I tried several times converting X17-75238.exe (Pro Plus SP1 retail) to ISO, and I always get the error: "indicated file does not seem to be a supported Office, Visio or Project installer". Any ideas what's wrong?
Hi, I am using Channel Switcher 1.4.3 and trying to change my retail version of Office 2010 Pro Plus with SP1 to volume. I know that the installation file is OK as I have checked the hash sum. I aslo know that the channel switcher download is not corrupt as again I have checked the hash sum. I keep getting the error message "indicated file does not seem to be a supported installer" when trying to channel switch and the process ends abruptly. I am using an iso as the input file. Can anyone give me any advice as to what is going wrong? SOLVED. I moved the channel switcher exe to C: and it worked just fine. Cool!
Hi Stannieman, Sorry to bother with a request. Could you please upload the program to the usenet and share the upload name (something random). Tried to download via te official link. But it just leads me up the garden path and by trying hard I got a browser hijacker in the process. Usenet has plenty of versions of this program but all seem to be infected (of-course the hashes also don't match). Thanks, AQUAR
I don't have a usenet account. The download works here btw. You have to click on the download file text, not the big obvious download button which is just there to spam and irritate people...
Okay, happy to give anyone a LOL, even indirectly. I most certainly clicked on the DL button just above the text, and got redirected to ads. I most certainly got fooled by trying again with the more obvious DL buttons, and got more ads. This file sharing site is horrible to those a little less aware than others, but its still good to have the service. I do now have the zip file as persistance won out. So, thanks Stannieman for the program. Aquar
I keep trying to download the installer, and not choosing the big obvious buttons but keep getting redirected to ads anyway. So frustrating. Edit: OK, I finally got it (with correct checksum) I have downloaded from a few free file sites, but that one confused me, especially when my browser was blocking the file. But then again I am very easily confused these days
Yes, your comment about persistance winning encouraged me to keep trying, so thanks. And thanks to Stannieman for the program and this thread.
Yes, I get exactly the same error for X17-75238, downloaded from Digital River. This is Office 2010 Pro Plus x86 with SP1. msft.digitalrivercontent.net/01/501016817-10234441--EUR//office2010/X17-75238.exe SHA-1: 095ceb7744706996283dc7d79e7b2cd3b162f689 I think that the installation file is OK as others have got the same hash sum. I am using the latest Channel Switcher 1.4.3 I know that the channel switcher download is not corrupt as again I have checked the hash sum. I keep getting the error message "indicated file does not seem to be a supported Office, Visio or Project installer" I am using an .exe as the input file. The installer worked OK for me on the X16-32250.exe from digital river which is Office2010 Pro plus x86 (no SP1). If anyone can give some advice it would really be appreciated. 7zip archive of X17-75238.exe file
i cant download the file. i have ad block and noscript so i didnt see the huge green/orange download buttons in firefox. after i couldnt dl in firefox i also tried to dl it in IE. i figured maybe i needed to wait even though the site explicitly states you dont need to wait to download and i was rewarded with some garbage adware download. i still cant download the zip file in either browser and it keeps telling me it timed out. this file share site is horrible. im guessing you only use it because since they trick people into dling adware they arent the most respectable site and dont remove files as quickly as some of the other more popular sites. after 30 mins i finally got the file with the correct sha1 but it would still be nice if you included a couple different file sharing sites.
I get different hashes (everytime) I download the program... which takes almost an eternity (in these days) with a D/L-speed of around only 4 kB/sec... See below: Code: File: O2K10ICS143.zip CRC-32: 430b51da MD4: 3ab98260a98858e20f1700c7f0d7b581 MD5: 8fc5829566924f200c070508f3bdedf4 SHA-1: 7e45cb7d53df75aca2f4050bf7c607e9c517b279 Am I doing something wrong? Could you perhaps upload it to for example other sites (e.g. mediafire) as I seem to download with incorrect hashes?
I guess the Hash info you gave is for the exe instead, which now matches, I guess: Code: File: Office 2010 Installer Channel Switcher.exe CRC-32: 09a8b815 MD4: 2d7492af44ffdbc060f3c89d2054781c MD5: 18e930088962b60ed6ac30c5f17d2ab6 SHA-1: 28db5572c087feeb9aebc105f3dcf8fe61392041
Can you please reupload the file to another site. I am unable to get it from Jumbofiles, even with Jdownloader. Thanks.
Review Very Nice Tool, Did The Job Correctly, I Used It To Change The Installer Of Office Pro Plus I Had Download From Microsoft Into VL And Then I Extracted It And Extracted The SP1 Disk aka while i was making and slipstreaming the installer for a disk