Now, tried to do download latest release 16.0.16924.20124, but it gives me only 16.0.12827.20336. I have selected channel: Current (retail)
this is the latest version in MS 16.0.16924.20124 it gets the version from the cab file I don't know - maybe @abbodi1406 know
Microsoft did something with version numbers. This is on different channels. If we get to the "Restriction" branch, we get a smaller version. For me, a regular Office update rolled back to the old version (version 2007, files June 2020, version July 2020). VersionDescriptor.xml Code: <Available Build="16.0.12527.20720" I320Hash="17658A93CD7811361F0378B4A5098570" I640Hash="F4D9F29F73B956BBC8DB717E2AB007EC" I320Version="16.0.16924.20124" I640Version="16.0.16924.20124" /> <DeliveryMechanism FFNRoot="492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60" /> <AvailableBuilds> <AvailableBuild RestrictionType="Default" Version="16.0.12827.20336" /> <AvailableBuild RestrictionType="OS" Value="7" Version="16.0.12527.20720" /> </AvailableBuilds> If old scripts do not work correctly, then we wait for news or correct the line for obtaining the version number. As a last resort, you will have to build in a JSON parser for the official API.
I would recommend using CAB, but analyzing I320Version/I640Version instead of Version. Currently this gives accurate information about the latest available build. If you want to get results based on the Windows version, as OTP does, then you will have to change the approach to checking information and displaying it. The last line in the previous post is more of a reflective note than a sentence(suggestion). The rest shows why we see and receive the "wrong" Office number.
Hello everyone I'm facing an issue installing Office Professional Plus 2021 Volume when downloaded through current channel. Choosing option "3" does nothing.
try new code. Code: set VER_DEF= if exist "%temp%/VersionDescriptor.xml" for /f "tokens=11 delims== " %%$ in ('"type "%temp%\VersionDescriptor.xml" | find /i "I640Version""') do ( if not defined VER_DEF ( set "VER_DEF=%%$" set "VER_DEF=!VER_DEF:~1,-1!" ) ) rem if exist "%temp%/VersionDescriptor.xml" for /f "tokens=3" %%$ in ('"type "%temp%\VersionDescriptor.xml" | find /i "AvailableBuild RestrictionType""') do (if not defined VER_DEF (set "VER_DEF=%%$")) REM if defined VER_DEF set "VER_DEF=!VER_DEF:~9,-1!"
update version. add support for new sku ---> --->