Office 2019 integration iso win 10.

Discussion in 'Microsoft Office' started by wonderboy, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    Hi everyone, I apologize if I'm wrong in the section, I wanted to know if there is a guide that explains how to integrate office 2019 into the windows 10 ISO, thanks.
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    By putting in the office files into the scripts folder inside the wim, or in "ISO:Sources\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts", create a setupcomplete.cmd to start the office installation.

    Download Office 2019: YAOCTRU
    Setup Office 2019: YAOCTRI
    Create the ini on a windows 10 install and put it next to the install cmd:
    Folder PATH listing for volume Constellation_2TB
    Volume serial number is ccxxxx
                    |   C2R_Config_20191002-1242.ini
                    |   SetupComplete.cmd
                    |   YAOCTRI_Configurator.cmd
                    |   YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd
    Example setupcomplete.cmd:
    @echo off
    call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd"
  3. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    thanks a lot
  4. vze2mp9g

    vze2mp9g MDL Addicted

    Oct 13, 2012
    Let us know if it works. I'm interest....
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    When done correctly, it works.
  6. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    Everything works perfectly, thanks a lot for the Enthousiast guide, I have a question: can the procedure described apply to all versions of windows? I have only tried the version of Win 10 LTSC x64. Thanks!
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    You can apply this to all win 7/8.1/10 but on 7, to be able to get the office updates working, you need to configure it on a 7 install. x86 ini only works on x86 installs and x64 ini only works on x64 installs.

    Afterwards you always can edit the ini to exclude or include the apps, if desired.
  8. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    thank you so much!!!
  9. vze2mp9g

