check ur inbox..let me know still phone activation works with this friend got it worked today morning..try ur luck no more request for new mak keys here please....lets follow forum rules.
I tried to call UK to activate OFFICE 2013 retail but I can't succeed because MS kept telling me to re-enter a third group of installation ID all the time even though I used the newest key.
Hello, I've converted officeproplus 2013 french retail to vl manually with the files picked up here. Installation was successfull on windows 7, but kms activation with the toolkit 2.4 beta 6 wasn't, cursor is blinking in the black windows and nothing else. In there another solution ? Thanks for help.
hi all, I get a little probleme when i try to contact microsoft answer machine with skype. I used the UK number and when it's the moment to dial 1 nothing happened I mean it do not detect that I hit the phone Key (keyboard) numeric or not can someone help me with this s**t
thank you very much indeed i forget to connect my webcam and of course my micro... bloody stupid skype