Yes I have that file and it contains errors (althrought I'm not sure that the time of the log entry correspond to the error dialog box) : Code: AutoKMS Ran At 24/08/2010 07:48:38. Successfully Checked Installed KMS Products. Professional Plus KMS Installed. Successfully Set KMS Host To Failed To Copy Or Start Keygen. Attempting To Activate Professional Plus. Failed To Activate 10 Times. Stopped Keygen. Removed KMS Host Registry Entry. I have deleted the log file and will keep you updated if the error appears again...
It crashed again this morninng. The log file contains the same entries, about 1 minute before the message box appears, but nothing at the exact same time of the message box.
Well not only is activation failing, the box isn't showing up. Notice it failed to copy the keygen, this will guarantee activation failure. Try adding %Windir%\Keygen.exe and %Windir%\AutoKMS.exe to AV exclusions. The crash itself appears to be a different issue but it shouldn't happen if it doesn't fail.
Thanks a lot for this tool. It's very interesting. Is it possible to add an option to unistall the office applications too like the cleanup script around? And another question: ez-activator automatically put the autorunning task at startup? Because i have tryed the beta 3 on a clean virtual machine and it doesn't add that task automatically. Thanks a lot again.
I don't quite know about removing Office but it should install the task (AutoKMS). If Office is not installed I am not quite sure.
It should put a AutoKMS exe in windows folder and make a scheduled task named AutoKMS in Task Scheduler. What OS are you using?
I can see the autokms.exe in windows folder and office is activated too but if i go to the task directory is empty. In the virtual machine i'm running winxp sp3
Nothing. I did some other try but nothing. The error log is this: "AutoKMS failed to install! Here is a more detailed description about the error: Could not create the scheduled task for "C:\WINDOWS\AutoKMS.exe" try to do it manually." The funny thing now is that in the same virtual machine i revert to the original snapshot (like i did yesterday), and today ez-activator failed to install (yesterday i did exactly the same things as today and it worked perfectly). Maybe there is something wrong with the vmware version (some bug or something like this) but i want to report this anyways so you can check if there is something wrong in the current beta. I really appreciate your work. Thanks a lot again!
You're right, adding AutoKMS.exe to my AV exclude list fixed the problem ! Code: AutoKMS Ran At 25/08/2010 22:07:38. Successfully Checked Installed KMS Products. Professional Plus KMS Installed. Successfully Set KMS Host To Started Keygen. Attempting To Activate Professional Plus. Successfully activated after 1 attempts. Stopped Keygen. Removed KMS Host Registry Entry. What's strange is that i don't have the keygen.exe that you're talking about? Anyway, thanks a lot for your help
The Keygen.exe gets deleted after it's used by AutoKMS, so it's only there when it tries to activate Office.
Yeah AV interference causes issues I cannot solve. I look over all issues and try to determine what is a bug on my part or an issue out of my hands. I recommend anyone using this have at least the keygen set to exclusions. The other known issue is with activation where it never works and you always get 8000700D/Invalid Data error and probably Notifications mode. This is office/keygen fault but when using EZ-Activator I say possible remedies (that can't be automatically done) to try and fix this.
It's true that AutoKMS.exe/Keygen.exe method causes some problems with AV programs. The solution for me (Norton 360) was to add keygen.exe and autokms.exe to AV exclude list AND putting keygen.exe on "allow" list in 360 firewall. No problems so far. Thx again, I do appreciate your work!
Activation Problem in Win-XP I've installed office 2010, converted "successful" to VL version with "Office 2010 Installer Channel Switcher". I follow through each instructions step to try activate with "Office 2010 Toolkit", however, no sucsess. 1st Install - Erros: - EZ Activator - not activated - Re-install License + EZ Activator - Not activated - Rearm + EZ Activator - Not activated (message: Error:0xC004fe00 on a computer running MS Windows non-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0xC004fe00' to display the error text) - License Manag. Delete All + Office 2010 Repair - Not activated After many attempts, I got other kind of problem: (message: Access to the path 'c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Conf.\temp\keygen.exe is denied.) Note: even with administrator rights, I got the same error. 2nd Install - More Errors: After all above, I uninstall the office 2010 e RE=INSTALL it all again, and got the following problem: - Error entry: it was specified a unknown option: "/sethst: 127.0.1" - License install failed - unknown option: "/inslic:c:\Documents and Settings\Me\Local Conf.\temp\Office2010Licenses\SLIC.xrm-ms" - In Rearm: The same message above. What more can I try to activate my Office 2010. Thanks for any answer Hugs!
Are you using BETA 3 2.0? This is a unusual error, I'm not quite sure. I see there are issues with the path (not sure as the keygen is supposed to go to Windows folder). Bosh solved a similar path error on 64 bit systems. I am a bit busy with college so I can't look into it right now but something about the paths appears unusual. A really weird thing is when I run slui.exe 0xC004fe00 it says Windows 7 Activation was successful. I don't even know if XP has a slui.exe.
office 2010 activado?? Need to Know because the microsoft page I can not validate the office 2010 error; Problem: There were no Office products eligible for validation on this computer. This may be one of the following reasons: ■ The version of Office installed on this computer is earlier than Office XP. ■ There are currently no Office applications installed on this computer. ■ The version of Office you are using is hosted on another computer or terminal server. Get more information about this topic in the FAQ section. Solution: Buy a genuine copy of Microsoft Office with its new equipment or software dealer near you. Learn more about how you can purchase Microsoft Office.
It doesn't detect 2010 yet. Anyone with 2010 that got any other response had a old Office installed that was detected.
thanks to the quick response the activation of my office 2010 is: Processing --- -------------------------- --------------------------------------- SKU ID: 6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlus-KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: LICENSED --- --- ERROR CODE: 0 as licensed Last five characters of installed product key: H3GVB REMAINING GRACE: 176 days (253 266 minute (s) Before expiring) --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Exiting --- ----------------------------- CODYQX4