    vze2mp9g MDL Addicted

    Oct 13, 2012

    Before I even attempt to try this, I already have setupcomplete.cmd
    @echo off
    set KMS_Emulation=1
    set KMS_IP=
    set KMS_Port=1688
    set KMS_ActivationInterval=120
    set KMS_RenewalInterval=10080
    set KMS_HWID=0x3A1C049600B60076
    set "SysPath=%Windir%\System32"
    if exist "%Windir%\Sysnative\reg.exe" (set "SysPath=%Windir%\Sysnative")
    set "Path=%SysPath%;%Windir%;%SysPath%\Wbem;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\"
    set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
    set W1nd0ws=1
    set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct
    set sps=SoftwareLicensingService
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC PATH %sps% GET Version /VALUE"') do set ver=%%A
    WMIC PATH %spp% WHERE (Name like 'Windows%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) CALL Activate >nul 2>&1
    WMIC PATH %sps% WHERE version='%ver%' CALL RefreshLicenseStatus >nul 2>&1
    WMIC PATH %spp% WHERE LicenseStatus=1 GET Name 2>nul | findstr /i "Windows" >nul && (set "W1nd0ws=")
    set "_tempdir=%SystemRoot%\Temp"
    set "_workdir=%~dp0"
    if "%_workdir:~-1%"=="\" set "_workdir=%_workdir:~0,-1%"
    set xOS=x64
    if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" (if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="" set xOS=Win32)
    setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
    set "IFEO=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
    set "OSPP=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform"
    set "SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform"
    wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%') get Name 2>nul | findstr /i Windows 1>nul && (set SppHook=1) || (set SppHook=0)
    wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionService get Version >nul 2>&1 && (set OsppHook=1) || (set OsppHook=0)
    for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G
    if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
        set OSType=Win8
    ) else if %winbuild% GEQ 7600 (
        set OSType=Win7
    ) else (
        exit /b
    if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 (
    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /f /v NoGenTicket /t REG_DWORD /d 1 >nul 2>&1
    WMIC /NAMESPACE:\\root\Microsoft\Windows\Defender PATH MSFT_MpPreference call Add ExclusionPath="%SystemRoot%\system32\SppExtComObjHook.dll" >nul 2>&1
    if %winbuild% LSS 14393 goto :Main
    SET "RegKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages"
    SET "Pattern=Microsoft-Windows-*Edition~31bf3856ad364e35"
    SET "EditionPKG=NUL"
    FOR /F "TOKENS=8 DELIMS=\" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "%RegKey%" /f "%Pattern%" /k 2^>NUL ^| FIND /I "CurrentVersion"') DO (
      REG QUERY "%RegKey%\%%A" /v "CurrentState" 2>NUL | FIND /I "0x70" 1>NUL && (
        FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS=-~" %%B IN ('ECHO %%A') DO SET "EditionPKG=%%B"
    IF /I "%EditionPKG:~-7%"=="Edition" (
    SET "EditionID=%EditionPKG:~0,-7%"
    ) ELSE (
    FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS=: " %%A IN ('DISM /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition 2^>NUL ^| FIND /I "Current Edition :"') DO SET "EditionID=%%A"
    FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%A IN ('"WMIC PATH SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE (Name LIKE 'Windows%%' AND PartialProductKey is not NULL) GET LicenseFamily /VALUE" 2^>nul') DO IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET "EditionWMI=%%A"
    IF %winbuild% GEQ 17063 FOR /F "SKIP=2 TOKENS=3 DELIMS= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionId') DO SET "EditionID=%%A"
    GOTO :Main
    FOR %%A IN (Cloud,CloudN) DO (IF /I "%EditionWMI%"=="%%A" GOTO :Main)
    SET EditionID=%EditionWMI%
    call :StopService sppsvc
    if %OsppHook% NEQ 0 call :StopService osppsvc
    for %%# in (SppExtComObjHookAvrf.dll,SppExtComObjHook.dll,SppExtComObjPatcher.dll,SppExtComObjPatcher.exe) do (
        if exist "%SystemRoot%\system32\%%#" del /f /q "%SystemRoot%\system32\%%#" >nul 2>&1
    copy /y "!_workdir!\!xOS!\SppExtComObjHook.dll" "%SystemRoot%\system32" >nul 2>&1 || exit /b
    if %OSType% EQU Win8 call :CreateIFEOEntry SppExtComObj.exe
    if %OSType% EQU Win7 if %SppHook% NEQ 0 call :CreateIFEOEntry sppsvc.exe
    call :CreateIFEOEntry osppsvc.exe
    reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds 1>nul 2>nul && set "_C2R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration"
    if not defined _C2R reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds 1>nul 2>nul && set "_C2R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration"
    for %%A in (14,15,16,19) do call :officeLoc %%A
    call :SPP
    call :OSPP
    if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
    schtasks /query /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcTrigger" 1>nul 2>nul || schtasks /create /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcTrigger" /xml "%~dp0Win32\SvcTrigger.xml" /f >nul 2>&1
    attrib -R -A -S -H *.*
    if exist "!_tempdir!\*chk.txt" del /f /q "!_tempdir!\*chk.txt"
    if exist "!_tempdir!\slmgr.vbs" del /f /q "!_tempdir!\slmgr.vbs"
    exit /b
    sc query %1 | find /i "STOPPED" >nul || net stop %1 /y >nul 2>&1
    sc query %1 | find /i "STOPPED" >nul || sc stop %1 >nul 2>&1
    goto :eof
    reg delete "%IFEO%\%1" /f /v Debugger >nul 2>&1
    reg add "%IFEO%\%1" /f /v VerifierDlls /t REG_SZ /d "SppExtComObjHook.dll" >nul 2>&1
    reg add "%IFEO%\%1" /f /v GlobalFlag /t REG_DWORD /d 256 >nul 2>&1
    reg add "%IFEO%\%1" /f /v KMS_Emulation /t REG_DWORD /d %KMS_Emulation% >nul 2>&1
    reg add "%IFEO%\%1" /f /v KMS_ActivationInterval /t REG_DWORD /d %KMS_ActivationInterval% >nul 2>&1
    reg add "%IFEO%\%1" /f /v KMS_RenewalInterval /t REG_DWORD /d %KMS_RenewalInterval% >nul 2>&1
    if /i %1 EQU SppExtComObj.exe if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 (
    reg add "%IFEO%\%1" /f /v KMS_HWID /t REG_QWORD /d "%KMS_HWID%" >nul 2>&1
    if /i %1 EQU osppsvc.exe (
