Looks like the gig is up on this one. Just tried adding this to my Windows 7 KMS VM and the key in the video is failing to activate. Text of the error code was "key not usable" or similar.
I followed along as in the video (did run as Administrator). Good to know the key is still working, seems that something else funky must be going on at my end.
If you cant get it activated try to restore LostEd's Office 2010 backup from post 50 that should provide you with key and the Activation. all offline and you should be ready to charge.
Problem solved, realized my VM was corrupt and had to reinstall. I'm good to go now for both Windows 8 and Office 2010 activations.
Any idea if this key is still active? I just tried to add the 2010 activation to my windows 7ProVL KMS server already serving. I added the file KeyManagementServiceHost.exe After entering the number form the video and waiting for a few seconds I keep getting the attached error message, maybe is no possible to do this anymore? I even run this command as administrator DOS window as shown... I also tried the files from LostEd's Office 2010 backup from post 50 and my KMS becomes unactivated again and it changes to Retail (my vmx uuid.bios number already matches to the one from post 50)
In win 7 got an error from ATM while trying to restore these file, in win 8 from other download only Windows kms host was restored .
At that point there is NO communication with MS servers at all. It is simply key that gets input into the system. Activation is the NEXT step So if the key does not get accepted that means that your system if ****** sebus
Thanks Nucleus!! I just tried your files on my Widows 7 Pro VL x86 (under vmware ESX5.1) and it activated Office 2010 just fine, the count is '0', just need to charge it. Used ATM to restore, first try and it worked!! - Deleted token.dat manually before restoring - Changed ini file to reflect x86 architecture - worth mentioning the uuid.bios number on mine is: uuid.bios = "56 4d 81 c6 cd 3a d8 e4-db 29 75 6d f1 39 ac b9" Cheers!
Nice feedback on a Win 7 Host then, cheers. Let's hope this works for s1ave77 too. He's quiet today... Sunday lie in...
Anyone tried this http: //softarchive.net/blogs/yourupdate/kmsmicro_for_windows_office_v. 1054677.html Sorry cant post links yet but just after the http: delete the space till u get // then go to where the v,and delete that space also till you have v.1054677 & so on Just seen this not sure if it works or a fake can someone report back as i`m at work so can`t check till i knock off later
Some real life duties. . But allways reading here....will test all later on . Sounds like one of solutions for office 2013 in Windows 7.