Sorry for not releasing it, there was another problem. But I'm making lots of progress now so it will be there soon, but I'm not promissing anything
Dutch, and a little bit of french (at least I passed my french exam) And I'll reupload tomorrow, but it isn't deleted from the server cause I can see it on my account on my mobile
ok, just created a iso from the actual msdn .iso from the root directory of my windows install and it created a vol iso. then i did the same using the advanced option and added all of the .exe files, i.e. proplus, projpro, visio prem x86 & x64, and created a .iso with both x86 & x64 directories with proplus, projpro, and visio vol edition. ps. i only used english editions for this test. i experienced no issues in both tests.
Hi i've been struggling with activating Office 2010. The problem is that i don't have the .WW folder and .en-(us,fr,etc.) folder (The file i have is a Self-Extracting .exe). I've been trying to convert the Retail to the VL version. What should I do?
Just browse for the exe with the browse button, give an output file and click "start channel switching" should do the job.
I try to convert a Project and Visio RETAIL.exe to a VL.iso edition but i have this ... " Could not move the readme files(s) to the temporary readme directory, the workingdirectory will be removed after you clik OK. "... Isn't funny.
Well, that's the only problem that is left I think. It always runs fine when I debug using step into in vs (so it executes line per line and goes to the next line only when pressing f8). When it runs normal I also keep getting those errors, it just seems to run to fast sometimes, like if the app proceeds while the hdd hasn't finished yet moving/copying files. But I just don't know why. Code: For Each strDirectory_in_strDirectory_to_move_contents As String In System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(strDirectory_to_move_contents) arrDirectory_or_file_to_move = strDirectory_in_strDirectory_to_move_contents.Split("\") If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(strWorkingDirectory & "\Output installation files\x86\" & arrDirectory_or_file_to_move(UBound(arrDirectory_or_file_to_move))) Then System.IO.Directory.Move(strDirectory_in_strDirectory_to_move_contents, strWorkingDirectory & "\Output installation files\x86\" & arrDirectory_or_file_to_move(UBound(arrDirectory_or_file_to_move))) End If Next I have several of such a loops, and sometimes (= a lot on my pc) it moves a couple of directories and then the for next crashes, then it shows the kind of error you're having. Does anyone know why? EDIT: DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!! It happens only with office and not with project or visio, so it must be a mustake in the code. EDIT 2: Ok I don't know... it failed 3 times in a row now, I left my pc for 15mins, tried again and tadaa: succes! With the same exe, so nothing changed.
I dont know if it will help, but try putting the .exe office files and the channel switcher directly in the root drive of C: or where ever you have windows 7 installed. I did experience simular issues as above when trying to create an .iso from the desktop, so I put everything in the root drive and created it there with no issues...
almost sounds like a page file/memory error. the processes most likely need a generous amount of memory enviroment to work in.
Ok I'll monitor ram usage and try from C:\, but from C: will take up a lot of diskspace. Now it extracts all the installers, then create an iso (in worst case you now have up to 3 times the size of the original installers on your hdd). If it also first copies the files to C:\ then it will get up to 4 times as big. Yes I can move them and move them back, but I don't like doing that with user's files, you never know. EDIT: Oh you mean the workingdir in C:? I'll try if that works
I want to switch a Brasilian Retail in VL. So do i need all the necessary files from an Brasilian Installation? If yes where can i take them? Thnak you.