I figured out that for some reason having to do with maybe bricking 2010 somehow even when you reinstall office it says notification so a friend of mine said there was an key he found that might have caused that. I will show you later. Anyhow people are saying they are in grace not notifications when initial installed
That's my latest news is that people are not getting notifications they are getting grace and it does rearm. But now IORRT doesn't install properly I think? So now I'm gonna try to reinstall office since my friend deleted the key he found so it might not be in notification if that key was right one to delete or if reg is why notification at all I actually reinstalled my os and I got grace too! So grace is natural state when first install!
FYI: The issue I ran into while trying to install IORRT looks like it has to do with invalid commands within XP. It appears "schtasks" does not does not have a /f parameter when creating a task. Also, it looks like you cannot specify the task name in a "schtasks" /query. These are just the ones I have noticed this far.
I assume getting console to check OS and do accordingly is doable but for now the reg keys we thought would get us out notifications didn't work and I'm still in notifications so getting out it will be good answer because if rearm office concept ends up working smoothly then knowing how to troubleshoot notifications problem will be of use
What are all the places that might hold data that might keep office being in notification even if clean install office? So then the /f switch for schedule task script needs to be removed for task to work in xp but right now I'm more conserned to get it work in 7 and task won't be used for 30 days so it's more important to me to test the manual restore/rearm function and the IORRT.bat file in C\:IORRT folder So I can get the task and for 64 bit with x86 office installed later
Yea dude this is super frustrating since when I'm activated and install IORRT it works perfect...lol OR if I'm in grace it also works fine if I have 1 rearm left Meaning IORRT works in some testing. Restore/Rearm works perfect for me. Just notification mystery and 32 office 64 it OS and task problem I'm really frustrated...
Try the link from post #344 on page 35. I believe that should be the correct one. Sorry, I would have provided the link, but I don't have enough posts yet.