Hi, My Office 2010 ProPlus retail has not been activated with the EZ-Activator. I use Windows 7 64bit and Office ProPlus retail 64bits. What do I do? Help me.
Extract it with 7zip and run the batch file "AnyKMS.cmd" as admin, make sure its in same folder as extraced "Resources" folder.
Should work under XP. The issues I am aware of and have confirmed are on 64 bit OS and extracting the exe and running the batch file as admin fixes these issues. Haven't replicated the stopping issue but someone with this issue could help clear it up by seeing if Keygen.exe is running. The activator is supposed to popup an OK dialog box when complete.
Hi, was a 32bit retail office on 64bit OS. When I changed the office version from the retail "upgrade" version to VL that "microsoft office" repetition stopped. But - just realised that the VL edition I changed to is 64bit, so that may have something to do with it. Extracted and ran the .cmd, it still didn't work though. These are the results - seems to hang when exiting? and the KMSDATA.txt that appears has content alternating between the second two pictures (goes from one to another, and back again)
Since Keygen.exe is running you are at the part where it tries KMS activation therefore I assume everything else worked. It looks like the license installed but is failing to activate. Show me your results of /dstatus (Check Activation Status in the Toolkit) after it hangs and you close it. The KMSDATA.txt is the results of attempted activation, I search it for successfully activated and if it doesn't appear then try again, this could be an infinite loop if somehow activation fails every single time, but if you got that far without any other issues (like 64 bit office registry redirection) then license is installed and you need to get it to activate by KMS. You can use attempt activation in my toolkit to see details of activation after trying. If it failed, which it should work, copy the AutoKMS.exe into the Windows folder, and open Task Scheduler, Action, Import Task, Browse to AutoKMS.xml. AutoKMS.exe and AutoKMS.xml are inside EZ-Activator.exe which can be opened with 7zip.
CODYQX4 task doesnt seem to be added to the task scheduler is a UAC problem. ALSO somtimes when the task got added to task scheduler - the task sometimes does not work, can't execute the task.. try to run schtasks as SYSTEM-ADMIN and even then it somhow does not work when UAC is enabled.
Expect Version 1.3 of toolkit and EZ-activator soon. I am adjusting the task to run at boot instead of 7:00 AM. To try and fix the Activator hang, I am going to run the AutoKMS task and let the batch file exit while AutoKMS runs. I can run it via commandline by schtasks /Run /tn AutoKMS if the cmd has Admin rights and I can go into task scheduler and run it manually. The reason I think it hangs is that activation may not succeed or get detected as successful. AutoKMS runs until successfuly and for the off chance it takes a lot of tries it holds everything up. I also fixed an issue where activator would break Sharepoint Designer 2010.
From what I see you have been changed to Pro Plus VL successfully, but are not activated. Try the activate attempt until you succeed. You don't have Visio, Project, or Sharepoint Designer 2010 installed, right? Also, open office app such as word and check about thing, it should say activated/not activated and office shouldn't trigger a repair. If office opens fine and you eventually succeed in KMS activation you are good. Sometimes it takes a lot of tries to activate, I once needed 25 times and still didn't activate. When trying to attempt activation, make sure AutoKMS is not running and the only Keygen.exe process should be from the toolkit.
It seems like I have the same problem as cee12. Installing x64 on a x64 Win 7. I used the MICROSOFT.OFFICE.2010.SELECT.EDITION.RTM.VOLUME.X64.DVD.ENGLISH-WZT iso. Also, when I went to check the activation status using option 5, I get this. h//p://yfrog.com/jmcaptureqhfj Thanks for the help! Really appreciate your work CODYQX4! Oh and I also installed ALL of the programs if that makes a difference..
License installed but it had error activating, notice the 0xC004F056 error. I had that error and tried KMS activation until successful, then later attempts were far more likely to succeed. Does your office apps open without triggering a repair? If they work but need activation, the license and reg keys installed proper. Office will repair itself if reg keys got messed up but the pic you have ensures the license stuff got added. 64 bit office on 64 bit OS can get past the reg key problem by extracting the activator and running the batch file as admin. Things look like a KMS activation problem which I have had happen without using this activator. Like I said it becomes easier to activate after the first time and AutoKMS task tries until successful, though I recommend you get it to work manually first. I changed the activator so it would run AutoKMS after saying it was done so people wouldn't have it wait on KMS to succeed. Just make sure your office opens without a repair, if it needs a repair, run the batch file inside the activator as admin, then try using the toolkits activation attempt and answer yes to try again until you succeed. The KMS problem appears to not be a fault of the activator but bad luck as I have had it happen several times and the thing I have done is try until lucky, with mini-kms rearming then trying again helped.
Yea they all open fine with the Microsoft Office Activation Wizard popping up saying that "This copy of Microsoft Office is not activated". I shall try option 2 some more times, but each time it comes up with the same error. h//p://yfrog.com/5kcapturelqj. Oh and I'm running the Office2010Tools.cmd file. Thanks!
Sometimes it helps to delete a lot of things and try again. First if you get tired of trying option 2, try a rearm then go to option 2 again, assuming it will let you rearm. If that won't work here's some more extreme measures that have worked for me sometimes, if this doesn't work try a rearm. 1. First close office apps and kill OSPPSVC.exe in task manager. 2. Open up regedit and delete these keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform 3. Extract the EZ-Activator and import the right registry key under Licenses\VL\ProPlus (Registration32.reg if 32 bit OS, Registration64.reg if office and OS are both 64 bit, and RegistrationWOW.reg if OS if 64 bit and office is 32 bit) 4. Open an office app and it will repair itself (Its fixing the deletion of OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform reg keys). If a setup controller error occurs ignore it and continue. If repair fails open that app again. After another repair or two it will say configuration complete and open the app which will complain about not being activated, close it. 5. Try to activate, you may be in the same situation though as trying to replicate your problem I found things got messy. I can't isolate this to the activator as this happened to me with mini-kms and I fixed it by rearming, but you only have so many rearms and you may lose them by messing with activation stuff. Also only seems to happen to some people.
Yea, the same has happened with the mini-KMS activator too. I shall try those steps and will tell you what happens. I may also try installing x86 Office instead of x64 to see if that makes a difference.. Thanks!
Hey CODY, Trying manually 25+ times with no success, and not hopeful that more retries will get it.. Also, have left AutoKMS run for several hours, with no positive result. Could it be an issue due to x64 OS? Has anyone reported this issue on a x32? I will try your regedit suggestion above. It'd be nice to work out the bug, because EZ activator is such a promising +easy to use tool! PS deviant - I tried a x86 version, same problem. Let me know if you have more success.