If I downloaded the Microsoft 365 img files with your tool, would these be equivalent to the iso created with this tool? How can I convert img files to iso files? Thanks Bye
If I downloaded the Microsoft 365 img files with your tool, would these be equivalent to the iso created with this tool? Thanks Bye
Yo, this is what I was talking about mate, look at the download percentages. Also, there is no option to control the number of files downloaded at once (parallel downloads) for aria2. You can use this switch for aria2 "-j=(No of files to be downloaded at once)" or "--max-concurrent-downloads=(No of files to be downloaded at once)" BTW, even limitng the Number of files downloaded at once does not solve the above mentioned glitch. Probably an issue with aria2.
Man, I never asked for download speed. Please read again. If you meant split, those are for individual files. What I am asking is if, for example, office setup has 3 files A,B and C, then I want aria2 to be abale to allow me to choose whether I want to download A,B,C files at once or A,B and then C or A alone then B then C. In these cases aria2 -j=3 or -j=2 or -j=1 will be used respectively, Like this below; Code: "%Aria%" --log="%windir%\temp\log" --log-level=debug --console-log-level=error --summary-interval=0 --download-result=hide --continue -j=3 --split=%s_parts% --min-split-size=%s_size%M --max-connection-per-server=10 --max-download-limit=%Speed_Limit% --max-tries=2 --retry-wait=2 --check-certificate=false %ProxyAria% --out="%directory-prefix%\Office\Data\%~1" !sources! Here for -j=3, you can make a variable in Settings.ini to replace the 3 at runtime.
I created the iso of Microsoft 365 Business Premium (x32 and x64) with your tool. How do I force install the only 64bit apps on a 64bit OS? Thanks Bye
Alright, no worries. Can you then just look into the percentage issue in aria2 that I mentioned above with screenshot? UUPDump also uses aria2 but it works perfectly for it.
When I select downloading offline image, select any desired version of Office and I start downloading i get an error message: Code: The term 'Set-Clipboard' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the n ame, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At C:\Windows\Temp\tmp.ps1:9 char:14 + Set-Clipboard <<<< -value $OfficeDownloadURL + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Set-Clipboard:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException I still use Windows 7x64 if it makes any difference. Any idea how to fix it?
"Adjust Internet Speed Setting [First Run]" Could you please tell me what does this do exactly (it appears in the first command popup)?
Is it possible to set multiple Proofing Languages during download and Install? For example, have Office 2021 Display Language in en-US with proofing but also fr-FR proofing?