I believe in ,, if it work, it can work better improve task settings, Start, Stop, Trigger`s now it can be selected by user choice Code: :: Set Auto Re-New Activation Settings :: I will not do verify check, So use properly VALUES :: Day Can be Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday :: Hour Can be 7PM [19:00] OR 5AM [05:00] Day=Tuesday Hour=18:30
Bots attack blocked. it was about 6 hours of bot attack. here the I* IP's. for now I'm good. Code: <RequireAll> Require all granted Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip Require not ip </RequireAll>
Did little changes due to some A* that piss me off [bot attack wtf ??] So now I have to hide to PS command too, change the script. and also update the download script. Code: ### Version --- v2.42 ### Release Date --- 2022/JUL/31 ### Latest Changes --- Look Down ~ Improved Task Settings, instead default values, AC, Start, Stop, etc. ~ Changes Settings To Once a week, day / time can be selected by user Trying Download using Net.WebClient OfficeRool.rar file generated On your desktop Password for .Rar file is 2022 Press Enter to continue...: The new command to download, right here: if you know the real URL, don't share, they are A* dedicated there life to block (R)Tool bandwidth. get a life ! who ever it is. Code: PowerShell -nop -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy bypass -EncodedCommand SQBXAFIAIAAtAFUAcgBpACAAJwBoAHQAdABwAHMAOgAvAC8AbwBmAGYAaQBjAGUAcgB0AG8AbwBsAC4AbwByAGcALwBEAG8AdwBuAGwAbwBhAGQALwBHAGUAdABMAGEAdABlAHMAdABSACcAIAB8ACAASQBFAFgA
Update version. Improve Load times to 3-4 sec only. instead 6-7 sec. remove / improve lot of PS code to reduce load times. if you had problem before, most of the problem should gone now. the heavy stuff were Auto task, Check for latest version [both fixed]
Hey bud, Any way currently to disable the auto-activate task if one does not want it? I tried looking in settings but didn't see a flag for it.
I think it is better to add an option to enable/disable auto renew. It's not a good idea to enable auto renew by default, auto renew is not a usefaul function, renew is only needed every 180 days.
JUst want to note, that the EncodedCommand throws a -UseBasicParsing Error; if you haven't started Internet Explorer at least once. I think this should (must) be improved, as IE is oficially deprecated. After that, the Script Worked.
Did something better, update main post / script Code: :: Set Auto Re-New Activation Settings :: I will not do verify check, So use properly VALUES :: Day Can be Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday :: Hour Can be 7PM [19:00] OR 5AM [05:00] :: To disable Auto Re-New Activation, set DAY/HOUR to NULL
I don't recommend putting any Office(R)Tool files, in the local directory containing other files. the self-update Remove the whole directory, no matter what files it has. Just to be clear, if I put OfficeRTool on desktop and execute it from there, would it be alright?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I noticed that the Designer feature from Powerpoint keeps disappearing after several cycles of opening and closing Powerpoint - any idea what might be going on? I'm running Office 365 Pro Plus on Win11 if it matters. Thanks in advance.