Hopefully at this rate, all this reverse engineering of the code will result in an open source office app by xmas
BETA 4 is two or three things from release. Unless we slip in some new features or uncover major bugs in BETA 4, we are shooting to make BETA 4 the last toolkit release before final. These things are more annoyances than actual bugs, but it is part of us changing the code to WMI.
CODYQX4, you and your partners seem to have done some great work, making activation easier. I just can't get activation to work on my PC. I'm hoping I can get some help with activation. I've read the thread from front to back and tried the various links. Basically I can't seem to get out of the Compatibility Mode. I have this red bar on top of my Office program that says (Product Activation Failed). The thing is I was able to successfully activate using EZActivator. I did run the activator as administrator. I've changed my version of Office 2010 to Volume for Pro Plus. I've tried deleting the license keys and repairing using Office 2010. I've tried a complete uninstall using the MS Office 2010 Fixit tool and MS Office 2007 Fixit tool (because I upgraded from Office 2007) and CCleaner and with Windows Install Clean-up and I've deleted the Registry folders for Office in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER and I deleted the Office folders from c:\programs data and c:\program files and still it always goes back into failed Activation mode. Is there something I'm missing? I should note that there were some folders I couldn't delete in the registry. I followed the instructions on a link posted here several posts back, but they didn't work for me. Something about going into permissions and putting a check mark in a box under one of the tabs. Is there something I'm missing or maybe my version of Office is already activated and the red bar is just an inconvenience? I really can't tell at this point?
Right now, you are in notifications mode (nag mode). Reinstalls seem to persist sometimes. Now what version of Office 2010 do you have installed (not converted but physically installed). I recommend if you are going to reinstall to get VL Office (One less step in EZ-Activator), use Stannieman's channel changer to turn Retail to VL installer. When you are in notifications mode, sometimes activation fails every time. You can run toolkit license delete, then repair office (by opening it and letting it do what it needs, repat as necessary, you know it is fully repaired when the nag box and red bar pop back up). Now close office and run EZ-Activator and hope it works. To let you know, BETA 4 EZ-Activator can do some of this without your action (automatic) and much cleaner. The success rate seems to be quite high. Out of everytime EZ-Activator in BETA 4 has run automatic delete and repair, (it reattempts activation again after repair), it has not failed. I have yet for it to fail to activate office after trying all possible remedies. While it could fail, it has not in my extensive testing (Its been a long time for BETA 4) ever failed totally, and even if it does, it can revert your activation state via temporary backup. This is good because if you are in rearm mode before EZ-Activator, you can use a new tool called AutoRearm (As long as you have 2+ rearms). It does not activate office, rather, it takes a backup, rearms on boot if grace < 5 days, and when it runs the rearm count to 0 it restores the backup which gives you all the rearms back AutoRearm used. So, even if activation is a total failure with KMS after all these measures, you have one last resort. Problem with rearm mode is in Retail you get nags, but VL doesn't. You could always convert to VL (You can do this with License Add), then use AutoRearm. So I now have a method to use office except in one condition, EZ-Activator fails and you have less than 2 rearms (Most people try activation before any rearming though).
I totally forgot to say thank you to CODYQX4 and Bosh! +1 for both of you. I still hope one day it will be possible to activate Office 2010 unlimited. Best Regards, kokosmann
The failed activation mode is actually related to the inconsistency between the DigitalProductID and the key that you have used (I have got that a lot of time after using the modified MAK script) Anyway CODYQX4 how do you install the key when its cert is not supported @ all (for example install an MAK key on retail edition)
I had the same problem with ez-activator. I installed Office Pro VL, and had a MAK key, then i formated the HD and reinstalled windows, and the MAK licenses were by then used, so tried ez-activator, and couldnt get it to work. I dont know if it was the version of windows (x64 ultimate HP genuine), or the office version (original VL not converted) or something i was doing wrong. ezactivator would say its activated, but i would start word or excel and same red bar.. I even done a complete windows/office install again. And used the MS office 2010 removal tool too, but always with the same red-bar outcome. Anyways if you manage to get it to work, please let me know exactly what you did.
In EZ-Activator, if you use activated MAK it will leave it alone. If MAK is not activated it will replace with KMS. Also sometimes KMS activation fails. I don't think it has to do with MAK as I've gone back and forth.
