Office 2010 is a huge step backward - nagging activation BS

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by gt2554, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. Yurbuh Tuggly

    Yurbuh Tuggly MDL Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Happy trails to you.
  2. ioniancat21

    ioniancat21 MDL Member

    Apr 27, 2008

    As an MCSE and MCITP, I deploy Microsoft products frequently in my job as a consultant and network administrator. When Microsoft created all these activation methods and WGA, I was strongly opposed to it all as these activation methods only affect the paying customer. Anyway, a statistic I always share with others in the field is that Microsoft has never created an activation method that hasn't been hacked or comprimised in their companies history.

    I like Symantec's policy much better, using the traditional password-based security or no acitvation or key at all, like they do for their Endpoint Protection product. Most of their customers appreciate being trusted and Symantec saves tons of money by not creating all these useless activation schemes, unlike Microsoft, which dumps millions of dollars into securing their product, costing the customer time and money. The saddest part as we can see here at MDL, is that all their hard work is for nothing as users quickly find workarounds, such as the DAZ Loader for Windows 7 and even the Mini-KMS for Office 2010 for example. It's time for Microsoft to get their heads on straight and give up this pointless waste of time called activation or WGA and instead start treating their customer like a friend for a change.
  3. gt2554

    gt2554 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Exactly... just give up on activation and lower the price.

    They need to lower prices dramatically.
    Windows 7 Utimate $40.00
    Office 2010 Ultimate $20.00
    Server 2008 R2 Enterprise $100, get rid of CALS
    Drop all the low end half-ass versions of everything.
  4. Mackvet

    Mackvet MDL Novice

    Apr 18, 2010
    Hi DJxSpeedy,

    Could you provide more details on how to do this?
    I don't understand the parameters. Which is the hole syntaxis for that?

    Are there others way to do that?

    Please, help
    Thanks in advance!!!