Sorry, I don't know what you mean. The SHOW ACTIVATION INFO function lists Visio 2021 as the only Office application. The base office section is shown as NOT FOUND. For START - RENEW KMS ACTIVATION it only finds Visio 2021 too. Office Mondo(365) will not run and only give the error message from the previous post. If the repair function is used, Office Mondo starts to work again, but it can't be activated and it has 9 days before it requires activation. If you try to convert it, the problem starts again. /v/ 9FlxRfdD/file .html pass: busy I made this tool, it check if any antivirus including Defender is active then runs scripts for Windows 10, 11 and OfficeRtool, try it and tell me how do you like?
I know, I just find it peculiar it doesn't get deleted by Storage clean. I take it I can delete it manually then.
upload new version, now when choice Mondo / 365 / etc etc it will offer 2016 visio and not 2021 visio
When I try to install it says "Not enough memory resources are available to process this command" How to fix?
Well it did seem like I have memory left, I have 8GB RAM and about only half of it was being used at the time I tried to install, so Idk how i could be missing memory And of course I have a lot of disk space remaining as well
try restart the system and try again - if still not work, tell me what exactly you press I will try to address the issue
Then your system is severely damaged. You'll probably have to do an inplace upgrade to repair your OS
some new idea wait for setup to complete .... don't know if it good idea ... can try start /wait ? or s**t like that Code: while (@(gcim win32_process | where {($_.ProcessName -eq 'OfficeClickToRun.exe') -And ($_.CommandLine -Match 'culture')}).Count -GT 0) {timeout 2 | out-null}
seems to work .. although need some touching and improve Code: timeout 2 | Out-Null $id = @(gcim win32_process | where {($_.ProcessName -eq 'Setup.exe') -And ($_.CommandLine -Match '/config')})[0].ProcessID if ($id) { while (@(gcim win32_process | where {($_.ParentProcessId -eq $id) -and ($_.Name -eq 'OfficeClickToRun.exe')}).Count -eq 0){ timeout 2 | Out-Null if (@(gcim win32_process | where {($_.ProcessName -eq 'Setup.exe') -And ($_.CommandLine -Match '/config')}).Count -eq 0) { exit } } echo 'Please hold until the setup is over' while (@(gcim win32_process | where {($_.ProcessName -eq 'OfficeClickToRun.exe') -And ($_.CommandLine -Match 'culture')}).Count -GT 0) { timeout 2 | out-null } }
I don't like that this tool creates auto activation task without asking to do so... The old tool used to be more simple too. Could the dev think about not auto installing the task in the next builds? Thanks!
the old version lacking lot of new features, and I don't force no-body to use this version in the end updates is necessary to make it work better and auto activation is one of these updates you can call it necessary evil ( if you forget to activate, it will do it for u ) Code: A necessary evil is an evil that someone believes must be done or accepted, because it is necessary to achieve a better outcome, especially because possible alternative courses of action or inaction are expected to be worse. It is the "lesser evil" in the lesser of two evils principle, which maintains that given two bad choices, the one that is least bad is the better choice.
I've used the tool at work to easily download new Office versions. Now I can't anymore because of the activation. At least make it optional...e.g. by asking if you want to create an auto activation script when the .bat starts.
Now I can't anymore because of the activation - its not bother u to do anything you want Also you can disable it from the settings file Just Re-start RTool again later
after a long time, I can say, I can find it a big success, that a horrible site, I will not mention his name here, didn't share this script, since last year -> until today guess I Pissed off some of there s* a* admins they don't have little manners nor respect for no-body I am against taking public software, make it private - and demand $ for download it
Why change to 2016? I use 365 ProPlus and 2021 VisioPro/ProjectPro (activated using KMS-VL-ALL), and everything works fine. I thought that it was a bug and came here to report but read your comment. I always create new ISO file using "Office 365 Professional Plus (Retail)" and 2021 Visio and Project and never had a problem. Probably activation mechanism is different for this tool and KMS-VL-ALL. Anyway No need to fix it if you don't want to (I modified it myself for my use case). Another thing is, can you add a speed limit switch to the script? Something like "wget --limit-rate <rate>" and make it a user defined parameter in "Settings.ini" file?