Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ-Activator.

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by CODYQX4, Apr 27, 2010.

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  1. zyberakuma

    zyberakuma MDL Novice

    Aug 3, 2009
    good job CODYQ4X the best Tool for Office 2010 imho

    one question, i have an Office activated w/ MAK key. if i back up the License using the Toolkit then REFORMAT my OS and reinstall Office will i be able to restore the backed up license? i mean will it still be MAK activated after restoration?
  2. provolino

    provolino MDL Novice

    Nov 24, 2007
    #522 provolino, Aug 9, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2010
    I think you can fix that combining the text in one windows (separating the steps with a ---- line) and adding a scroll bar to the console box so the user can scroll back the text if messages are too quick to read :)

    The problem with false positive is due to the "keygen.exe" included into the AutoKMS.
    It's not about the name so changing the name of the file gives no help at all.

    We should find a way to perform same tasks of Keygen.exe without using it (I don't know if it's possible).
    Another way is to pack the exe with some upx packer and verify if it is still detected.

    What does keygen.exe exactly do?
  3. zupipo

    zupipo MDL Junior Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    I don't consider the AV problem a big one. On my pc I activate manually without using AutoKMS and on the pc of an unexperiencend user friend of mine I added AutoKMS to the AV exclusions, so he won't be worried about a false positive.
  4. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010

    It has a scroll bar, the problem is that the text is being reasigned each time, but we'll correct that. We're going to fix all these suggested things and maybe release seccond beta.

    Thanks for your testing and suggestions :)
  5. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    It generates activation code for KMS. I would like to be able to do the KMS stuff without it as I could improve it. The keygen has problems causing all Office 2010 tools to inherit these problems.

    I fused all the text like that, but I have an appointment to go to and my PC is a wreck. I've been writing things down for now.
  6. provolino

    provolino MDL Novice

    Nov 24, 2007
    Thanks to you for your great tool :)

    Looking forward for the new beta when it will be ready, of course :D
  7. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    OK My PC is fixed enough and things are being implemented.

    I have changed the Office 2010 Install Check. Instead of simply looking at 14.0 key it looks to see if OSPPSVC is an installed service. If it is not Office 2010 is not installed (or is installed but so screwed up you won't be able to use the toolkit anyway). It will also turn it on if its not running for the people who had it say it wasn't running (Its supposed to get started if running a command that needs but XP seems to not do so).

    EZ-Activator now operates a bit differently. It now uses the method I use in AutoKMS to activate KMS apps only and one at a time and displays info on each. If something fails 25 times it no longer says success but throws up an error with possible fixes (since I can't just rearm like crazy and rearming would require reactivating again.). The individual AutoKMS like activation seems to have a higher success rate but some people due to the fault of the keygen get this problem.

    Also, all EZ-Activator output is kept so you can see it all.

    I made the remove retail keys and a few other things in the toolkit slightly more efficient. I no longer have to figure out the last 5 digits of the retail key to remove it.

    I need to lock the window. (Bosh is going to mess with the UI once I finish what I'm doing and maybe make it a bit nicer/smaller).

    I still have a few things to address. AutoKMS is not making its log file in Windows folder for some reason. I am going to make it store it in the TEMP folder because I personally wouldn't want any logs in my Windows folder. I keep the exe there because of older toolkit compatibility.

    This will be a Beta 2. I don't think I can fix the activation error that I blame the keygen on (It would be very nice if somebody reverse engineered and made a open source keygen for KMS because it could be improved instead of relying on a app we can't do anything about its faults). Any other errors/bugs should be fixable.

    One more thing to be aware of, The Toolkit has less FPs than the batch because AVs could immediately see the keygen in the batch zip file whereas it is not known to AV until used by the toolkit. Your AV may screw with the keygen.exe which gets dumped to TEMP by AutoKMS and the toolkit. AV interference may cause failures and errors that I cannot reproduce or detect. I personally added the keygen to Norton exclusions. This is important because Norton on my system kills the keygen immediately causing problems.
  8. mordor

    mordor MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2009
    Thanks for this tool, I'll test ASAP
  9. decmk

    decmk MDL Junior Member

    Apr 3, 2008
    #529 decmk, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2010
    You may ask Phazor about keygen maybe he can help.
  10. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Just dropped 2.0 BETA 2 on the first post.

    It contains bugfixes, UI improvements and a few things are slightly more efficient.
  11. jimmyRabid

    jimmyRabid MDL Novice

    Oct 25, 2009
    @CODYQX4, hey I've been trying to install office in a NON-default install location, will your activator work when office is install in aplace other than the default location?
  12. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    It should be able to get the install path via the registry and work if its in a unusual place, as long as all office stuff is installed in the same place. You couldn't install visio on D: and project on E: as only one path is in the registry. I don't even know if its possible to do that though.

    If it doesn't work let me know. It only cares about office install path to get to ospp.vbs.
  13. bapski

    bapski MDL Novice

    Oct 23, 2009
    i've installed MICROSOFT.OFFICE.2010.SELECT.EDITION.RTM.VOLUME.X64.DVD.ENGLISH-WZT and it was fine until a couple of days ago when i got a PRODUCT ACTIVATION FAILED PROMPT.

    i've tried running EZ ACTIVATOR but i still get the same prompt.

  14. jimmyRabid

    jimmyRabid MDL Novice

    Oct 25, 2009
    Cheers mate, I'll give it a crack. I actualy feel the whole reason is I mucked up the first install with a different activator and it seems like the registry still has that info stored. I need a way to clear everything from the last install so I'm starting from fresh. I've unistalled everything as much as I can, but I'm still seeing a office folder in the registry......
  15. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010
    Try using the "Check" option from the Activation Tools Tab, then post the results here
  16. blackranger

    blackranger MDL Senior Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    How can you make the entire Activator pass with 0.00%?
    I'm just surprised because I notice that every other activator is flagged by a few AVs in
    Anyway, BRILLIANT JOB!! :D
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  17. qewlpal

    qewlpal MDL Addicted

    Jun 25, 2010
    I think that's because the application is now a .NET app instead of a batch file:)
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  18. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010
    @ blackranger and qewlpal:
    The file that is detected as a virus is the Keygen.exe created by ZWT (but it's NOT a virus), and is still marked as a virus when it's used by the toolkit. But now we packed the Keygen.exe inside the application to avoid false positives of the toolkit.
  19. qewlpal

    qewlpal MDL Addicted

    Jun 25, 2010
    I meant EXACTLY the same..
    though i didnt mention
    I know it is due to the keygen dude:)
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  20. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010
    Ok, I just tried to make it more clear, the answer is for everyone ;)