create windows 10 master install windows 10 to vmware or virtualbox install update and configure windows 10 install office 2019 and configure after fully configured , disconnect network, clean windows with dism++ , reboot ( with network disconnected ) on desktop execute new task ( windows + R ) write sysprep choose audit mode and choose reboot on audit mode go to old control panel delete user created during windows install, don't open office ! open command promp and write for 32bits office on 64bits os %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospprearm.exe for office 64 bits — %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospprearm.exe ( office16 = office 2016 or 2019 same value ) office rearm succesfull must indicated on sysprep windows choose ( when you are in audit mode ) oobe , with generalize value , choose halt computer capture this windows image by start virtual machine for this choose boot to firmware ( for vmware , on boot choose cd-rom first you need windows pe iso with gimagex or any custom winpe with gimagex on windows pe launch gimagex choose windows harddrive , after place the wim captured on windows 10 iso , replace current install wim , you can compress your captured wim to esd to save space ( the name must install.esd ) enjoy
Install 10 directly in audit mode, install office 2019 using yaoctri, syspre/oobe/generalize/shutdown and capture the install and put the wim/esd/swm in the iso, put in the kms_vl_all $OEM$ projectfolder and you're done. But this way you can't select specific office apps to be installed during windows installation like when you use a setupcomplete.cmd calling yaoctri installer combined with a pre-set ini file, which easily can be changed before every new install.
Hi Guys, I used yaoctri, in my Unattended windows 10 release 2004 , but the installation with this script freeze at the middle of the installation: Here is the config file : Name of INi file : C2R_Config_20200713-2214.ini [configuration] SourcePath="C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts" Type=Local Version=16.0.13102.20002 Architecture=x64 O32W64=0 Language=es-ES LCID=3082 Channel=Monthly CDN=492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60 Suite=ProPlus2019Volume ExcludedApps=Groove,Access,Lync,OneDrive,OneNote,Teams SKUs=ProjectPro2019Volume,VisioPro2019Volume UpdatesEnabled=False AcceptEULA=True PinIconsToTaskbar=False ForceAppShutdown=True AutoActivate=False DisableTelemetry=True DisplayLevel=True AutoInstallation=True Thanks in advance any help!. Cheers
using the "setupcomplete.cmd" script does not mean integrating Office 2019 into Windows 10 The only real way to integrate any program (including Office) is the sysprep technique described above! More complicated to perform but the installation of Windows + Office will be decidedly faster, in addition to a higher compression, since it can be integrated into the "install.esd" file.
The sysprep option prohibits you from changing the office settings, like with the YAOCTRI ini file during setupcomplete stage.
sorry but we live in the Terabyte era ... and there are still people who don't install Excel or Word to save 100-200MB among other things Office 2019 is already installed automatically without being able to select anything (only with third-party programs is possible) Definitely better the Sysprep method ... a batch at the end of the installation in my opinion is absolutely not an office integration and not very "professional"
The downloaded installfiles won't be any different, all contain all office apps, but some don't want to have specific apps installed, or the telemetry set to 0 or any of the other options. With the use as shown you are in control at every new install.
we're talking about 0.001% of people ... almost everyone doesn't even know they exist! You really need a batch at the end of installation when I can put office in a folder on the same DVD and start it personally at the end of Windows installation batches are needed if you have to install more things in silent mode ... but this seems a little useless ... (without offense) Then everyone keeps their own thoughts, but integrating software is only possible with the sysprep ... all the rest are just post installations
I have this same issue. installation runs after executing setlocal call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" endlocal Then the installer freezes at around 55-60% The progress bar stops moving.
my configs.... [configuration] SourcePath="D:\sources\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts" Type=Local Version=16.0.13127.20508 Architecture=x64 O32W64=0 Language=en-US LCID=1033 Channel=Monthly CDN=492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60 Suite=O365BusinessRetail ExcludedApps=Groove,Access,Lync,OneDrive,OneNote,Publisher UpdatesEnabled=True AcceptEULA=True PinIconsToTaskbar=True ForceAppShutdown=True AutoActivate=False DisableTelemetry=True DisplayLevel=True AutoInstallation=True @echo off echo Setting Hib Off... powercfg -h off echo Installing Ultimate Performance power scheme powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 echo Activating Ultimate Performance power scheme powershell -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted "%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\Ultimate.ps1" echo Installing SQL msiexec /i "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\SQL Server Native Client 2008R2 (SQLNCLI10) 64 bit.msi" /passive IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES /norestart msiexec /i "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\SQL Server Native Client 2012 (SQLNCLI11) 64 bit.msi" /passive IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES /norestart echo Installing Chrome msiexec /i "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi" /qn /norestart echo Installing Adobe "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\AcroRdrDC1902120047_en_US.exe" /sAll /norestart echo Installing Office 365 call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd" Everything executes fine except the office install. new CMD window opens, lists Administrator: Office Click-to-Run - Retail, says Running installation and then an office install box opens with icons for my selected programs and freezes at 55-60% Ideas?
Is it possible to integrate just the original Office C2R ISO image? I tried it to copy the files from the office img to the source folder and depend on x64 or x86 to start the exe in the setup complete.cmd but after the installation of windows 10, it was not installed, neither the kms vl all aio activation.
On what system did you run the install. if it was one with a MSDM and you're using a consumer ISO, it can be that setupcomplete.cmd isn't able to run (by design), then try to use an ei.cfg like this one: Code: [Channel] _Default [VL] 0 Put it inside the sources folder.
Hello. I was trying it on a business ISO created by the universal mct wrapper, that include the windows 10 pro, education and enterprise version of the system. Thanks for the command, so with this command included it should works? This is what I was include: @echo off /wait %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\Office\setup64bit.exe /Q RD /S /Q %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install RD /S /Q %WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts Exit <Here I included the lines created by the KMS VL ALL AIO $oem$ command> exit The office files I included in the folder $oem$/$1/Install/Office The setupcomplete.cmd is where the KMS command was created the file $oem$/$$/Setup/Scripts/