Roger Roger, arrived home, will look into it Edit. NO having any problem, can you re-tell me what did you choice ?
Sure. So when I have downloaded the install packages for ProPlus 2019 VL and ProPlus 2021 VL (option D from main menu) and I want to convert those packages into ISO files everything works fine for 2019 version and I get two ISO files (one x86 and one x64). However when I start to convert 2021 files into ISOs it doesn't work. When I choose number 3 (Office Professional Plus 2021 Volume) and press enter it just asks me to choose again and again. So it stops here and doesn't let me move forward from here like it does for 2019. I have changed five options in settings.ini that I'll list below. Perhaps you can replicate the problem with the same settings. region=DB Auto_Select_All=1 Compatible_Mode=1 PROOF_LANG=English Language_Pack=English P.S. I was able to make the ISO files for ProPlus 2021 VL by adding, copying and editing manually the ProPlus 2019 VL ISOs setup.exe, configure.xml and start_setup.cmd to suit 2021 and then converting these into ISOs using WinCDEmu tool. P.P.S. Also still running Win 7 (yes I know...) so that might also be the problem. Although it's would be weird that it's only problem with 2021 ISO creation and not with 2019.
Hi Tantti 1- Download Channel (8) -> LTSC 2021 2- CREATE ISO IMAGE FROM OFFLINE INSTALL PACKAGE-IMAGE 3- Select 3, Select Enter, no problem -> tried twice but I don't think it have connection to w7.x ? but you need at least w7.x SP1, to work 'fine'
Yeah I did exactly like that and it worked fine for LTSC 2019. However LTSC 2021 gets stuck in 'Select 3 and Select Enter' part and just asks to Select 3 and Select Enter over and over again. I'll try with Windows 10 installation tomorrow. However I got the ISOs for LTSC 2021 by creating them manually as I previously explained so everything is good. I'll post my results tomorrow after I've tried with Windows 10. Thank you for your help
Hello, I need help here. Can anyone tell me how to use this tool for install specific Office apps? In this case I want to install Office 2016 Pro Plus and include Excel, Powerpoint, and Word only and want to exclude the rest. Thanks!
Hey Dark Dinosaur! Just reporting my findings after trying again on my Windows 10 installation. Everything worked great and I got both 2019 and 2021 ISOs. After I made the ISOs on the Windows 10 installation I tried making them again on my Windows 7 installation and the results were same as yesterday (2019 ISOs work great but 2021 gets stuck). However now I have all the needed ISO files (+ the couple I made manually). Thank you
There's a readme.pdf file that is included in the RAR archive. It has instructions on what the program can do and how to use it.
Hello everyone! Downloaded RTool, followed the instructions to download Offline Install Package, selected Current ( Ended up with en-us_Office_Current_x64_v16.0.16026.20200, if it matters). I then try to install Office Professional Plus 2021 Volume. I select the products I want (Word, Excel, Powerpoint basically), and then I press Enter to start installation. After starting installation I get the Installer pop up with the following message: This product cannot be installed on the selected update channel. Any tips? I tried with 2019 Volume and got the same results. Here are my Windows installation specs, in case it plays a role. Reading through the thread I couldn't figure out a solution myself :/ Edition Windows 11 Pro Version 22H2 Installed on 4/10/2022 OS build 22621.1265 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22638.1000.0 Thanks for any feedback, appreciated!
install LTSC using the current channel with the latest ODT is forbidden now SO you need to modify the settings file
I have used this tool to install and activate 365. When I open the account page (of Word, Excel, etc.) it tells me "Product Activated". But then if I open "change license" a screen opens that tells me "Sign in to activate Office". I try to sign into my Microsoft account and give a fault saying "this program is blocked by group policy". error code 0x800704ec The Microsoft account I have is a Onedrive account. I believe it was a free account years ago. I have only 15Gb of storage. Does the activation of the 365 apps only allow them to work, and does not give a Microsoft account (with the 1Tb of storage)? I'm trying to get my email to work with the exchange server, but not having any luck.