Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ-Activator.

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by CODYQX4, Apr 27, 2010.

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  1. Ni3am

    Ni3am MDL Novice

    May 15, 2010
    Thanks CODYQX4 works well. I was wondering if during install its a requirement to let it through the windows firewall. I let it pass but i was under the impression it was locally done?

    Thanks again.
  2. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010

    Yes, you have let ir through because the KMSEmulator (The KMS server emulator) is receiving the requests in localhost ( in order to activate Office :)
  3. Isis

    Isis MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2009
    In the setting section what should I leave ticked and/or unticked. If I tick everything it activates, if I untick them all it fails? I'm just curious as to what the purpose of the "settings" is. Overall great job guys :worthy:
  4. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010

    The purpose of the "Settings" window is to allow the "advanced user" to customize the behavior of the toolkit. The deffault settings will be OK most of the time, only if you need something specific (like using a specific IP for the KMS server) you change the settings.


    Jul 29, 2010
    Very very good job. Thanks.
  6. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Sometime after my midterms are over, I'll start on post 2.0 final. To make testing of changes not totally insane and simply things for us all, features will be released a few at a time, whereas turning the toolkit to 2.0 left not one thing unchanged from 1.X.

    The soonest and simplest feature will be an ini file for product keys (like Daz Loader). I'll use a special key or blank to indicate no key is there. Right now I plan to just expose the retail keys, as I'd have to totally redo KMS activation if someone replaced KMS keys with MAKs. I want to open the retail as the retail key supply is not complete (very hard to get leaked keys for some retail, as some are only store bought, not even having MSDN keys (which 99% of leaked retail keys are MSDN). I'd like if someone has blocked retail keys to add to that, as these keys help people who are stuck at retail key entry (Though I have a feature planned for that as well that is a bit more involved).

    Right now I am too busy to work on this as I really got the bomb dropped on me, 2 midterms are on the same day like a half hour apart, and one of them involves more memorization than I think the human mind is capable of (luckily its 70% multiple choice/true and false).

    Also, being at home for break and not college left me with the crappy connection there, and I was not able to get a stable connection on Skype to contact Bosh, but managed to get 2.0 final out faster than I thought.
  7. Ni3am

    Ni3am MDL Novice

    May 15, 2010
    Thanks Bosh!
  8. flare4000

    flare4000 MDL Senior Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Glad To See The Final:)
  9. flare4000

    flare4000 MDL Senior Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    When you Check For Re-Arms The Backups folders stays where the backup is gone. So there might be an error where deleting backups is not complete.
  10. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    No, its OK for the backups folder to remain. I don't delete it and there is no harm in leaving it. It will just be recreated after using some of the toolkit functions. I forsee the toolkit will soon have more folders to organize things.

    Also, I've had an idea about changing the backups thing, but it would complicate things without gain. I have thought about zipping up the folder created inside backups when you do a non temporary backup (some toolkit stuff do this for safety).

    Would people prefer zipping them up with .OfficeBackup extension, and there being a Browse for them? Now again, this gets less organized and makes things slower without any real gain. The compress/decompress won't make a real size saving, will slow things down, and browsing to backups VS always having them in a sane place creates a lot of possibility for errors. The compression with extension would make browsing easier (else its just a directory), but again all of this adds unneeded complexity without any gain and lots of errors.

    I have thought about creating an INI file in the backup folder, giving you info about the backup (you could have date, PC, all kinds of things and it would make things more identifiable, by implementing a "Display Info") I figured just a name is bad for people backing up multiple PC's with toolkit (I keep mine on USB).

    These questions are because of some ideas that popped in my head, that may or may not ever happen, and may or may not even be good ideas, but your input helps guide my decision. The INI for backups personally sounds like a good idea without drawbacks.

    Also, does anyone think I should keep Tokens Only Restore? It almost never works as the registry is important and I have never heard of anyone using it. I could ditch it and make the restore always full (which tokens only is pretty much guaranteed to never work, but it was kept from the original toolkit).
  11. Isis

    Isis MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2009
    @ Bosh & CODYQX4..thx

    I have one rquest though. Could you look into the AV false positives issue.

    Is there anything you could. It would be awsome
  12. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010

    No, unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it, as the major problems are caused by the "Keygen.exe" that was made by the ZWT team (and we renamed it to "KMSEmulator" so if the AV alerts about the file the user is aware that the file is to activate Office). And we don't have the code, netiher know what exactly it does, so we have to rely on it for now.
  13. warpfactor

    warpfactor MDL Novice

    Oct 14, 2010
    First time user here of Office 2010 Toolkit 2.0 Beta 3, so please be patient.

    When I ran this, I got the following text and Microsoft Security Essentials found a MEREDROP Trojan. I am running this on a Win7 Ultimate x86 laptop. Is the copy of the Office 2010 Toolkit I got tampered with? Or what is the scoop?

    Installing AutoKMS.
    Attempting To Activate Office 2010 KMS Products.
    Attempting To Activate Professional Plus.
    Failed To Activate 25 Times.

    EZ-Activator Failed!
    Here is a more detailed description about the error:
    One or Office 2010 Products Failed KMS Activation 25 Times.
    Read a few lines above to see what failed.
    Activation almost certainly failed due to the Invalid KMS Data Error (Which is the KMS Keygen's fault) and Office 2010 has gotten stuck in a state where it rejects further KMS activation attempts due to this failure.

    First try to Reinstall that license using License Management Add and Try EZ-Activator again.
    Then try to rearm if EZ-Activator fails again.
    If that does not work try the License Management Delete All and let Office 2010 repair and try again.
    If this does not work reinstall Office 2010.
  14. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    If MSE killed off the keygen (which is safe) activation would fail. AV is a major issue and there isn't anything we can do about it. All you can do is disable it then add (in final 2.0 toolkit) the C:\Windows\KMSEmulator.exe (which is deleted after use by default) to AV exclusions.
  15. warpfactor

    warpfactor MDL Novice

    Oct 14, 2010
    Thanks. Where can I get the final 2.0 toolkit?
  16. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Latest version will always be at the first post of this topic, and is updated upon a new release.
  17. warpfactor

    warpfactor MDL Novice

    Oct 14, 2010
    Thanks for all your help! :)
  18. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  19. gamepoint

    gamepoint MDL Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    just to be this toolkit can prevent from non-genuine problem?
  20. sps

    sps MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2008
    CODYQX4, thanks!
    It worked fine for me, Win2k8R2 (64bit) with Office Pro Plus 2010 32bit
    Thanks again!