    reg add "%OSPP%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d %KMS_IP% >nul 2>&1
    reg add "%OSPP%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d %KMS_Port% >nul 2>&1
    goto :eof
    set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct
    set sps=SoftwareLicensingService
    wmic path %spp% where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%') get Name 2>nul | findstr /i Office 1>nul && (set 0ff1ce15=1)
    if %loc_off15% equ 0 if %loc_off16% equ 0 if %loc_off19% equ 0 (set "0ff1ce15=")
    wmic path %spp% where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%') get Name 2>nul | findstr /i Windows 1>nul && (set WinVL=1)
    if not defined 0ff1ce15 if not defined WinVL exit /b
    wmic path %spp% where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get Name 2>nul | findstr /i Windows 1>nul && (set gvlk=1) || (set gvlk=0)
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path %sps% get Version /VALUE"') do set ver=%%A
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call SetKeyManagementServiceMachine MachineName="%KMS_IP%" >nul 2>&1
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call SetKeyManagementServicePort %KMS_Port% >nul 2>&1
    if defined W1nd0ws for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('"wmic path %spp% where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and Name like 'Windows%%') get ID /VALUE"') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkwin)
    if defined 0ff1ce15 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('"wmic path %spp% where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and Name like 'Office%%') get ID /VALUE"') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkoff)
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call DisableKeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing 0 >nul 2>&1
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching 0 >nul 2>&1
    exit /b
    wmic path %spp% where ID='%app%' get Name > "!_tempdir!\sppchk.txt"
    find /i "Office 15" "!_tempdir!\sppchk.txt" 1>nul && (if %loc_off15% equ 0 exit /b)
    find /i "Office 16" "!_tempdir!\sppchk.txt" 1>nul && (if %loc_off16% equ 0 exit /b)
    find /i "Office 19" "!_tempdir!\sppchk.txt" 1>nul && (if %loc_off19% equ 0 exit /b)
    set office=1
    wmic path %spp% where (PartialProductKey is not NULL) get ID 2>nul | findstr /i "%app%" 1>nul && (call :activate %app%&exit /b)
    for /f "tokens=3 delims==, " %%G in ('"wmic path %spp% where ID='%app%' get Name /value"') do set OffVer=%%G
    call :offchk%OffVer%
    exit /b
    set office=0
    if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 if %gvlk% equ 0 wmic path %spp% where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get Name 2>nul | findstr /i Windows 1>nul && (set gvlk=1)
    wmic path %spp% where ID='%app%' get LicenseStatus 2>nul | findstr "1" 1>nul && (call :activate %app%&exit /b)
    wmic path %spp% where (PartialProductKey is not NULL) get ID 2>nul | findstr /i "%app%" 1>nul && (call :activate %app%&exit /b)
    if %gvlk% equ 1 exit /b
    if defined WinPerm exit /b
    if %winbuild% LSS 10240 (call :winchk&exit /b)
    for %%A in (
    ) do (
    if /i '%app%' equ '%%A' exit /b
    if not defined EditionID (call :winchk&exit /b)
    if /i '%app%' equ '0df4f814-3f57-4b8b-9a9d-fddadcd69fac' if /i %EditionID% neq CloudE exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'e0c42288-980c-4788-a014-c080d2e1926e' if /i %EditionID% neq Education exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300' if /i %EditionID% neq Enterprise exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588' if /i %EditionID% neq Professional exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '3f1afc82-f8ac-4f6c-8005-1d233e606eee' if /i %EditionID% neq ProfessionalEducation exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '82bbc092-bc50-4e16-8e18-b74fc486aec3' if /i %EditionID% neq ProfessionalWorkstation exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '3c102355-d027-42c6-ad23-2e7ef8a02585' if /i %EditionID% neq EducationN exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'e272e3e2-732f-4c65-a8f0-484747d0d947' if /i %EditionID% neq EnterpriseN exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'a80b5abf-76ad-428b-b05d-a47d2dffeebf' if /i %EditionID% neq ProfessionalN exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '5300b18c-2e33-4dc2-8291-47ffcec746dd' if /i %EditionID% neq ProfessionalEducationN exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '4b1571d3-bafb-4b40-8087-a961be2caf65' if /i %EditionID% neq ProfessionalWorkstationN exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '58e97c99-f377-4ef1-81d5-4ad5522b5fd8' if /i %EditionID% neq Core exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'cd918a57-a41b-4c82-8dce-1a538e221a83' if /i %EditionID% neq CoreSingleLanguage exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'ec868e65-fadf-4759-b23e-93fe37f2cc29' if /i %EditionID% neq ServerRdsh exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'e4db50ea-bda1-4566-b047-0ca50abc6f07' if /i %EditionID% neq ServerRdsh exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'e4db50ea-bda1-4566-b047-0ca50abc6f07' (
    wmic path %spp% where 'Description like "%%KMSCLIENT%%"' get ID | findstr /i "ec868e65-fadf-4759-b23e-93fe37f2cc29" 1>nul 2>nul && (exit /b)
    call :winchk
    exit /b
    if not defined tok (if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (set "tok=4") else (set "tok=7"))
    if not defined wApp set wApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
    wmic path %spp% where (LicenseStatus='1' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%') get Name 2>nul | findstr /i "Windows" 1>nul && (exit /b)
    wmic path %spp% where (LicenseStatus='1' and GracePeriodRemaining='0' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get Name 2>nul | findstr /i "Windows" 1>nul && (
    set WinPerm=1
    if not defined WinPerm (
    wmic path %spp% where "ApplicationID='%wApp%' and LicenseStatus='1'" get Name 2>nul | findstr /i "Windows" 1>nul && (
    for /f "tokens=%tok% delims=, " %%G in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='%wApp%' and LicenseStatus='1') get Description /VALUE"') do set "channel=%%G"
