@Edwe Automatic activation by KMS should not occur unless you'r already activated and upgrading office. You should have a choice if you need a retail rather than a volume installation. There are always some that use legit licensing and need a easy to use tool... Monkey can add more. This is Windows 10 Windows 7 (x64) will briefly show a bluish window and close, no menu. Elevated. If Windows 7 is not supported then ok, you could add supported OS to readme file and correct it if you no longer support VLMCSD
@Dark Monkey No biggie, English is not my native language either. Windows 7 SP1 x64 I tested briefly is stock WMF - 2.0 What is minimum WMF required by Office(R)Tool? No, I don't need it and I posted some observations that I couldn't clearly find described. I assumed that users could choose to download install retail as well -> [C] CONVERT RETAIL LICENSE TO VOLUME LICENSE, my bad.
It's option for users to convert retail to volume But it also reinstall office licenses About PowerShell, I have ps 2.0 And not have any problem Windows 7 sp1 have ps 2.0 (I think) So should not be any problem Can you check it ?
No have problem at all I use my script to remove defense And remove UAC Everything work fine Even my tool Work fine ! Windows is activating too UAC cause the problem.
in theory. Yes. only 2016 install as retail. so if you install 2019 / 2021 should not be any problem. (I am talking about offline installation) Code: if "%installtrigger%" EQU "1" ((set "type= ***** Retail ***** ")&&(set "of16install=1")&&(goto:InstallExclusions)) if "%installtrigger%" EQU "2" ((set "type=Volume")&&(set "of19install=1")&&(goto:InstallExclusions)) if "%installtrigger%" EQU "3" (if %win% GEQ 9600 if %o16build:~5,5% GEQ 14000 ((set "type=Volume")&&(set "of21install=1")&&(goto:InstallExclusions)))
Is it so simple that the line: "Remaining KMS activation period: 180 days left - License expires: 2022-06-26" means that KMS will renew the key before 2022-06-26?
add a space between -args'/d/x/r' otherwise (with PS 2.0) it's added to cmd command and fail (-args file cannot be found) @BAU should stop abusing powershell shortcuts also, the vbs "%~dpf0" is wrong, use either "%~f0" or "%~dpnx0" Code: %MultiNul% fltmc || ( set "_=call "%~f0" %*" & powershell -nop -c start cmd -args '/d/x/r',$env:_ -verb runas || ( >"%temp%\Elevate.vbs" echo CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^).ShellExecute "%~f0", "%*" , "", "runas", 1 %SingleNul% "%temp%\Elevate.vbs" & del /q "%temp%\Elevate.vbs" ) exit)