I edited my OP. Why are the hashes different between ESD decrypted ISO and the official download ISO?
Can we use these without having to use the update? I think thats what it says in the FAQ MDL said that we could not do a direct 7 or 8.1 to 10! That we need to go throught the update. You lied to me MDL!
"Setup couldn't start properly. Please reboot your PC and try running Windows 10 Setup again." I get that error on the 32bit installer. However, if you download the 64bit installer, you can still create a 32bit ISO. tl;dr download the 64bit installer.
You are creating the ISO on your computer with downloaded files with the Media Creation tool. The Hash will be different for that reason.
I never bothered with the windows update version of it. I downloaded some leaked copy from the bay and performed the upgrade from the burned disk while in windows via autorun. Since then I have formatted with the ESD decrypted ISO version. My point, EFA11, is that I used the decryptor on the ESD download to create the ISO. The hash of that ISO is not the same as the ISO that is downloaded via the official downloader tool I linked up on this OP. Why do the hashes not match if it is the same product?
Also if you are comparing a ESD to an ISO....Or even an ISO you made from the ESD...The Hash will not match
At the moment of decript and make the ISO some infos just changes as time stamped in some files, then if you download the encripted esd again and make a new ISO tomorrow It is not going to have same hashes as the previous one you made, so any homebrew ISO has a diferent hash. The esd itself changes hash just after decripted.
Can someone please confirm the original ISO is the same as that of WZOR leaks in terms of hash and build?
WZOR did not leak a standalone PRO version, correct? They only leaked a PRO-CORE version if I remember correctly. The WINDOWS 10 Media creation tool appears to be able to create a standalone Win10 PRO.
and if you create another iso, the hash should also not match. It is the way it is, time and many things make a change to hash.
so this build really is final release? i find that hard to believe, yet i should and i also assume to use the reserve app for my free upgrade