Lucky you, is there one more spare key lying around not sure if anyone noticed, 4417 Outlook has HUGE CPU usage.. it is most times using 45-50% CPU. Had to go back 1st technical preview build. the REARM will expire next month.
MS even said that there is no way to activate it right now. You can put in a key to get rid of the nag screens but you can't activate it. On another note anyone else having issues with Outlook not updating from Exchange? My phone gets the email but Outlook doesn't I have to manually update the folder... oh well guess I will go back to the official TP version and wait until they give us a new build.
well, if that's the case, why don't we all have a key? since it's not activating it means nobody would lose their key either - no reason to hang onto it and not give it away. just another indication that keys don't exist either I guess.
there are no keys in the wild for the mondo version because it is not released to TP people or the ones that are part of that version preview are not stupid enough to give out their keys and get banned from other betas. I have keys for pro because I am a member of the TP, the mondo versions are leaks from internal testers, the mondo version is also a volume license version the TP Pro release is a retail version.
anybody see this? looks fishy to me, but you never know. it's the x86 version and claims to be preactivated: MS Office 2010 Mondo build 14 0 4417 1000 x86-PreActivated on mininova