I calculated the hashes from the copy I downloaded from an my works internal site, so I'm sure it is correct. My internet connection is too poor to upload and clearly can't risk it from work.
to thepfy, do you know if the copy you downloaded from your work was the real utouched version? I have the same file hashes as you, but I just want to make sure... thanks
Microsoft has released some VL edition on MSDN / Technet, but not in English. If you download the Norwegian Office 2010 Pro and Standard, you get the VOLUM edition. There is no Norwegian Retail version out yet on MSDN / Technet. If you then download the English RETAIL version, all you have to do is to delete the ProPlusR.WW folder for Pro Plus edition, and copy the ProPlus.WW folder from the Norwegian .iso into the English version. And then you have a real MSDN VL edition. Thats workes with all languages. The same for Standard, then you copy the standard.ww folder from the Norwegian .iso to the English .iso. You get both 32bit and 64bit of both copies of Office 2010.
Hi All, Does anyone confirm me that the following hashes for Office 2010 VL is correct or not please ? I just downloaded and do not know where I can find the reliable source for these hashes. Thanks in advance. Office Professional Plus 2010 VL 32-Bit File: SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2010_W32_English_MLF_X16-52536.ISO CRC32: 4ECADBBB MD5: 80C74952D1601690E22D461057F157DF SHA-1: 9F1D385A8989C4D4951B55F0EDFAEA9066B8F54E Office Professional Plus 2010 VL 64-Bit File: SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2010_64Bit_English_MLF_X16-52545.ISO CRC32: E723ADC6 MD5: F874FC0FA9CC7B4B69BE5E1482219BD2 SHA-1: 2EA4241171B974463BCD9B4617111B46B981C238
Hello, i wonder if this method still works an if someone can post the links needed to get the right x86 VL Edition where i can find the needed ProPlus.WW folder. Or does anybody know a working download link to the file "SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2010_W32_English_MLF_X16-52536.ISO", so i can use the ProPlus.WW folder from english VL Edition for other retail languages? It would be really great to get some assistance from you... Greetings, LarrySuite