Office(R)Tool Project

Discussion in 'Microsoft Office' started by Dark Dinosaur, Nov 6, 2021.


Change brand name or not ?

Poll closed Dec 26, 2021.
  1. No, keep it like that

    148 vote(s)
  2. Yes, officeRTool need fresh name

    49 vote(s)
  1. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Too many question,
    wait until Passover (Pesach)
    :confused: :cool: :D :coffee:
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  2. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    So, you're saying starting with 22H2 Windows uses Command Prompt inside Windows Terminal and not outside it?

    So, if the task isn't created, if it's deleted or if OfficeRTool is moved to another location, Auto Renewal won't work? If so, I think this task should only be created after choosing an OfficeRTool option and shouldn't be forced to users. Also, Microsoft 365 is still activated in my PC and the task wasn't even created so how is it possible?
  3. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    yo yo yo yo yo listen man,
    it can be disable'd & it's not end of the world
    no body force you, you can disable it
    but it's a good idea, don't know why ... ?
    anyway it need to be at the same location, to work properly
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  4. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #1204 Windows 10 User, Nov 23, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
    OK, but if it isn't created or if it's disabled, will Auto Renewal still work?
  5. _Avada_Kedavra_

    _Avada_Kedavra_ MDL Novice

    Oct 15, 2018
    So .img file extension is not supported for installation via OfficeRTool?
  6. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Wil work with img files
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  7. p4r4d0x86

    p4r4d0x86 MDL Novice

    Oct 8, 2015
    #1207 p4r4d0x86, Nov 23, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
    @Dark Dinosaur Thank you for [supporting] this great tool!

    Just one question:
    - if I download Office2021 using the "M" option I get a file named fr-fr_2021_PROPLUS_Retail_v16.0.15601.20142 of 4,740,532,224 bytes => OK
    - if I download Visio 2021 Pro using the same "M" option I get a file named fr-fr_2021_VISIO_PRO_Retail_v16.0.15601.20142 of the exact same size.

    Is there a bug or Visio is already part of the Office ProPlus image?
    It is maybe a noob question, sorry.
  8. _Avada_Kedavra_

    _Avada_Kedavra_ MDL Novice

    Oct 15, 2018
    Hey this time i downloaded the img with OfficeRTool, but still it isn't working.
    ================== SELECT OFFICE FULL SUITE / SINGLE APPS =================
    Set Office Package Download Path = "C:\Downloads" >
    List of available installation packages
    1   en-GB_Microsoft_365_Professional_Plus_Retail_v16.0.15601.20142
    2   O365ProPlusRetail
    3   ProPlus2021Retail
    Enter package number >1
    ERROR: Fail to extract files from ISO.
    Press any key to continue . . .
    What could be the reason?
  9. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    7z extract command fail, possible reason,
    bad iso file, a/v, problem with folder path ?
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  10. thorazine74

    thorazine74 MDL Junior Member

    Sep 22, 2008
  11. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    will be fixed next week ….. but if you can't wait
    thorazine74 file is attached (here) to this post … report back
    also add check if bits service exist,
    cause some users have wrong ideas to remove it

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  12. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Trying check a way to set console size via PowerShell
    Where mode con fail ....
    Also need figure out way to check
    From it it Run
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  13. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #1213 Dark Dinosaur, Nov 24, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2022
    windows size don't change lol, only text area - wtf ?
    another reason why keep using old command prompt
        2>nul mode con cols=100 lines=40
        2>nul powershell -nop -c [console]::WindowWidth=100; [console]::WindowWidth=40 ;
        2>nul powershell -nop -c $pswindow = @(Get-Host); $pswindow.UI.RawUI.buffersize = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Size -Property @{ width=100; Height=400 }
    even the self update fail to close window handle

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  14. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    another stupid thing, just found out
    look like they are different,
    but closing openconsole / terminal
    will close cmd under explorer.exe
    but cmd.exe -> parent process is actually explorer.exe
    f* nonsense, so can't make it work with terminal


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  15. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
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  16. thorazine74

    thorazine74 MDL Junior Member

    Sep 22, 2008
    My point was that [T] DISABLE ACQUISITION AND SENDING OF TELEMETRY DATA apparently disables this scheduled task:
    schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Office\Office Automatic Updates" /Disable %MultiNul%
    which I'm guessing stops automatic updates. But the configure.xml config option aparently enables Automatic Updates through a different task.
    I just would like an option to disable automatic updates, I dont know if just setting <Updates Enabled="False" will do it though...
  17. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #1218 Dark Dinosaur, Nov 25, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2022
    I may found a way to make it work under terminal too :D
    test files .................

    it work different than mode con
    if this is my mode con ....
    2>nul mode con cols=%1 lines=%2
    with the new method need to calculate ...
    set /a colss=%1*9
    set /a lines=%2*22
    and here how to check if we run under terminal
    set terminalFound=
    >nul 2>&1 reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%%%%Startup /v DelegationConsole && (
        (2>nul reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%%%%Startup /v DelegationConsole | >nul find /i "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}") || (
            >nul 2>&1 TASKLIST /APPS /FI "IMAGENAME eq windowsterminal.exe" && set terminalFound=*
    It will determine if running from terminal in 2 ways
    Using registery check / parent process Id name
    in such case terminal is default, using registery check
    But when the case you open terminal, and start process, it will show as parent process
    I will upload fixed version next week

