and used this before. I am in the process of putting together an Office 2010 with VISIO on the same disc and this will help make it easier.
I have a problem making a aio sp1 iso with office + visio + project x86\64. Made two iso`s with office x86 sp1 and x64 sp1. Combined those to 1. That worked fine x86\x64 installed with sp1. Then made viso sp1 x86\x64 and project sp1 x86\x64 images. Both those images worked worked to install x64 with sp1. My problem is to combine with the office files. If i combine these iso`s: 1. office sp1 x86 sp1 x64 3. project sp1 x86\x64 The result is that sp1 is not installed for project. I go to x64 folder of the iso and start setup.exe Difficult to explain but project is in a iso with both x86 and x64 ( without sp1). If i use channel switcher on the iso to integrate the sp1`s the folder opens, and i put the updates folder inside x86 and x64 folders. When combining this iso with office iso`s the sp1 files for project or visio x64 are not installed.
Does project sp1 installs when office is not in the same iso? And are you sure that some office sp1 files have not the same name as some project files? In that case they may be overwritten by the office ones and the install fails. How do you integrate sp1 btw? I thing te best way is add all products (office, visio, project) at once to the app and choose add additional files/folders and then extract the service packs one by one to the updates folder. Maybe it goes wrong when you make a sp1 office iso and a project sp1 iso and try to combine them afterwards.
Looks like it was office sp1 that wrote over some files. example with x64: i made 3 images, office sp1, visio sp1 and project sp1 using advanced setting and add sp1 file. When combining those images to 1 the updates folder was around 560MB (don't remember exactly) But if i copied files from updates folders on these 3 images to one updates folder (skipping existing files) size was 809MB. So thats what i did, replaced the 560MB updates folder with the new 809MB one. Now sp1 for project and visio was installed (checked also in windows installed updates.) Did the same with x86, so now have 1 image that contains professional plus, visio premium, project pro x86\x64 sp1. Looks like it works in vmware. So hopefully the sp1 for office, project and visio contains some of the same files.
The best way is to combine project rtm, visio rtm and office rtm at the same time and use add additional files folders. Now extract each sp to a different folder not in the office directory. Then first copy all the files of 1 sp to the updates folder, then the next sp, and then the last one. If windows asks to overwrite you know the problem. Note that only msi or msu files are critucal. If some xml file is overwritten than that shouldn't cause much problems as they are ignored by setup.