Just to let everyone know that the Beta 4 is on it's final revision, probably tomorrow CODYQX4 will upload it. We'll include a list of the "Big Changes", so everyone can know (and enjoy ) the new features and improvements. My sincere Thanks to everyone that has helped us with this tool
hmmm actually it is better to you to dump the output (the last argument) of pidgenx function and apply it to the registry before installing the key ....... you should ask Bosh for that if he has supplied his PID checker for you ..... anyway my PID checker will get open-sourced soon in next week or in this month ...... so you can use it in your program if you want (well if you need me to convert it into C# .... I will try to help to do that after I have released the src code ..... coz I am a bit busy atm, messing around with the public key found in the base64 encoded xml file)
If you are refering to Office storing the PID in the registry, it is not relevant. You can actually delete that PID/DigitalProductID and office will run as if nothing happened. One thing though that I agree with you though. This in registry is the only way to get the active Office key. Installing key via commandline ospp.vbs does not update the registry PID and I don't think the WMI method I now use does either. The only thing I am aware of that does is to use office itself to change the key which runs setup and takes forever. But to clarify, other than getting your key out of the registry (you know what it is if its KMS or can find out easily), this has no gain.
To everyone, I am testing Office Tookits delete files as Bosh has made some functions to do so with a wait time and 5 tries. This cut down the errors, but I still had license Add error (Products with large slics like HB have the most likely chance, though most people get the error with Keygen) It fails every other time. Adding his FileDelete after individual slic install, however and installing rapidly over and over has eliminated the error, it seems. There are a few more things that I want to do but they are not critical to success of BETA 4. I want to see if I can install SLICS via WMI (OSPPSVC WMI has a "InstallLicense" call). Also, I want to update the readme and document the code better, but since things are up to change and I'm too busy/lazy now, that will happen after BETA 4.
Well but what I mean is that MS can check whether the key that got installed by your app is actually matching the content within the DigitalProductID in the registry ........ for example ...... if you have tried my modified MAK script ...... you will find that it says it has failed to activate (fail activation mode) after you have installed the key ...... it is because I have used the registry dump from letsgoawayhell which has used a different key to generate the DigitalProductID ...... and hence MS can find whether the DigitalProductID matches the MAK key or not The base24 decoded base16 value can actually being encoded into base24 again (aka a CD key format) to see if the key is matched or not
But MS,s own tools don't update the PID, like their WMI or ospp.vbs. Also License Add adds the registry necessary for it to recognize itself as VL/MAK (Office apps wouldn't use the MAK without it anyway). The only thing MS could do is see if you converted/had VL/Retail license at same time, which would be done without the PID. And again, you can "clear" the key from the registry using WMI, totally supported by MS. I prefer deleting it myself. So there is nothing they could do via the PID. I don't think they will do something against conversion, as it in itself is not a hack, nor does it in itself open possibility for new hack. If they want to stop KMS they would have to verify KMS code used to activate is legit (I don't even know if this code becomes a part of the PC or not), and that would block KMS with or without conversion.
"So there is nothing they could do via the PID." ..... well that is not true ...... do you remember what I have talking about the BINK ID that generated from my program? for example if you have input a retail ProPlusMSDNR key into my program, you will get the following sample result for the PID and BINK ID Generated PID from the old DigitalProductID : 82503-383-0270964-38XXX Experimental BINK ID from the old DigitalProductID : 0x0000004C Consider the PID into the following format : AAAAA-BBB-CCCCCCc-DDXXX And if you have really read my post ...... ""the value of DD part (base 10)" must equal to "the value of BINK ID (base16) divided by 2" So by applying this rule into the sample output in this post BINK_ID = 0x4C / 2 = 0x26 = 38 DD part = 38 So they are matched for a specific edition So what will happen if you have applied a new MAK key and doesn't change the PID in DigitalProductID ........ MS could detect it now since the DD part is calculated from the PID For example, taking the BINK_ID of ProPlus MAK key, it is equal to 0x60 So a PID that generated by ProPlus MAK key must match the following format AAAAA-BBB-CCCCCCc-48XXX Since "the DD part" must match "BINK_ID divided by 2" So by dividing the BINK_ID into 2 it is equal to 0x60 / 2 = 0x30 = 48 So a MAK key won't match with a PID that DD part is 38 (ProPlusMSDNR Retail version) This is how MS validating a PID against a CD key in XP before (I don't see if there is any reason to remove such a rule since the formula can still be applied into Office 2010 ..... that means they haven't changed the calculation of DD part)