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  18. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    this script is another test script,
    re-size disabler will work,
    also run from CMD / Terminal / Con host ~ Terminal Host work fine
    the only thing I don't know is …
    manually change the font - for current terminal session,
    any lead ... will be good

    :: if terminal set to default,
    :: every cmd windows will attach to main windowsterminal.exe window
    :: the parent process will be expolorer.exe, not windowsterminal.exe
    set terminalFound=
    >nul 2>&1 reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%%%%Startup /v DelegationConsole && (
        (2>nul reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%%%%Startup /v DelegationConsole | >nul find /i "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}") || (
            >nul 2>&1 TASKLIST /APPS /FI "IMAGENAME eq windowsterminal.exe" && set terminalFound=*
    exit /b

    :: if terminal not set to default,
    :: and you run CMD script, manualy from terminal window
    :: the parent process will be windowsterminal.exe, not expolorer.exe
    if not defined PID exit /b
    >nul 2>&1 TASKLIST /APPS /FI "IMAGENAME eq windowsterminal.exe" || exit /b
    :: reset values
    set "Proc_Name="
    set "ParentProcessId="
    :: plan A
    set COMMAND="@(Get-WMIObject -Classname Win32_Process | Where-Object ProcessId -MATCH !PID!).ParentProcessId"
    for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%# in (`"2>nul %PowerShellEXE% -nop -c !COMMAND!"`) do set "ParentProcessId=%%#"
    if defined ParentProcessId (
        set COMMAND="@(Get-WMIObject -Classname Win32_Process | Where-Object ProcessId -MATCH !ParentProcessId!).Name"
        for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%# in (`"2>nul %PowerShellEXE% -nop -c !COMMAND!"`) do set "Proc_Name=%%#"
    if defined Proc_Name (
        if /i "!Proc_Name!" EQU "WindowsTerminal.exe" set TerminalFound=*
        if defined Proc_Name goto :Terminal_Check_V2_
    :: plan B
    set "Proc_Name="
    set "ParentProcessId="
    >nul 2>&1 del /q %windir%\temp\output
    2>nul wmic path Win32_Process where (ProcessId=!PID!) get ParentProcessId /value | more +2 > %windir%\temp\output
    if exist %windir%\temp\output if not defined ParentProcessId for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('"type %windir%\temp\output"') do (if /i '%%a' == 'ParentProcessId' set "ParentProcessId=%%b")
    if not defined ParentProcessId exit /b
    2>nul wmic path Win32_Process where (ProcessId=!ParentProcessId!) get Name /value | more +2 > %windir%\temp\output
    if exist %windir%\temp\output if not defined Proc_Name for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('"type %windir%\temp\output"') do (if /i '%%a' == 'Name' set "Proc_Name=%%b")
    if defined Proc_Name (
        echo "!Proc_Name!" | >nul find /i "WindowsTerminal.exe" && set TerminalFound=*
        if defined Proc_Name goto :Terminal_Check_V2_
    :: Go home
    goto :eof

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  19. lianzi2000

    lianzi2000 MDL Novice

    Nov 30, 2018
    Thanks so much to keep this tool alive ... This is by far the best office activator I used. But the downloading function almost always fails, no matter what channel I choose. It stuck in the download process for a while then said download failed and let me exit, like below.. what could be the problem?

    ================== DOWNLOADING OFFICE OFFLINE SETUP PACKAGE ================

    #### Download Office - en-us - x64

    Download File ::
    Office/Data/ 100%[================================================================>] 10.84K --.-KB/s in 0s

    Download File ::
    Office/Data/v64_16.0.15726.20202.c 100%[================================================================>] 10.72K --.-KB/s in 0s

    Download File :: 16.0.15726.20202/
    Office/Data/16.0.15726.20202/i640. 100%[================================================================>] 30.75M 6.02MB/s in 6.1s

    Download File :: 16.0.15726.20202/
    Office/Data/16.0.15726.20202/i6410 100%[================================================================>] 9.76K --.-KB/s in 0s

    Download File :: 16.0.15726.20202/

    Download File :: 16.0.15726.20202/
    Office/Data/16.0.15726.20202/s640. 100%[================================================================>] 3.03M 6.00MB/s in 0.5s

    Download File :: 16.0.15726.20202/
    Office/Data/16.0.15726.20202/s6410 100%[================================================================>] 656.03K --.-KB/s in 0.1s

    Download File :: 16.0.15726.20202/
    Office/Data/16.0.15726.20202/sp641 100%[================================================================>] 43.05K --.-KB/s in 0.01s

    Download File :: 16.0.15726.20202/stream.x64.en-us.dat
    Office/Data/16.0.15726.20202/strea 1%[ ] 4.63M 6.39MB/s in 0.7s
    Office/Data/16.0.15726.20202/strea 1%[ ] 4.63M --.-KB/s in 0s
    *** ERROR downloading: h t t p ://

    Waiting for 0 seconds, press CTRL+C to quit ...

    Waiting for 2 seconds, press CTRL+C to quit ...