Improved code. this one manage to restart the service, where the previous one failed. Code: 2>nul reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winmgmt" /v "Start" | More +2 | >nul find /i "0x4" && ( %MultiNul% sc config Winmgmt start=auto || ( cls echo: echo #### ERROR:: WMI FAILURE echo: echo - winmgmt service is not working echo: >nul timeout 2 /nobreak goto:TheEndIsNear ) )
Could you only use the version number like before instead of the date to make it less confusing? It's that when running OfficeRTool on the top of the window it says the date and below it says the version number.
The date was the original, Don't change it, The people here will crucify me My new guideline, don't change, only improve current things. ( I have enough from last time )
Add option to select region might be useful to someone, I use PR. you can also choose Asia Or Europe.
wonder is there a difference between the US / EU / ASIA version? or is it just used to download from the fastest location? Edit [1] going to try from both of them, to see if any difference between them Edit [2] Seems to be the Same Release but if you live in the EU - you can change to EU, do download faster
Okay, finally. I uninstalled everything, then used the D and I commands. But I had to uninstall the previous package.
Okay, it worked. I have office 2016 installed. However, the convert step does nothing. I mean. It keeps showing I have retail. But thanks!