Hi all i am having problems trying to activate using office 2010 beta 2. I tried re-arming and get this error when i check my status i get when i try activate i get any help would be appreciated thanks
The fact that your check is in notifications mode and the rearm error means that your Licensing has been marked as tampered. This screws you out of your rearms. Not sure about the activation error. Show me what EZ-Activator does (It likely won't work due to this state office is in but I want to see if it can try).
KMS in LAN? Would it be possible to run this tool in a home LAN? In that case could you set the kms to be say (say this would be your "always on" desktop PC) and then have MS-Office on your laptop connect to the PC so you don't need to have anything installed/running on the laptop. This would come close to the 'real world' situation where MS-Office connects to a corporate KMS when you log on the office network.
THANK YOU for producing the Office 2010 Toolkit! I tried every friggin' KMS activator and every other form of activation approach I could download (at least 20 of them) and none worked--not one. I still had to screw around a bunch with the toolkit to actually get everything working, but it looks like I'm good to go now. Thank you again, and keep up the good work! You saved me a lot of money.
Just a couple more suggestions to the GUI, 1. I think EXIT button is redundant and can be removed altogether. 2. When there is no installation of office is found, it is better to disable all the tabs and buttons except Readme and credits, and move the Readme button to the EXIT button position. The other tabs except Main need not be shown at all in this case. Cheers
Everytime I boot my PC Microsoft Security Essentials detects a keygen.exe in C:\Windows. I know this is related to Office 2010 Office Software Protection Platform Service. As when I disable it and reboot I dont get the warning.
installed windows 7 and office 2010 pro again this is what i get when i do activation status check when i activate any help?
Try this cmd %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.EXE then activate again
Ok, I think you made your point, thanks That was the original behavior, I don't remember why we removed that but again, you made a good point. Thanks for your helpful suggestions
works fine with other apps except office pro KU ID: 6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlus-KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: ---OOB_GRACE--- ERROR CODE: 0x4004F00C ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid grace period. Last 5 characters of installed product key: H3GVB REMAINING GRACE: 30 days (43200 minute(s) before expiring)
Did you try clicking EZ-Activator? If u clicked Attempt activation, try a few times, that is a known issue with the keygen, also i am not so sure about Corporate edition? i didnt know one exists
I have tried both EZ-Activator and the Toolkit. Both work with the VL version of Office created using the Office Conversion Program. When using the EZ-Activator version, Microsoft Security Essentials reports "HackTool:Win32/Keygen. I understand that this is normal and is not a threat. However when I use the new Beta Toolkit it reports the Keygen issue and also reports "Trojan:Win32/Meredrop" Looking up "Meredrop" finds that it is a rather nasty Trojan. Is this something to be concerned about in the Beta version of the Tookit? Neither the Raz0r activator nor the origional EZ-Activator report the Meredrop threat.