      for %%A in (VOLUME_MAK, RETAIL, OEM_DM, OEM_SLP, OEM_COA, OEM_COA_SLP, OEM_COA_NSLP, OEM_NONSLP, OEM) do if /i "%%A"=="!channel!" set WinPerm=1
    if not defined WinPerm (
    copy /y %Windir%\System32\slmgr.vbs "!_tempdir!\slmgr.vbs" 1>nul
    cscript //nologo "!_tempdir!\slmgr.vbs" /xpr 2>nul | findstr /i "permanently" 1>nul && set WinPerm=1
    if defined WinPerm (
    exit /b
    call :insKey %app%
    exit /b
    set spp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct
    set sps=OfficeSoftwareProtectionService
    wmic path %sps% get Version /VALUE >nul 2>&1 || (exit /b)
    wmic path %spp% where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%') get Name /VALUE >nul 2>&1 || (exit /b)
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path %sps% get Version /VALUE" 2^>nul') do set ver=%%A
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call SetKeyManagementServiceMachine MachineName="%KMS_IP%" >nul 2>&1
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call SetKeyManagementServicePort %KMS_Port% >nul 2>&1
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('"wmic path %spp% where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%') get ID /VALUE"') do (set app=%%G&call :osppchk)
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call DisableKeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing 0 >nul 2>&1
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching 0 >nul 2>&1
    exit /b
    wmic path %spp% where ID='%app%' get Name > "!_tempdir!\osppchk.txt"
    find /i "Office 14" "!_tempdir!\osppchk.txt" 1>nul && (if %loc_off14% equ 0 exit /b)
    find /i "Office 15" "!_tempdir!\osppchk.txt" 1>nul && (if %loc_off15% equ 0 exit /b)
    find /i "Office 16" "!_tempdir!\osppchk.txt" 1>nul && (if %loc_off16% equ 0 exit /b)
    find /i "Office 19" "!_tempdir!\osppchk.txt" 1>nul && (if %loc_off19% equ 0 exit /b)
    set office=0
    wmic path %spp% where (PartialProductKey is not NULL) get ID | findstr /i "%app%" >nul 2>&1 && (call :activate %app%&exit /b)
    for /f "tokens=3 delims==, " %%G in ('"wmic path %spp% where ID='%app%' get Name /value"') do set OffVer=%%G
    call :offchk%OffVer%
    exit /b
    set ls=0
    set ls2=0
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path %spp% where (Name like '%%Office%~2%%') get LicenseStatus /VALUE" 2^>nul') do set /a ls=%%A
    if "%~4" neq "" (
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path %spp% where (Name like '%%Office%~4%%') get LicenseStatus /VALUE" 2^>nul') do set /a ls2=%%A
    if "%ls2%" equ "1" exit /b
    if "%ls%" equ "1" exit /b
    call :insKey %app%
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '0bc88885-718c-491d-921f-6f214349e79c' exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'fc7c4d0c-2e85-4bb9-afd4-01ed1476b5e9' exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '500f6619-ef93-4b75-bcb4-82819998a3ca' exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '85dd8b5f-eaa4-4af3-a628-cce9e77c9a03' (
    wmic path %spp% where 'PartialProductKey is not NULL' get ID | findstr /i "0bc88885-718c-491d-921f-6f214349e79c" 1>nul 2>nul && (exit /b)
    if /i '%app%' equ '2ca2bf3f-949e-446a-82c7-e25a15ec78c4' (
    wmic path %spp% where 'PartialProductKey is not NULL' get ID | findstr /i "fc7c4d0c-2e85-4bb9-afd4-01ed1476b5e9" 1>nul 2>nul && (exit /b)
    if /i '%app%' equ '5b5cf08f-b81a-431d-b080-3450d8620565' (
    wmic path %spp% where 'PartialProductKey is not NULL' get ID | findstr /i "500f6619-ef93-4b75-bcb4-82819998a3ca" 1>nul 2>nul && (exit /b)
    if /i '%app%' equ '85dd8b5f-eaa4-4af3-a628-cce9e77c9a03' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "19ProPlus2019VL_MAK_AE" "Office ProPlus 2019" "19ProPlus2019XC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Office ProPlus 2019 C2R"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '6912a74b-a5fb-401a-bfdb-2e3ab46f4b02' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "19Standard2019VL_MAK_AE" "Office Standard 2019"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '2ca2bf3f-949e-446a-82c7-e25a15ec78c4' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "19ProjectPro2019VL_MAK_AE" "Project Pro 2019" "19ProjectPro2019XC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Project Pro 2019 C2R"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '1777f0e3-7392-4198-97ea-8ae4de6f6381' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "19ProjectStd2019VL_MAK_AE" "Project Standard 2019"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '5b5cf08f-b81a-431d-b080-3450d8620565' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "19VisioPro2019VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Pro 2019" "19VisioPro2019XC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Visio Pro 2019 C2R"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'e06d7df3-aad0-419d-8dfb-0ac37e2bdf39' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "19VisioStd2019VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Standard 2019"
    exit /b
    call :insKey %app%
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'd450596f-894d-49e0-966a-fd39ed4c4c64' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16ProPlusVL_MAK" "Office ProPlus 2016"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'dedfa23d-6ed1-45a6-85dc-63cae0546de6' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16StandardVL_MAK" "Office Standard 2016"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '4f414197-0fc2-4c01-b68a-86cbb9ac254c' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16ProjectProVL_MAK" "Project Pro 2016"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'da7ddabc-3fbe-4447-9e01-6ab7440b4cd4' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16ProjectStdVL_MAK" "Project Standard 2016"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '6bf301c1-b94a-43e9-ba31-d494598c47fb' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16VisioProVL_MAK" "Visio Pro 2016"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'aa2a7821-1827-4c2c-8f1d-4513a34dda97' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16VisioStdVL_MAK" "Visio Standard 2016"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '829b8110-0e6f-4349-bca4-42803577788d' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16ProjectProXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Project Pro 2016 C2R"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'cbbaca45-556a-4416-ad03-bda598eaa7c8' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16ProjectStdXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Project Standard 2016 C2R"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'b234abe3-0857-4f9c-b05a-4dc314f85557' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16VisioProXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Visio Pro 2016 C2R"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '361fe620-64f4-41b5-ba77-84f8e079b1f7' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "16VisioStdXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Visio Standard 2016 C2R"
