It should be doing same thing. SUre you got your code right. Code: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.EXE" And I think the question is can when office is first installed before any activating can rearm be done and restore. Meaning office has never even been used! And never activated. Brand
Ok so here it goes to see if it's something that might catch This is solely based on CODYQX4's testing that no activation is necessary for initial rearming or restoring Code: @echo off color B mode con: cols=63 lines=20 title OR4 1.0 :MAINMENU CLS echo. echo. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx echo. echo. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx echo. echo. OfficeRearm4 1.0 echo. echo. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx echo. echo. echo. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx++Inspired By: IR4++xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx echo. echo. An alternative Office 2010 Rearm Concept Solution. echo. echo. A. Install OR4 echo. B. Uninstall OR4 echo. C. OR4 Status echo. :CHOOSEACTION set /p userinp= ^> Make your selection: set userinp=%userinp:~0,1% if /i "%userinp%"=="A" goto InstallOR4 if /i "%userinp%"=="B" goto UninstallOR4 if /i "%userinp%"=="C" goto OR4Status echo. echo. Try Again Dude... echo. GOTO CHOOSEACTION :InstallOR4 CLS color B mode con: cols=63 lines=20 title OR4 echo. ----------------------------------------------- echo. echo. Installing OR4!!!!! echo. ----------------------------------------------- echo. echo. Please Wait... echo. echo. color B mode con: cols=63 lines=20 title OR4 SET file=%SystemDrive%\OR4.bat IF EXIST %file% attrib -h %file% echo @echo off >>%file% echo "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.EXE" >>%file% REM Put here IF/ELSE by MD which includes simplest restore code REM Put here Way and place for restore backups attrib +h %file% schtasks /create /tn "Rearm2" /tr "'C:\OR4.bat" %file% /sc daily /mo 30 /ru "" /f "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.EXE" pause echo. echo. Press any key to return to the main menu. pause > nul GOTO MAINMENU ) :UninstallOR4 CLS color B mode con: cols=63 lines=20 title OR4 echo. ----------------------------------------------- echo. echo. Uninstalling OR4!!!!! echo. ----------------------------------------------- echo. echo. Please Wait... echo. echo. SET file=%SystemDrive%\OR4.bat IF EXIST %file% attrib -h %file% del %file% schtasks /delete /tn "Rearm2" /f echo. Press any key to return to the main menu. pause > nul GOTO MAINMENU ) :OR4Status color B mode con: cols=63 lines=20 title OR4 cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\OFFICE14\OSPP.VBS" /dstatus schtasks /query | FINDSTR /I "Rearm2" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo Rearm2 Task is not yet Installed echo. Press any key to return to the main menu. pause > nul GOTO MAINMENU ) Now I didn't include MD's IF/ELSE Code: call :rearm IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( call :restore ) ELSE call :rearm nor did I make the :restore or :rearm lines as they should be. My idea is to put a single hidden .bat file in c:\ which will have restore code plus rearm code in it so the IF/ELSE will just call if needed either/or when task is run to run that .bat file So the secret and hard part is what to put in .bat file that goes in c:\ so it has the choice of whether to run rearm or restore depending on error and then coordinate that with restore files and there placement (exporting) and retrieval (importing) The uninstall seems easy as is the status. Also too should the .bat file run silent and should we really attempt to use out all rearms before restore or just one restore and one rearm cycle
lol...It won't do anything now except put task to run the OR4.bat file in c:\ as well as put OR4.bat file in c:\ which just does an initial rearm So basically if you choose "A" it will just rearm every 30 days for you automatically But we wan't that .bat file to think and work with external backups. If it's possible I need help creating the logic in the .bat file we put in c:\ so it knows whether or not to rearm or restore and how to access the backups, etc like I stated in last post So basically the easy stuff is done like the uninstall and status (which by the way takes forever to complete looking for task and office
well actually it is nice to see such a thread has been created for discussing the possibility of activating Office 2010 through other method ..... currently I am investigation the OEM bypass channel that exist on my computer and already finished a keygen based on pure brute force and pidgenx.dll ..... but I am not going to make it public as it is slow @ the moment ..... and I am investigating how MS calculate those skuid / edition ID through the base 24 encoding / big num represention of the cd key ..... btw consider using %CD% instead of %SYSTEMDRIVE% in the following codes : SET file=%SystemDrive%\OR4.bat IF EXIST %file% attrib -h %file% Change it into SET file=%CD%\OR4.bat IF EXIST %file% attrib -h %file% (btw %CD% does not present in Win 9x series but actually it doesn't matter @ all since no one is really using Win 9x nowadays) And btw .... for the following codes schtasks /create /tn "Rearm2" /tr "C:\Windows\OR4.bat" %file% /sc daily /mo 30 /ru "" /f consider add following codes such that the OR4.bat must be presented in the Windows folder copy /Y /A "%CD%\OR4.bat" "C:\Windows\OR4.bat" or copy /Y /A "%CD%\OR4.bat" "%WINDIR%\OR4.bat" schtasks /create /tn "Rearm2" /tr "%WINDIR%\OR4.bat" %file% /sc daily /mo 30 /ru "" /f And you should check the present of "%CD%\OR4.bat" since current working directory doesn't mean the batch file must launched from there (could be somewhere else) btw about the schtasks line ........ why do you add a single quote after the double quote of the /tr parameter?
