Optimize-Offline Guide - Windows Debloating Tool, Windows 1803, 1903, 19H2, 1909, 20H1 and LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by KedarWolf, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. quakze

    quakze MDL Junior Member

    Dec 15, 2011
    #221 quakze, Jan 28, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020
    The script started, but created IOS with many errors.
    Running Module : Optimize-Offline
    Optimize Start : 01/28/2020 08:34:27 PM
    Identity Name : ---------
    Computer Name : ---------
    2020-01-28T20:34:27 [INFO]: Supported Image Build: [19041]
    2020-01-28T20:34:30 [INFO]: Mounting Windows 10 Enterprise
    2020-01-28T20:37:23 [INFO]: Mounting Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
    2020-01-28T20:37:47 [INFO]: Mounting Microsoft Windows Recovery Environment (x64)
    2020-01-28T20:38:27 [INFO]: Pre-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2020-01-28T21:23:30 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.549981C3F5F10
    2020-01-28T21:23:39 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.BingWeather
    2020-01-28T21:23:44 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.GetHelp
    2020-01-28T21:23:50 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Getstarted
    2020-01-28T21:23:55 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
    2020-01-28T21:24:00 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
    2020-01-28T21:24:06 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes
    2020-01-28T21:24:11 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal
    2020-01-28T21:24:16 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Office.OneNote
    2020-01-28T21:24:23 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.People
    2020-01-28T21:24:28 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.SkypeApp
    2020-01-28T21:24:34 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
    2020-01-28T21:24:39 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsCamera
    2020-01-28T21:24:45 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
    2020-01-28T21:24:52 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
    2020-01-28T21:24:58 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsMaps
    2020-01-28T21:25:06 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder
    2020-01-28T21:25:11 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI
    2020-01-28T21:25:16 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxApp
    2020-01-28T21:25:21 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay
    2020-01-28T21:25:26 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay
    2020-01-28T21:25:31 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.YourPhone
    2020-01-28T21:25:36 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ZuneMusic
    2020-01-28T21:25:42 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ZuneVideo
    2020-01-28T21:25:48 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Wallet
    2020-01-28T22:12:33 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin
    2020-01-28T22:12:36 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.BioEnrollment
    2020-01-28T22:12:38 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.ECApp
    2020-01-28T22:12:40 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.LockApp
    2020-01-28T22:12:42 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AddSuggestedFoldersToLibarayDialog
    2020-01-28T22:12:44 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.CallingShellApp
    2020-01-28T22:12:46 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls
    2020-01-28T22:12:48 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost
    2020-01-28T22:12:50 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.Search
    2020-01-28T22:12:52 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI
    2020-01-28T22:12:54 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.SecureAssessmentBrowser
    2020-01-28T22:12:56 [INFO]: Removing System App: MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS
    2020-01-28T22:12:58 [INFO]: Removing System App: Windows.CBSPreview
    2020-01-28T22:13:00 [INFO]: Removing System App: NcsiUwpApp
    2020-01-28T22:13:02 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager
    2020-01-28T22:13:04 [INFO]: Removing System App: MicrosoftWindows.UndockedDevKit
    2020-01-28T22:13:06 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost
    2020-01-28T22:13:08 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.NarratorQuickStart
    2020-01-28T22:13:11 [INFO]: Disabling Services, Drivers and Integration Content for Removed Apps.
    2020-01-28T22:13:26 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions
    2020-01-28T22:14:04 [INFO]: Importing Custom App Associations.
    2020-01-28T22:14:04 [ERROR]: Failed to Import Custom App Associations.
    2020-01-28T22:16:27 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.StepsRecorder
    2020-01-28T22:16:40 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.Support.QuickAssist
    2020-01-28T22:16:56 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Hello.Face.18967
    2020-01-28T22:17:09 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Hello.Face.Migration.18967
    2020-01-28T22:17:24 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Print.Fax.Scan
    2020-01-28T22:17:44 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OneCoreUAP.OneSync
    2020-01-28T22:18:11 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root
    2020-01-28T22:21:40 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: SmbDirect
    2020-01-28T22:21:53 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-XPSServices-Features
    2020-01-28T22:22:00 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: WorkFolders-Client
    2020-01-28T22:23:21 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: DirectPlay
    2020-01-28T22:23:30 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: LegacyComponents
    2020-01-28T22:23:43 [INFO]: Integrating the Win32 Calculator.
    2020-01-28T22:23:48 [INFO]: Integrating Microsoft DaRT 10 and Windows 20H1 Debugging Tools into Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:23:48 [ERROR]: Failed to Integrate Microsoft DaRT 10.
    2020-01-28T22:23:48 [INFO]: Discarding the Image and Terminating Process.
    Optimizations Failed : 01/28/2020 10:23:48 PM
    2020-01-28T22:30:11 [INFO]: Applying Optimized Registry Settings.
    2020-01-28T22:30:12 [ERROR]: Failed to Apply Optimized Registry Settings.
    2020-01-28T22:30:12 [INFO]: Discarding the Image and Terminating Process.
    Optimizations Failed : 01/28/2020 10:30:12 PM
    2020-01-28T22:30:12 [INFO]: Applying Setup Content.
    2020-01-28T22:30:15 [INFO]: Applying Wallpaper.
    2020-01-28T22:30:18 [INFO]: Applying Lock Screen.
    2020-01-28T22:30:22 [INFO]: Importing Registry Templates.
    2020-01-28T22:30:25 [INFO]: Cleaning-up the Start Menu Layout.
    2020-01-28T22:30:26 [ERROR]: Failed to Clean-up the Start Menu Layout.
    2020-01-28T22:30:29 [INFO]: Creating a Package Summary Log.
    2020-01-28T22:30:30 [INFO]: Saving and Dismounting Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:30:30 [ERROR]: Failed to Save and Dismount Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:30:30 [INFO]: Discarding the Image and Terminating Process.
    Optimizations Failed : 01/28/2020 10:30:30 PM
    2020-01-28T22:30:30 [INFO]: Saving and Dismounting Microsoft Windows Recovery Environment (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:30:30 [ERROR]: Failed to Save and Dismount Microsoft Windows Recovery Environment (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:30:30 [INFO]: Discarding the Image and Terminating Process.
    Optimizations Failed : 01/28/2020 10:30:30 PM
    2020-01-28T22:30:30 [INFO]: Rebuilding and Exporting Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:30:30 [ERROR]: Failed to Rebuild and Export Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:30:33 [INFO]: Rebuilding and Exporting Microsoft Windows Recovery Environment (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:30:33 [ERROR]: Failed to Rebuild and Export Microsoft Windows Recovery Environment (x64)
    2020-01-28T22:30:36 [INFO]: Saving and Dismounting Windows 10 Enterprise
    2020-01-28T22:30:36 [ERROR]: Failed to Save and Dismount Windows 10 Enterprise
    2020-01-28T22:30:36 [INFO]: Discarding the Image and Terminating Process.
    Optimizations Failed : 01/28/2020 10:30:36 PM
    2020-01-28T22:30:44 [INFO]: Rebuilding and Exporting Windows 10 Enterprise using Maximum compression.
    2020-01-28T22:30:44 [ERROR]: Failed to Rebuild and Export Windows 10 Enterprise using Maximum compression.
    2020-01-28T22:30:47 [INFO]: Optimizing the Installation Media File Structure.
    2020-01-28T22:30:49 [INFO]: Creating a No-Prompt Bootable Windows Installation Media ISO.
    2020-01-28T22:34:07 [INFO]: Finalizing Optimizations.
    2020-01-28T22:34:12 [INFO]: Optimize-Offline completed in [59] minutes with [10] errors.
    Optimizations Finalized : 01/28/2020 10:34:12 PM

