I'll share them with you Thomas if thats ok, they are not big enough to warrant their own topic, im happy to contribute and give you the sources and let you run with them how you want. I will make them safe, .reg.txt .cmd.txt etc. I dont have any reset options because they are built for my needs only. There arent many hkcu tweaks, mainly hklm/hkcr because hkcu tweaks are a personal thing but i will give you those too. I focus on system tweaks and light on user tweaks. I run the files from Power Run, not NSudo. The one tweak that i havnt started yet is bareboned scheduled tasks, ive just got the sevice disabled. To do that i disable, delete, delete from registry, delete folders and 8.1 was a hell of a lot of work but worth it Im gonna try to cut that in half and just delete from registry and delete folders, see if that works. Im going to skip your powershell scripts for now because i dont know powershell but i will look and see if i can do them reg or bats.
Cool, the fact is I had to do powershell because some task are not natively possible in batch... Also most of the scripts there are "utilities" more than system tweaks, which are all in the "optimize" and "personalize" projects, though I made some of the project's scripts available as "standalone" scripts. So, at the end those 2 links I shared above are not really relevant to the discussion (sorry)
I thought that was the case with PS. Ive got a load already to go but i would prefer to give you a pack in its final state so im gonna do a test install so i can tweak and hunt online at the same time, should be ready by next weekend. Barebone scheduled tasks will follow after. Had a discussion elsewhere that windows runs so fast that somethings get skipped so i add a 1 second timeout between each line, takes a while to run things but they get applied corectly, remove if you want. Ive got an 8.1 Defender killer and will try to adapt it to ltsc. If Defender is run for anytime on LTSC its prgram data folders are about 500mb so i delete them. I like a small 30gb partition for 8.1 then install ltsc on whats left. Fettle from 8.1 and run dism++ from there so no locked files etc, getting around 6gb updated, .net3.5 enabled and fettled, no great but borderline acceptable.
mmm yes a bit There is 3 PS scripts I use in OptimizeNG which are "device manager" settings (and need to be done manually otherwise) DiskWriteCaching to enable write caching on all drive at once, PowermanagementNIC and PowermanagementUSB to disable/untick "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" in device manager under power management tab. This is quite useful for initial setup configuration, I modded them there (changed paths and added auto elevation for ex) so they can be run separately.
@Thomas Dubreuil Your input welcome on improvements and anything i may have missed out. I want to keep the same basic layout(compared to yours though) as it works for me and its simple for script leaners. I learned mine from @TairikuOkamiand stackoverflow. @Ultraform
I am updating the tweaks for myself because i havnt been using ltsc for long, i am updating and compiling as i go along.
This project has done me a favour and gave me incentive to pull my thumb out from my fundamental and get my ltsc tweaks sorted and finalised. I slimmed my tweaks down because i wasnt using a lot of them and while the end result isnt massive i am happy with the results, ive got good results for not a lot of work, part of which was already done for w8.1.
I use Store for some Apps and Games, so I also need custom script without any Microsoft settings. I already applied the script on LTSC pc, causing all the apps and games not opening. Congrats for a great Script Thanks
let me have a look... can you type this in cmd prompt please: wmic os get OSArchitecture,Caption,BuildNumber /value
Ok perfect thanks a lot! Found the culprit: if not "%OSArchitecture%"=="64-bit" ( goto :Error_No_64bit_System ) Didn't know it could be 64-Bit or 64-bit...so thanks for the hint, tricky one! I will make simple string replacement to keep only first 2 characters: set "OSArchitecture=%OSArchitecture:~0,2%" and so look for "64" value only: if not "%OSArchitecture%"=="64" ( goto :Error_No_64bit_System ) I could do the architecture check another way but just adding one line=easier.
Incredible work. Is it advisable to run this on an existing Windows install, or is it intended for clean installs only?
It can be ran offline or online, after a clean install or regularly, in full mode or for different tasks that can also be ran separately, like services optimization, reset group policy, backup services startup configuration etc. I'm currently working on a new version with few bug fixes and added functionalities like driver backup and more cleaning tasks. Unfortunately my workstation mobo died so now I'm focused on reinstalling everything, so it will have to wait for a few days... Bugs fixed in next version (up in a few days ) Wifi network detection did not work SSD detection did not work as expected 64 bit OS detection did not work on some editions