Hey dude, what about this script for backups? IDK if it works better or what but this is what flare4000 uses: Code: @echo off set ScriptPath=%~dp0 :Menu echo 1. Backup echo 2. Restore echo 3. Exit set /p choice= Choose: if '%choice%'=='1' goto :Backup if '%choice%'=='2' goto :Restore if '%choice%'=='3' Exit :Backup cls net stop osppsvc mkdir "%ScriptPath%Activation Backup\Activation Files" mkdir "%ScriptPath%Activation Backup\Registry" XCOPY /Y /S /I "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform" "%ScriptPath%Activation Backup\Activation Files" REG EXPORT HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration "%ScriptPath%Activation Backup\Registry/Office RegInfo.reg" net start osppsvc pause cls goto :menu :Restore cls net stop osppsvc XCOPY /Y /S /I "%ScriptPath%Activation Backup/Activation Files" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%/Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform" REG IMPORT "%ScriptPath%Activation Backup\Registry\Office RegInfo.reg" net start osppsvc pause cls goto menu As you can tell, it backs up HKCU reg entries instead of HKLM ones.
Doesn't backup the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform which is important, and I don't know why backup HCKU Registration key, should do HKLM version, and this key has nothing to do with activation, but tells office apps what they are/what license to use/if they are part of a suite. It is important when converting office to use it modded, in any normal configuration office will just remake this key when ran by doing a repair.
Maybe his MAK key went for online activation again? We will only know this would work if the activation remains doesn't reduce after resotre activation.
Backup doesn't activate online so restoring successfully will restore activation without trying online.
Hey CODYQX4, I just installed your EZ-Activator for the first time and it worked! Specs: Windows 7 64-bit Ultra Office 2010 VL 14.0.4763.1000 Standard Edition Thank you very much.
That's always great to see. But what's really irritating is the endless posts and threads, explaining over and over the same stuff ..especially when there's such an easy solution
Just a status update, I have not yet released 1.4.1 toolkit yet for two reasons. One for some strange reason AutoKMS when installing crashes after completing if I check the success of install via if/else statement. (it says . was unexpected at this time.), though fine if I just say its good. The second reason is that progress is being made on 2.0 GUI.
Hey CODYXQ4, I just wanted to say that your backup/restore thing works great but for some reason does not work if you reinstall windows 7 fresh. IDK if that can be worked out or not but I just wanted to let you know dude.
Yeah I had the same problem. Apparently more than just HWID is used. My 1.4.1+ toolkit backups your activation temporarily before restoring so if it fails it can fix itself. I haven't released 1.4.1 as its not finished and 2.0 preparations are being made.
well, that is lame. I wonder how M$ thinks ppl are going to activate once their key is used up. What a lame idea
Well for real business using MAK keys apparently there is a way to reactivate a PC that already activated using Active Directory, plus the MAK keys usually have more uses than will be used. Also people with retail call if there is a problem. Thing is that the data is not unique, is somehow timebombed and/or done in a way that used more than hardware, and was never intended to be messed with.
I would but my wireless mouse/keyboard will not work on the boot system to restore images. I use ghost because of that.