now I notice that the download image option - actually don't save the configuration to file like the second download option will fix it One Day or another day or a day later ...
Hello, and many thanks to all for this excellent tool! I've just been reading about the latest changes (I seem to come back here every 6 months as the auto-renewal doesn't seem to 'stick' on one of my PCs) and noticed the tool seems very different, so there's clearly a lot of work been happening! I'm a newbie (and my job is a UX designer and technical writer) so I try to read as much as possible before posting, but I got a bit confused so thought I'd post in case my questions help some of the instructions to be improved for others. My main question is "Do we need to manually create an exclusion in Windows Defender for the SppExtComObjHook file?" I remember some earlier versions (or maybe other tools?) did this automatically but the current instructions aren't clear. e.g. The Office(R)Tool's main first post has a 'How to use' section that says only option 'C' (Convert to VL and Activate) is needed, and doesn't mention anything about Windows Defender. But then later in the same post there is an 'Automatic Renew Activation' section that says the activation routine is based on KMS_VL_ALL scripts, and the KMS_VL_ALL tool's main first post says "If you are installing Auto Renewal setup then you also need to exclude this file." So I'm wondering if this is why my activation is only lasting 6 months, because I haven't been excluding that file in Windows Defender - does that sound right? I also had some suggestions that may help (please ignore these if they are not useful!): In the tool's main menu, change "[K] START - RENEW KMS ACTIVATION" to "[K] START OR RENEW KMS ACTIVATION". This is because typically we use "-" to mean "more information or an explanation follows", while "/" means "or". So I think the "-" was probably meant to be "/", and I recommend you actually use the word "or" instead of "/" because then it is even clearer. In the tool's main menu, change "[R] RESET - REPAIR OFFICE" to "[R] RESET OR REPAIR OFFICE". Same reason as above. In the tool's main menu, change "[E] LEAVE THE PROGRAM PERMANENTLY" to "[E] EXIT AND CLOSE THIS WINDOW". I would normally suggest using just "[E] EXIT" to keep it simple but I saw another comment in this thread that you needed it to be longer for some technical reason. The minimum I recommend is change "Leave" to "Exit" because then you have the right letter to start with, and to remove "permanently" which sounds pretty scary and implies the tool is going to self-destruct and can never be used again. The readme.pdf file in the archive has "Version 2021/June/22" in the tile and a filedate of 27/05/2022 and currently makes things more confusing because it doesn't include all the latest changes. I'm happy to contribute by helping review and polish any language changes to this, but I don't know the technical aspects to be able to start this. Anyway - sorry for long post, I thought I'd try and offer some help in exchange for asking my question.
3. I need a long paragraph to fit with the other ones. And it's sound very darky. 4. I don't have time to make pdf, and no one pays me either. So I try my best. But I don't think I spend time to update pdf. ... 1/2 .. if it feet with other paragraphs. I will change. ... I believe in going and try .. so you can go and try the options by yourself If you don't need them.. you will not use them anyway Looking fine. Spoiler
Will do all new changes New version will be in next month 1/6 .. And it's also special day for me too. All through I count by Hebrew calendar It's match with christian calendar too by day or two We say .. every new year you get to live .. bless god Don't take it as usual thing, some people left soon than they think So I hope I will able to do good and important thing in next year too And less fighting.. all through it's fun .. I enjoyed it sometimes..
I'd add this to that and I also stated OfficeRTool's release date mentioned in its Readme.pdf (Version 2021/June/22) being different than the one in this thread (11/05/2023) and asked for this thread to start mentioning OfficeRTool versions instead of release dates as if the latter were actually the true versions every time a new OfficeRTool "version" is released.
add an option to use curl instead wget also, add an option for User / PWS in proxy settings will be in the next release also, improve the download method... I like curl instead of wget ... Code: for %%$ in (^^^^^^^^ stream.x86.!o16lang!.dat^ stream.x86.x-none.dat^ stream.x86.!o16lang!^ do ( if not defined wgetERR ( echo. echo Download File :: !o16build!/%%$ if /i !Default! EQU Curl ( "%curl%" -S --insecure --limit-rate %Speed_Limit% --create-dirs %ProxyCurl% --output "%directory-prefix%\Office\Data\!o16build!\%%$" "%http%%o16downloadloc%/!o16build!/%%$" ) if /i !Default! EQU Wget ( "%wget%" %ProxyWGet% --limit-rate %Speed_Limit% --quiet --no-check-certificate --show-progress --retry-connrefused --continue --tries=20 --force-directories --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=2 --directory-prefix=%directory-prefix% %http%%o16downloadloc%/!o16build!/%%$ ) (echo %%$|%MultiNul% findstr /i /r "^.*.cat$") || if %errorlevel% GEQ 1 call :WgetError "%http%%o16downloadloc%/!o16build!/%%$" ) )