    exit /b
    call :insKey %app%
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'b322da9c-a2e2-4058-9e4e-f59a6970bd69' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "ProPlusVL_MAK" "Office ProPlus 2013"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'b13afb38-cd79-4ae5-9f7f-eed058d750ca' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "StandardVL_MAK" "Office Standard 2013"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '4a5d124a-e620-44ba-b6ff-658961b33b9a' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "ProjectProVL_MAK" "Project Pro 2013"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '427a28d1-d17c-4abf-b717-32c780ba6f07' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "ProjectStdVL_MAK" "Project Standard 2013"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'e13ac10e-75d0-4aff-a0cd-764982cf541c' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "VisioProVL_MAK" "Visio Pro 2013"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'ac4efaf0-f81f-4f61-bdf7-ea32b02ab117' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "VisioStdVL_MAK" "Visio Standard 2013"
    exit /b
    call :insKey %app%
    exit /b
    set "vPrem="&set "vPro="
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path %spp% where (Name like '%%OfficeVisioPrem-MAK%%') get LicenseStatus /VALUE" 2^>nul') do set vPrem=%%A
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path %spp% where (Name like '%%OfficeVisioPro-MAK%%') get LicenseStatus /VALUE" 2^>nul') do set vPro=%%A
    if /i '%app%' equ '6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "ProPlus-MAK" "Office ProPlus 2010" "ProPlusAcad-MAK" "Office Professional Academic 2010"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '9da2a678-fb6b-4e67-ab84-60dd6a9c819a' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "Standard-MAK" "Office Standard 2010"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'ea509e87-07a1-4a45-9edc-eba5a39f36af' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "SmallBusBasics-MAK" "Office Home and Business 2010"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'df133ff7-bf14-4f95-afe3-7b48e7e331ef' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "ProjectPro-MAK" "Project Pro 2010"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '5dc7bf61-5ec9-4996-9ccb-df806a2d0efe' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "ProjectStd-MAK" "Project Standard 2010"
    exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '92236105-bb67-494f-94c7-7f7a607929bd' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "VisioPrem-MAK" "Visio Premium 2010" "VisioPro-MAK" "Visio Pro 2010"
    exit /b
    if defined vPrem exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ 'e558389c-83c3-4b29-adfe-5e4d7f46c358' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "VisioPro-MAK" "Visio Pro 2010" "VisioStd-MAK" "Visio Standard 2010"
    exit /b
    if defined vPro exit /b
    if /i '%app%' equ '9ed833ff-4f92-4f36-b370-8683a4f13275' (
    call :offchk "%app%" "VisioStd-MAK" "Visio Standard 2010"
    exit /b
    call :insKey %app%
    exit /b
    set loc_off%1=0
    if %1 equ 19 (
    if defined _C2R reg query %_C2R% /v ProductReleaseIds 2>nul | findstr 2019 1>nul && set loc_off%1=1
    exit /b
    for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%1.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" 2^>nul') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1
    for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\%1.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" 2^>nul') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1
    if %1 equ 16 if defined _C2R (
    for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_C2R% /v ProductReleaseIds') do echo %%b> "!_tempdir!\c2rchk.txt"
    for %%a in (Mondo,ProPlus,Standard,ProjectProX,ProjectStdX,ProjectPro,ProjectStd,VisioProX,VisioStdX,VisioPro,VisioStd,Access,Excel,OneNote,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,SkypeforBusiness,Word) do (
      findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_tempdir!\c2rchk.txt" 1>nul && set loc_off%1=1
      findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_tempdir!\c2rchk.txt" 1>nul && set loc_off%1=1
    exit /b
    if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office%1\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1
    if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office%1\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1
    exit /b
    set "key="
    call "!_workdir!\Win32\key.cmd" %1
    if "%key%" EQU "" (exit /b)
    wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%key%" >nul 2>&1
    if %ERRORCODE% neq 0 exit /b
    wmic path %spp% where ID='%1' call ClearKeyManagementServiceMachine >nul 2>&1
    wmic path %spp% where ID='%1' call ClearKeyManagementServicePort >nul 2>&1
    wmic path %spp% where ID='%1' call Activate >nul 2>&1
    if /i %sps% EQU SoftwareLicensingService wmic path %sps% where version='%ver%' call RefreshLicenseStatus >nul 2>&1
    exit /b
    Can I put your code
    @echo off
    call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd"
    in my setupcomplete.cmd and if so, where whould I put it?
    Thank you again. This should be the end of my questions for the project I'm working on.

