Thank You Actually I didnt read the whole thread must be mentioned about the same thing many times SORRY FOR THAT Edit: Tried disabling the antivirus for the auto protect feature and voila office got activated in single try Thanks
@ CODYQX4 Thanks a million for EZ-Activator. On a fresh install or x64 select edition volume, ran 2.0 beta 3 and it activated Office just fine. Now even though I selected allow/allow permanently, MS Security Essentials still displays "Clean Computer" warning... And to solve that I tried to exclude keygen.exe in MSE settings but I can't find keygen.exe at C:\Windows\ (I did exclude AutoKMS but the warning is still there) Any idea how can I exclude/turn off the warning... Many thanks in advance.
Beta 3 not working for me, this is a new built computer and I am using XP pro 32-bit EZ-Activator Code: Changing any Unactivated MAK Keys to KMS Keys. --------------------------------------- If You Have Starter Subscription It Will Now Use Permanently Activated Key. --------------------------------------- Converting Unactivated, Trial, Or Subscription Retail Versions of Office Into VL. (Home and Business, Home and Student, and Professional will be converted to Professional Plus because there aren't any VL versions of these suites.) (Retail Visio Standard or Professional will become VL Visio Premium.) --------------------------------------- Removing Any Unactivated Retail Keys Left Installed After Conversion To VL. --------------------------------------- Installing AutoKMS. --------------------------------------- Attempting To Activate Office 2010 KMS Products. Attempting To Activate Word. Failed To Activate 25 Times. --------------------------------------- EZ-Activator Failed! Here is a more detailed description about the error: One or Office 2010 Products Failed KMS Activation 25 Times. Read a few lines above to see what failed. Activation almost certainly failed due to the Invalid KMS Data Error (Which is the KMS Keygen's fault) and Office 2010 has gotten stuck in a state where it rejects further KMS activation attempts due to this failure. First try to Reinstall that license using License Management Add and Try EZ-Activator again. Then try to rearm if EZ-Activator fails again. If that does not work try the License Management Delete All and let Office 2010 repair and try again. If this does not work reinstall Office 2010. Attempt Office 2010 Activation Code: ---Processing-------------------------- --------------------------------------- Installed product key detected - attempting to activate the following product: SKU ID: 2d0882e7-a4e7-423b-8ccc-70d91e0158b1 LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeWord-KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel Last 5 characters of installed product key: CRY7T ERROR CODE: 0x8007000D --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---Exiting----------------------------- Check Office 2010 Activation Status Code: ---Processing-------------------------- --------------------------------------- SKU ID: 2d0882e7-a4e7-423b-8ccc-70d91e0158b1 LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeWord-KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: ---NOTIFICATIONS--- ERROR CODE: 0xC004F056 ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated using the Key Management Service (KMS). Last 5 characters of installed product key: CRY7T --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---Exiting----------------------------- Any help please?
The Keygen.exe is removed after use, just add it while its there. MSE is getting more aggressive with the Keygen. This is because sometimes Office 2010 gets messed up and rejects Keygen due to failure and further attempts may cause Notifications Mode. Try this: First try to Reinstall "Word Volume" license using License Management Add and Try EZ-Activator again. Then try to rearm if EZ-Activator fails again. If that does not work try the License Management Delete All and let Office 2010 repair and try again. If this does not work reinstall Office 2010.
I just wanted to clarify something with the change of 1.4 -> 2.0 - So does the 'License Management' replace '10. Add License (... - Method by letsgoawayhell)'? And does 'Key Management' replace '4. Product Key Manager'? Asking, because if you recall, earlier with 1.4 I had to use option 10 to add a volume key, then remove the retail with option 4 to get mine to activate - just wanted to make sure I had them straight in the new version in case I have to do it again. Which won't likely happen since stannieman made the channel switcher and I changed my installers over to volume to start with.
