@Dark Dinosaur the latest office build on current channel is v2409 build 18025.20096 but RTool (Latest Version) is showing it in Current Preview channel.
Weird, since abbodi's "YAOCTRU_v10.0" was reading the correct build on the current channel. May be he uses a different approach to check available builds? Edit: I just checked. He is using the same link you mentioned which makes it weirder.
will done now, i will upload new version. with some bug fix + this update. *** bug fix 2024 retail Convert --> [2021] ... copy past mistake.
I don't really get it. Also, looks like I was looking in the wrong file (should've looked in Get_Latest_Version.ps1) Anyway, for now it works so I'll leave it at that. I'll report this again if this issue resurfaces Also, kudos for version 13. Cheers.
made a mistake, don't do like me. Code: Function Parse { ( $CLASS, $ID) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" try { (gwmi $class | ? ID -EQ $ID).Activate() return "Error:0" } catch { # return wmi last error, in hex format $HResult = ‘{0:x}’ -f @($_.Exception).HResult return "Error:$($HResult)" } } Nope. this is wrong. stupid PS language. use this instead. Code: $HResult = ‘{0:x}’ -f @($_.Exception.InnerException).HResult now i need to update the all version, or, we will see. why its bad ? slui 0x2a 0x80131501 << Main exep... wrong slui 0x2a 0xc004f074 << inner exep ... valid And i duplicate this error for all along.
Well.. at least you can code it native, I only could bring up some LLM-created (what is already bad by design, even with pretty long inputs) but I feel you, had similar fights while ago.. glad you making it. Feel free to ask if you need anything. Same as a lot of abbodis, this one saving my day.
Hi, I am trying to install the 32-bit version of Excel 2024 LTSC on windows server 2022. I started with V13.0 of the tool, then updated it [G] DOWNLOAD LATEST RELEASE Then did [N] INSTALL OFFICE FROM ONLINE INSTALL PACKAGE Went through the options: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Pending Install (SUMMARY) ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Channel-ID: 7983BAC0-E531-40CF-BE00-FD24FE66619C (PerpetualVL2024) Office Build: 16.0.17932.20114 Language: en-us (English) Architecture: x86 ____________________________________________________________________________ (ENTER) to Install, (R)estart installation, (E)xit to main menu > Bu when i have finished the install, i have the 64-bit version of Excel?
if you select x86 (x32) it should install this version, maybe online install have a different opinion ? i need to check. edit. can you share about screen, what it show, x86, x64 ?
@ianr if you are using PS engine, well. it don't really care about your opinion. Code: .. powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass -file "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\OfficeRTool\Data\ps1\Office_Online_Install.ps1" "PerpetualVL2024" "16.0.17932.20114" ",ProPlus2024Volume" "en-us" "en-us" .. Switch ([intptr]::Size) { 4 { $IsX32 = $true $IsX64 = $Null } 8 { $IsX32 = $Null $IsX64 = $true } } Edit. Only in Online version, offline - version will consider your opinion.
I used the VBS engine of the script. This is the version string from excel: Microsoft® Excel® LTSC MSO (Version 2408 Build 16.0.17932.20114) 64-bit I'll try using the offline install/
sorry. my fault. unless you change this. it will use PS1 file. that don't care about your decision i didn't notice that, and no one complain, and it's preferred to install x64 version for x64 system