    :) :) :)
  10. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    Hi Enthusiast, I have this problem: the procedure you described works very well with windows LTSC x64, but does not work with Win LTSC x86, ie the procedure is successful but during installation the system is installed but not office 2019, where I'm wrong? Thanks for the support.
  11. Windows_Addict

    Windows_Addict MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2018
    Reading the ReadMe would be helpful. :)
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  12. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    The configuration file was created on Windows 1809 LTSC x86.
  13. Windows_Addict

    Windows_Addict MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2018
    You can safely add this on top in your setupcomplete.cmd
    to be safe, use this,
    @echo off
    start /wait /b cmd /c "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd"
    @echo off
    call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd"
    That way it'll put a stop to any conflicting variables in activation and installation script.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. Windows_Addict

    Windows_Addict MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2018
    #14 Windows_Addict, Nov 20, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
    Please show the setupcomplete.cmd and config ini file content.

    p.s. you can directly run the setupcomplete.cmd on a live system to check if something is wrong with it, no need to install windows to test.

    You need to change your installer script command though,

    @echo off
    cd /d "%~dp0"
    start /wait /b cmd /c "%~dp0YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd"
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    What arch office did you put in?
  16. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    Office 2019 VL x86
  17. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    Sorry, Office 2019 VL monthly 18.11.2019
  18. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    I feel thanks.
  19. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  20. wonderboy

    wonderboy MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    Hi everyone, after countless tests and thanks to the script Enthusiast and Windows Addict, I managed to integrate office 2019 x86 in the windows ltsc x86 ISO, the problem was generated when I went to rebuild the ISO, poweriso gave me an error that did not allow installation in office setup 2019, I solved using ultraiso. Thanks to all!