Thanks, I set FORCE_XML=1 and the online install package installed the 32-bit version of excel as expected.
Some DLL Update from latest kms_vl_all_v53 just extract to officertool folder # KMS_VL_ALL v53 - Updated SppExtComObjHook.dll to support Office 2024 CSVLK
The 2024 version doesn't install Onenote, how do i do it? Every time i try to install always get the LTSC version
Does anyone know why this SARA tool (SetupProd_OffScrub.exe) no longer recognizes Office 2021 OR (now) 2024? This tool from MS used to be my go-to when I want to REALLY wipe a version of Office (including ALL it's licensing) from one machine - which would release it's license in my Microsoft account and allow me to move that license to a new custom built machine with no issue. But it seems this tool is woefully in the past. It does not acknowledge any Office 2021 instances and (while understandable given it is so new) SARA has no ability to strip any Office 2024 installs either. Any info would be appreciated - OR any suggestion for a better Office cleaner would be cool too
its about time i should stop see such posts. some files are compress with upx, and using defender just exclude this folder, or don't use it. wget is needed, and also speed test, for first run configuration and script will fail to run unless this .exe file found.
Sadly, it appears that OfficeRTool isn't recognizing UWP (Including version 13) office installs on Windows 11. On Windows 10 it recognizes them just fine. Any ideas?
Thanks. It's the standard Office suite, just packaged for the store, and the license determines the edition and version. Here:
Those are false positives. Though it would be nice to have a source code repository somewhere like GitHub, so that everything could be independently verified.