Is it active just 180 days ? or this will be active lifelong I mean I don't need to active after 180 days ? and does it work with Retail ?
Its only 180 days but the AutoKMS resets it every time you reboot, and it does work on Retail by converting it to VL.
@ CODYQX4 Do you mind if we can have Auto-Activation file like .msp ( Just Activation Option only ).? So we can add it in Updates folder, then it would automatically activate after installing. Thanks
I suppose you could put and launch AutoKMS. Keep in mind it would not cover retail (As AutoKMS does not convert), and if you used OCT to add a non-KMS key the whole thing doesn't work. AutoKMS does not install or force KMS, it is meant for a KMS setup and EZ-Activator creates this. I don't mind the autoactivate if I am given credit but be aware of some of the limitations. Also keep in mind AutoKMS is meant to go to windows folder, as the log and ini are hardcoded for windows (at least I think, I have to look.) AutoKMS would be the only way to use toolkit in this setup as I have no plans for switches as some of the toolkit was really meant to show output. Another inefficient thing is if you have multiple VL (think Select edition) you got to make a msp for all of them.
Effectively the license files (which decide which product keys you can install). That and the Registration key in registry. Adding licenses allows key and adding registration entries lets office know that that license exists to use it. PS: As timesurfer said, activation is different. This is due to product keys. VL has favorable activation as its MAKs which have a lot of activations whereas leaking a retail key is useless. Also the KMS as all activation hacks for Office 2010 are KMS. There is an AutoRearm in toolkit which can keep you in rearm mode forever but it does not activate (and retail nags in rearm mode but converting to VL does not).
I think users have to be activated or in grace period to use our rearm concepts. We should make sure cause you said after repair in notification your doesn't work and every time in initial notification can't rearm for me. sorry took down previous post thought it already was answered
I don't think so. The thing is, if its an initial install, then the user can try EZ-Activator. By default it reverts all changes so AutoRearm can be used. There are 2 notifications mode scenarios: 1. Grace simply expired. This does not cause us trouble, as long as a rearm does not make it a zero count. 2. Uninstall/Repaired/Screwed up/Tampered office. Basically when in notifications mode where it locks out rearms. I beleive the reinstall is to prevent uninstall and reinstall of office. The thing bothering me is I have run through office uninstall as clean as possible and it somehow knows to lock it after reinstall. Activation is required to get out of locked notifications mode, but that defeats purpose of AutoRearm. Keep in mind EZ-Activator's ability to do all those fixes means alot of problem systems can try it until success. Unlike simply trying KMS activation and it never working, EZ-Activators license repair will work eventually. Only one person has reported EZ-Activator failing after repair but no AV info was given to isolate it. I have created the most wrecked license scenarios on my own PC (getting locked notifications mode with endless failure of KMS, the worst scenario), but EZ-Activator, with AV sorted out, always succeeded in the end, so the success rate on troubled office has risen dramatically. Barring AV interference, I've seen it about 99% successful, and even the Daz loader is not 100% as some very unusual cases can prevent 100%. My point is that EZ-Activator can fix the activation eventually. But this does not help AutoRearm. The idea of needing activation for AutoRearm is absurd as the chances of AutoRearm failure are way higher than KMS reactivation. People who succeed KMS once can rest assured that they will not get stuck unless they wreck their licensing, whereas AutoRearm is very complex and if restore fails and the app crashes its over (though that should not happen).
But still you end up being converted and activated. One of the necessary requirements to office rearm. Other being in 1 rearm left grace. I've already stated grace expired is different than initial and repair notification I'm just saying we should ask testers to verify that when they initially install office they can't rearm. that's my testing so it's what I got to go with.
I edited my post, but I have it where if they can't rearm they can't install AutoRearm. Unfortunately this means AutoRearm is a no go for them. My recommendation is for them to EZ-Activate as its the only solution to their problem as reinstall can get ugly, plus is inefficient and slow compared to EZ-Activator. As I have stated I have purposely broken things for testing yet have never had to reinstall. I believe the only real gain for AutoRearm is if KMS gets beat by MS somehow, as any solution for people that can't use AutoRearm effectively forces them to use the EZ-Activator which brings them to KMS. Its a real ugly solution as Office 2010 being an app and not an OS is much less forgiving in its licensing and won't think twice about locking itself out, so rearm solution isn't as nice as just editing a registry value.
I hear you I was just saying that our office rearmer's are only good when acticvated or in grace with 1 rearm so basically same thing you saying except I'm glad we did work we did with our programs cause we learned a lot and who knows maybe a patch to initiate grace or something to overcome this initial and repaired state of notification can be overcome otherwise I'm with IORRT since I was already activated with MD's script/keygen so office is working via grace for me and I can't see it stop working either but of course it seems silly but it's more important for me to learn than to beat this office rearm game. I did the best I could and mine's final as of today as good as it can be with zero
Well if someone could find out what is being left behind by office 2010 (despite blasting it with uninstallers), that allows the reinstall to go back into notifications mode, and me add it to MS's uninstall script, people could just use Toolkit Office Uninstaller, reinstall (getting the full rearm count) and go to AutoRearm.
Well the uninstall script in toolkit is from MS Fixit, and I went thorough with Revo as well, and the thing still got reinstalled in notifications mode. There has to be something left on the PC that tells office 2010 is still installed (reg keys are innumerable). How else could a VM disconnected from internet recognize this?
Think what Cody means is trying different uninstall programs to flush out any left over Office 2010 registry entries.
Hi I have downloade Office 2010 Toolkit 2.0 when I pressed Ex-Activator I saw this result Getting Office Configuration Information. --------------------------------------- Backing Up License Info In Case Of Failure. --------------------------------------- Changing any Unactivated MAK Keys to KMS Keys. --------------------------------------- If You Have Starter Subscription It Will Now Use Permanently Activated Key. --------------------------------------- Converting Unactivated, Trial, Or Subscription Retail Versions of Office Into VL. --------------------------------------- Removing Any Unactivated Retail Keys Left Installed After Conversion To VL. --------------------------------------- Attempting To Activate Office 2010 KMS Products. --------------------------------------- Installing AutoKMS. --------------------------------------- Office 2010 was succesfully activated. When I click status I see --------------------------------------- SKU ID: 6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlus-KMS_Client LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: Notifications Mode Last 5 characters of installed product key: H3GVB REMAINING GRACE: 0 days (0 minute(s) before expiring) When I press Activate I see Office 2010 failed to run activation! Here is a more detailed description about the error: Failed to start KMSEmulator.exe But when I open any application of MS office. I see red bar to top that (Product Activation Failed) Please guide me what to do now? I have disabled AV.
@zahoorsolangi: You're in notifications mode, so what I sugggest you to do is: 1. Try EZ-Activaton again. if that didn't work then: 1. Use the "Delete All" from the "License Management" tab. 2. In the same "License Management", add the Volume License corresponding to your office edition (typically is: --> Volume --> Pro Plus) 3. Run EZ-Activator again.
Can i add Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ-Activator to the office2010 iso and when the installation completed, Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ-Activator pop-up? if so, how do i do that?
You can add any file that you want to an ISO, and I supose that you can create a batch file or something like that to start the toolkit after office installation. But we have no plans on doing any "silent installs" or stuff like that.