Add support for aria2 too. so it will support wget / curl / aria2 aria2 is the best option. will set it default set aria2 output to be minimal as it can be, only error will show if fail Edit. Also set aria to use 3 sources & And parallel download So the download speed will be max at all time how to set aria2 to minimum output? will save you research Code: "%Aria%" --continue --console-log-level=error --download-result=hide --max-download-limit=%Speed_Limit% --log-level=error --summary-interval=0 %ProxyAria% --max-tries=2 --retry-wait=2 --out="%directory-prefix%\Office\Data\%%$" %http%%o16downloadloc%/%%$ the new settings file will be. Code: ; to edit this file ; I suggest using Notepad++ -- ++++++ Update ++++++ -- :: Don't Check for new Release :: Change to 1 to enable Dont_Check=0 :: settings referer to update - :: latest setup.exe file :: Change to 0 to disable Auto_Update=1 -- ++++++ Activation ++++++ -- :: Activation Server settings :: keep it Blank for local bypass External_IP= External_PORT=1688 :: Set Auto Re-New Activation Settings :: I will not do verify check, So use properly VALUES :: Day Can be Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday :: Hour Can be 7PM [19:00] OR 5AM [05:00] :: Change to NULL to disable Day=NULL Hour=NULL -- ++++++ Window ++++++ -- :: Auto window Scaling :: for use via Terminal Host :: for NT 10.X systems only :: Change to 0 to disable Auto_Scaling=1 :: Force to use Console :: Change to 1 to enable Force_Conhost=0 :: Force to use Console :: for NT 10.X systems only :: Change to 1 to enable Force_Terminal=0 :: when do self update :: kill the main window terminal :: just in case of multi tabs is open :: Change to 1 to enable Kill_main_Window=0 :: Borrowd from $haZZam project :: Pad style, select value from 1-7 :: 1-■ 2-▒ 3-□ 4-: 5-Default 6-# 7-~ PAD_STYLE=1 -- ++++++ Network ++++++ -- :: Default download App :: used only for x86 / x64 office files download :: available Option: Wget,Curl,ARIA Default=ARIA :: Proxy Server settings :: keep it Blank for default :: Example IP/Port: :: Example USER: Admin :: Example PWD: 12345 Proxy= USER= PWD= :: Force to use https :: Change to 1 to enable Use_Https=0 :: Bandwidth Limit :: The default value is set to 6MB :: optional value [M]b/[K]b (1024K or 1M) :: optional format XX/XX.XX (2650K or 2.5M) Speed_Limit=6144K :: Server select, Optional values :: PR - US, DB - Europe, SG - Asia :: Thanks Dolmatov for the information region=SG -- ++++++ language ++++++ -- :: Auto select Proof languages :: Example: Hebrew, English PROOF_LANG= :: Auto select Language Pack :: Example: Hebrew, English Language_Pack= :: Auto select all language available in offline folder :: Change to 1 to enable Auto_Select_All=0 -- ++++++ Apps ++++++ -- :: Skip asking User for - :: Disable / Install Selected App :: Change to 1 to enable Auto_Skip=0 :: Auto Select these single apps, Optional values: :: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, :: Access, Outlook, Publisher, OneNote, Skype, :: Visio, Project Single_Apps_Selection= :: Auto Disable this package apps, Optional values: :: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Outlook, Publisher :: OneNote, Skype, Teams, OneDrive, Bing :: Project, Visio [For Mondo Only] Package_Apps_Disable= -- ++++++ Misc ++++++ -- :: Online Download Settings :: if Online download failed, :: Don't ask for - do you want bla bla :: Change to 0 to ask every time Dont_Ask=1 :: Wait till setup is completed :: for NT 10.X systems only :: Change to 0 to disable Wait_Till_Finish=1 :: always prefere special setup.exe file, who support legacy systems :: Provide support for windows 7, 7 SP1, 8, 8.1 systems :: Also enable using Current source to install LTSC version :: Change to 1 to enable Compatible_Mode=0 :: Auto pilot Mode :: Auto start config file, :: Change to 1 to enable Use_Custom_Profile=0
Does anyone know: If we are using Windows 10 and Windows Defender, do we need to manually create an exclusion in Windows Defender for the SppExtComObjHook file? I have not been doing this and am wondering if this is the reason why I need to reapply OfficeRtool every 6 months...
I do exclude for the whole folder Including sub folders .. Very weird .. Defender like to remove my all exe files And the activation dll's Bad defender ... Just because it's kms Or cmdow tool or it's packed with upx (reduce space) It's legit .. so how they handle this No .. we remove it .. but it legit app .. we don't give a little f* I wonder why I have to deal with 6 mb file When using upx .. it become 1.5mb only .. How that bacome a crime & a virus Let's say if you can download package that total size is 12mb .. instead 40 mb It's a legit use, Save me & you lot of bandwidth.. Download time get shorter... My server bandwidth.. have limits ... I can't let people download 100 gb a month My web host will kill me... Or slow down my connection
Hi all. Just downloaded the OfficeRTool (5) now. (Fri, 11:30am UK time) Size is about 14 MB. The password is no longer 2023. Anyone knows the new password?
download code is not working for me, after hitting OfficeRTool.cmd and entering any value (D included), it exits the cmd window and nothing happens. SOLVED: changing folder name to have no parentheses (R) worked.
interesting... any way to ignore aria2 errors? instead of an ugly error ... continue but still show minimal GUI who is the genius that can help me? `2>nul` ... don't work here ... ...
I've used chat-gbt to asked how to remove aria2 errors. I'm no programmer but the AI gave some lengthy answer.
Have this error Name resolution for failed:Timeout while contacting DNS servers Please fix Thanks Shawn