I have downloaded all the apps of the Microsoft 365 Business Premium edition (x86-x64) but, when I try to create its iso, I get the message that it cannot be created. How come? Thanks Bye
Hi, is the OffScrubC2R.vbs a part of the Sara download? I see the version you have included is 2.19. The newest version from the "official repo" is version 2.12. (OfficeDev/Office-IT-Pro-Deployment-Scripts)
Stop being an idiot. The archive is password protected and is not a self-executing one. Extract it and analyze the code written in files (check it yourself if you have the brains for it or ask someone else). Explaination of every command is available on microsoft website since the program is a windows batch file.
its latest ... use latest sara .. open %temp% folder .. see the version .. every script sara is download & run --- saved in %temp% path, than it delete immediately
@Dark Dinosaur, Thanks. I understand now I should choose en-US. When Office(R)Tool comes to Language Selection option en-GB is auto selected because it says I press return for en-GB (probably because my OS is English UK language), so I know I can just input en-US for this option but shouldn't en-US or English US be in the ### Language selection ### list? It is not.
I think you guys made your point (virus vs. false positive), please continue with the topic. Stop insulting each other and stop continually posting VirusTotal results. Once is enough, for both you guys. Thanks.
Found a way to count how many tabs terminal window host have inside .. it work .. no matter if terminal running under svchost or explorer Code: for /f "tokens=* skip=1" %%$ in ('"%SingleNulV2% "%handle%" -nobanner -a -v "OpenConsole" -p %PROC_ID%"') do set /a open_tabs+=1 so next time, even it do self update, if there is other tabs, it will not kill them. and also found some other s**t related to terminal, must use /f /t switch's - otherwise it will not kill the window, something to do later it work pretty good .. cmd process was ended, and it return to PS window and new process was open, the other tabs still alive
Actually, I prefer the previous version where I can download office packages. It has more options for downloading and creating a setup configuration file. If you can add this option will be great.
Explain again .. It have the same option as before Didn't remove anything Am I ? Don't remember doing so ..
I'm looking at downloading offline package for MS Office 365 but there is no language for US-En. Curious why the default is GB-En?
Bump version … definitely not a big update … #1455 now will able to detect if terminal season \ window have open tabs - and keep the main w.t. exe alive … so in case you doing update etc. etc. the main windows will not be closed Spoiler: Spoiler