I messed up with putting the OR4.bat in the c:\windows I actually meant just c:\ but it doesn't really matter at this point. The main thing I'm gonna need help with is what to put in the OR4.bat file as I explained earlier. That's where I'm uncertain. And I'm still uncertain the exact codes to restore and how to export and import them upon error or cmd to do so. So far in the OR4.bat file is just the rearm code. Nothing else. Obviously I want the task to run the OR4.bat but I haven't tested it yet and I'd ideally want the OR4.bat file to run silent by the task. So two things I need to figure out are: 1. What the cmds in there simplest will export the restored files to a specific spot probably c:\ for And how to import them 2. What logic to put into the OR4.bat file so it initially restores then rearms then the task will run again 30 days later and repeat infinitely Thanks for your help
:\ could you explain what you are trying to do in detail ..... for example where do you want to put these files and how do you want to export and import stuffs? ...... for me, export and import only means 2 things ...... first is symbol export and import in PE image and other one is create and open file So I can't get what you mean by exporting and importing stuffs :\ btw what kind of backup are you talking about? ........ are you talking about the tokens.dat file?
Anyone remember the patched dll file for office 07, mso.dll and what you did was replace the original with that one then go to activate by phone then for the activation code just put in all zeros,, the dll is on most torrent sites "MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007 ACTIVATOR" I've tried it with office 2010 but the apps fail to start but I think comparing that dll with the 2010 dll file then changing the 2010 to match could work. I think it was just a switch that's thrown in the dll file.
lol If you are not an expert in reverse engineering ..... I don't think what you said is right @ all ...... the activation system has definitely changed for Office 2010 now .....
not really, you open the dll with resource editor then change the code no reverse engineering involved. The activation is on the same principles hence the kms for Windows 7 and Server (old one) working on Office 2010, Microsoft are cheap code will be reused as much as possible.
lol I still lol'd hard for this ...... well first for Office 2007 .... this is definitely not true since Office 2007 *does not* require KMS activation ..... and secondly ....... if you think you can path a file by just using a tool like resource editor ...... that's an epic epic failure ..... btw don't make me rofl hard when you don't know what you are saying ...... even editing the .rdata section or resource section of a PE image still requires reverse engineering and prolly someone has done that before so that you don't need to know how the patch works ........ but afraid reverse engineering still takes place for the one who crack the app first ..... btw learn to use IDA Pro and ollydbg plx lol
Im loling hard at you, boy Office 07 has volume same as 2010, Office 2010 uses the same activation processes as the other Windows softwares with kms and retail, Office 2010 does obviously come as retail same way 07 did and guess what it uses the same phone system as all Microsoft software, man your killing me with loling now as the last mso.dll from 07 was patched using resorse editor the same way the adobe dll files are but the office 07 dll file was patched by some teenager messing around, guess YOU aren't upto it.
shame, I knew it was just a byte (switch) to change, there are a few mso.dll variants, I've got one that works with sp2, do you think Microsoft have just changed the name of the dll file that handles the phone code in 2010 like adobe did with the adobelm.dll fie for cs4 to the amtilb.dll for cs5 ???????, there has to be a way to fake the phone code as its all done off-line with no server contact?????