Just to know... Last month , I made an iso with "configure64.xml" inside and I can change it to add/remove component of Office... But with that 11revJ build , that file has disappeared and I can't add/remove component as usual Is there an option that I don't know to get it back or I should forget that ??
So ... I added this. if the condition req. is met, it usually will use `C2R` Method (*) but you can force use the old `XML` method Code: :: Force use XML - ODT method :: Just a reminder, :: ODT does not support the DEV-MAIN channel :: Change to 1 to enable FORCE_XML=0 ------------------------ (*) WinBuild GEQ 10240 first windows 10 build ... >= Build
Or maybe ... Code: set "mLang=et-ee" set "aLang=da-dk_nl-nl_en-GB_en-us_et-ee" set "oApps=,ProPlus2024Volume,ProjectPro2024Volume" set "exclude=" powershell -nop -ep bypass -f Office_Offline_Install.ps1 %instupdlocid% %instversion% %oApps% %mLang% %aLang% %exclude% exit
Not sure.... A few times per year , a friend of mine came at home and ask for an updated iso of Office or Windows... So I gave her my latest iso...Not sure I can tell her this new command
I can always try Outsourcing it can be saved in the info file. but you will still have to modify the file. or modify line 78, which is very simple ................................
I did the scrub. It took a long time but in the end it worked. I was able to reinstall and authorize the software, thank goodness. This was a relief because last year I came here with a similar issue whereby OfficeRTool could not activate Office in a way that gave me the latest functions so I ended up reformatting my computer!
found interesting bugs. I use PS1 file to gain a list of channels & builds I use simple sort. but, it seems that MS decide to do this. API results. Code: MonthlyEnterprise,55336b82-a18d-4dd6-b5f6-9e5095c314a6,16.0.17126.20190,10.0 MonthlyEnterprise,55336b82-a18d-4dd6-b5f6-9e5095c314a6,16.0.17029.20178,10.0 MonthlyEnterprise,55336b82-a18d-4dd6-b5f6-9e5095c314a6,16.0.17029.20140,10.0 MonthlyEnterprise,55336b82-a18d-4dd6-b5f6-9e5095c314a6,16.0.16924.20202,10.0 MonthlyEnterprise,55336b82-a18d-4dd6-b5f6-9e5095c314a6,16.0.16924.20180,10.0 Before i used to sort by FFN only After Code: Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = "FFN"; Descending = $true},@{Expression = "Name"; Descending = $true},@{Expression = "AvailableBuild"; Descending = $true} After this fix it will always show the latest build available for `default` case