Yes, 'License Management' replace '10. Add License (... - Method by letsgoawayhell)'? and 'Key Management' replace '4. Product Key Manager'. BTW in the Readme is all the info you need, there we explain very well each function of the Toolkit
(1) so is keygen gonna show up when AutoKMS run next time? (I've set it to run weekly in Task Schedular)... if not I guess I don't need to worry about keygen in MSE anymore ! (2) also keygen was trying to access the internet when I ran the EZ-Activator but I didn't allow it in windows firewall... is it gonna be problem AutoKMS run next time ? many thanks
The keygen works off of network stuff so it has to be allowed. Next time it will probably prompt you again so allow it then
Actually, the Readme does not state that License Management allows for the incertion of a Volume key along side a Retail key, or viceversa, nor does it mention letsgoawayhell - unless you have come up with your own method for this function. I wasn't sure because of this. By the way, thank you for a pretty solid Readme file - I have found that most programs and methods around here lack decent Readme files or instructions, a lot of them in broken english too. One thing I have noticed with the License Management, you can put in retail keys for individual apps (Word, Excel, etc.) but it appears you can't remove them under Key Management since the only apps, plus the suites, are Visio and Project. Is this an issue, or would you just use one of the suites to remove the key for say Word Retail? My VM is down so I haven't been able to check this. I don't plan on ever installing individual programs from the suite like that, but if there is a function to do it I would assume you need a way to undo do it - since that method does allow retail and volume keys to coexist, one would need a way to remove the retail key if they decide to put in a volume, especially since the retail keys are blacklisted, as you state.
First of all, we DO mention letsgoawayhell in the first post and in the credits window of the toolkit. Second, you're confusing licenses with keys, they're totally different. Besides, you can remove a custom key if you can't remove it with the preentered keys.
I get the same error. On my laptop everything went ok, but on my desktop I get the same error. I have removed office sereral times, cleaned the register, deleted all office folders. For know I'm using office 2007 again.
I know he is mentioned in the first post. What I said was, you didn't mention him in the Readme - obviously you didn't put his name on 2.0 in the GUI tab or on it due to space. I didn't check the credits - and I am not saying you were avoiding giving him credit, sorry if you took it that way. Enough on that... I am not. While they are different, they are functionally related: Inserting a license, inserts a key; Inserting a key, allows you to activate to get a license; Deleting a key, deletes the license I see that the Custom Key box allows deletion. What I was getting at was CODYQX4 had stated that with 2.0 one would no longer need the last 5-digits to remove a key - hence the drop down options with the function of deletion. That is why I asked if perhaps they were missed. Obviously you mean only to support the removal in the situation I mentioned using the Custom Key box. So for all intents and purposes, were someone to use License Management to insert a license and key for an individual program(s) of the suite, they will have to find the whole key to remove it in Key Management, or is it possible to use the last 5 like in 1.4? Would it be possible to add a delete function to the License Management that simply removes the box-selected license data without breaking the installation? Then you wouldn't have to search for the key, you can just delete the same way you added the License. What I am not sure about is, were such a function possible with this tool, would the key be deleted? If not it would be pointless, since you would have to go to Key Management still. A suggestion, I would move the Delete All button, perhaps all the way to the right. It might be easy for someone to click it were the selectons to close from the tab above - although you do have a confirmation window that pops up as a saftey precaution. Please, I hope you are not taking this as challenges. I love this tool and I just want to help you make it better with constructive questions and suggestions from a user's point of view.
Try this: - First use the "Delete All" from the "License Management" tab, that erases all the registration info that the Office installation does not remove. The open any Office app to let it repari the files. - Then try to rearm if EZ-Activator fails again. - If this does not work reinstall Office 2010.
Ok, thanks for the interest, we really apreciate that. Yes, you have to match the license and the key, but the install and delete does not relate. Licenses are certificates that you have to install, the key is just a key, no need files. As for individually unistalling certificates, the thing gets complicated since it would be a LOT of code, and with the delete all and EZ-Activator after that you save a lot of problems. The sugestion about moving the "Delete All" button to the right seems fine, I'll talk with Cody about that. Again, thanks for your interest in the project , that motivate us to keep on improving the Toolkit.
When installing a license I add a key for you if I have one, else you need a key. Delete All deletes license info and when office repairs any added licenses are gone (only what Office 2010 product(s) is/are installed are licenses restored after repair). There is no way to remove licenses as there is no provided option to remove them. Removing the key is usually good enough. The licenses enable you to use a type of key.
the kms.exe will be found as a virus we know but i dont see the windows\keygen.exe avira got a popup but inside the folder there is no such exe. can you tell me if i can delete the keygen after activating office? the autokms.exe is inside the white list now.
AutoKMS and the toolkit put it there and then delete it when done, but your AV may have got rid of it. I would whitelist the Keygen.exe or AutoKMS will fail every time due to AV interference.
(error 0x8007000D) Activation has know succeeded for office plus, but only if I don't install visio and project. I did notice that oga isn't installed on my laptop, but it is installed on my desktop. Perhaps oga is causing problems with the keygen.exe.