Enterprise = O365ProPlusRetail Business = O365BusinessRetail both include the same desktop apps they differ in the online features/services
I will send you link to original tool The new version work like the original with few improvement Nothing have changed .. Have a good day BTW If anyone want to keep maintain it And make me a free person You are more than welcome
Update ANSI detection ... not all Windows 10 version support ANSI color by default Code: for /F "tokens=4,6 delims=[]. " %%a in ('ver') do ( if %%a GEQ 10 ( if %%b GEQ 10586 ( rem [ANSI colors are available by default in Windows version 1909 or newer] if %%b GEQ 18363 goto :UseANSIColors rem [from 10.0.10586 to 10.0.18362.239 we need VirtualTerminalLevel Enabled -> 0x1] (2>nul reg query HKCU\Console /v VirtualTerminalLevel | >nul find /i "0x1") && goto :UseANSIColors rem [we add it now, later in next run we will using ANSI code] >nul 2>&1 reg add HKCU\Console /f /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 ) ) ) )
Running SCRUB OFFICE pauses at OffScrup10.vbs and needs to press enter to continue. Running SCRUB OFFICE again pauses at OffScrubC2R.vbs and needs to press enter to continue
@Dark Monkey Sorry man, i didn't want to hurt you. I was just angry because you didn't want to add a password on the zip files and didn't want to put version number on file's name like ratzlefatz did during years. Then you came and changed everything and didn't want to listen to the peope who were used to RTools since the beginning. You answered to them with disdain. Finally you did it (password on zip files), but we had to fight during long time... This way the zip file is no longer deleted by the antivirus as soon as downloaded. I still don't understand why my office 2019 files are corrupted regularly, it is scary. My system is clean, SSD is in good health, HDD too, the only illegal thing i use is RTool on this computer.
Don't accept your sorry You could ask for original version But you decided to do something else Password on zip files ? I didn't add it Still waste of time. No problem with AV. Since I moved to use abbody 1604 latest dll And if you have a.v. problems disable it for 10 minutes. Check version ,, add it again. corrupted files, not my fault. Check your hdd / SSD with chkdsk You might need replace it
Hello guys and @Dark Monkey thanks for your wonderful job! i just have a question: i used your officetool on office2021 (converted ltsc) and it worked like a charm! but after a month my license is not valid anymore suggestions? am i doing somehing wrong? if anyone already asked this, just send me the link to the answer and thanks a lot again!