I wonder, do you have a firewall app that can stop ps1 files - from running? if you manually run `get_latest_setup_link` or `get_latest_setup_version` Does it run or fail?
Powershell asked me about execution policy change. I answered `Y`. After this nothing happens, no message etc. I don't have third-party AV/firewall.
Users beware! The upload.ee link (I didnt dare try the others) to the latest version of this tool is malicious. There is a wizard offering tonnes of crapware which gets installed even when you decline it. About 10 programs which took me more than 30 minutes to get rid of. Dark Dinosaur can you throw any light on this? Edit : I have done some further investgation and the other two links seem to be normal. The upload.ee link is not kosher (I should have been more careful!) Do not use it - Malwarebytes is having a field day getting rid of numerous reg keys and residuals as I write!
Did you heard about cloud flare dns service Or ublock addin ... You killing me man .. you killing me Cloud flare dns alone Block lot of s**t ...
I'm having a bit of trouble getting past this bit: Just sits here indefinitely. Any troubleshooting to get past it? edit: nevermind! i think it might have been sophos blocking it somehow. added an exclusion and it seems to have worked ok
v8.3 update. Code: ~ Update latest Setup file ~ Update check for ohook activation (v2) new check code. check for any hijacked dll's (modified from mass project script) Code: set ohook_found= for %%# in (15 16) do ( for %%A in ("%ProgramFiles%" "%ProgramW6432%" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%") do ( 2>nul >nul dir "%%~A\Microsoft Office\Office%%#\sppc*dll" /AL /b && set ohook_found=* )) for %%# in (System SystemX86) do ( for %%G in ("Office 15" "Office") do ( for %%A in ("%ProgramFiles%" "%ProgramW6432%" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%") do ( 2>nul >nul dir "%%~A\Microsoft %%~G\root\vfs\%%#\sppc*dll" /AL /b && set ohook_found=*)))
Thank you for this great software. For troubleshooting on one system, it might be causing a conflict. Icons are scrambled. There are a program or two that cannot be opened after closing regardless of Taskkill until restart. The Win11 was a brand new install from checksum'd media. Can OfficeRTool be uninstalled? TIA P. S. The purple icons are Phone Link and Microsoft Store.
But what's ohook ? And more importantly, how does it work to activate Office ? I understand nothing ! Thank you.