    Then I falsed some and removed the option of Dart from config...json file, and succeeded creating an ISO with one error(default App Association error).

    KAPABLE-K MDL Novice

    May 23, 2015
    Hey guys,

    Please excuse my ignorance, I followed the instructions in the OP and after a lot of failed attempts mostly because I had to install the ADK Deployment before anything would even work.

    What exactly does the Promt and No-Promt do?

    I did not use this because I have no idea how.

    I was able to get the ISO built without any errors, I did a Pro and a Home version but I have two problems.

    1. After the install starts and it copies all the files and the system restarts if I do not unplug the usb it will began the process from the beginning instead of continuing with the install. How can I make this stop and continue with the install just like how it used to work when I use the windows tool to make the usb?
    2. When I install the home version and after it installs i'm not able to see all the available wireless connections around me the only way I can connect is I have to go into the settings and manually enter the SSID and password but on the pro version it works normally I can see the list of available connections.
    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
  3. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    Update on promised GUI here
  4. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    I reverted back to since 4 does not create the context menu options such as Elevated Powershell, etc. (unless I missed something in the notes). This makes me wonder what else it messes up, so I reverted and everything is back again.
  5. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    #225 drew84, Jan 30, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
    This script is NOT designed to be a one stop bloatware/privacy/security solution for all concerned, rather it should be treated as a base from which to start.

    Godhand's script works for him based on his knowledge and within his own enviornment, similarily KedarWolf's suggestions in the OP are what works for him.

    Neither should be taken as gospel, in the end, it is you who will be affected when using the OS installed with the image YOU created.

    ... it is pure common sense that if you are going to use someone else's scripts, that you have a modicum of understanding as to how the script achieves its goals.
    At the very least you should have some idea of what you are doing, and what you are trying to achieve.

    The Gridview part of the script provides an easy way for you to remove apps etc, but...
    The removal/disabling of apps requires you (the user) to do some homework on apps and their dependencies; the same goes for services.

    The registry section (while more complex) is similarily easy to use once you get the hang of it.
    The first thing you need to do is read the Registry section of the script, and remove the bits that you don't want applied to your image.
    Also at the same time make a note of what is missing (stuff that you want applied, context menu, file explorer settings etc.).
    These additional (missing) registry items you require can then be added via additional registry tweaks or setup (oobe.cmd).

    ... and remember, check your work, if something goes wrong when running the script, the issue is more often than not, at the user end (certainly in my case)
  6. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    @quakze Glad to see you managed to get it to run, Q: was this after the suggested ammendment?
    as regards DART, I pesonally have never implemented the integration myself as there seems to be some concensus that it is problematic
    ..default App Association error, this is a mystery as to why (in some cases) it has recently stopped working.
  7. quakze

    quakze MDL Junior Member

    Dec 15, 2011
    Yes, script started working after the amendment you suggested, Thanks for support, very much appreciated.

    Please share the tweaked registry for 19041 !
  8. Andres Hurtado

    Andres Hurtado MDL Novice

    Jan 30, 2020
    Hi guys,

    I hope you can help me with this:

    After installing Powershell 5.1, Windows ADK and importing DISM module, I'm not able to run Start-Optimize.psm1.

    I got this message:

    WARNING: Optimize-Offline requires "Microsoft Windows 10", "Microsoft Windows Server 2016" or "Microsoft Windows Server 2019" host environments.

    I'm running it on Windows 7, but I thik i read somewhere that is possible to run Optimize on it. Is it possible?
  9. Mavericks Choice

    Mavericks Choice MDL Guru

    Aug 5, 2015
    #230 Mavericks Choice, Jan 31, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020
    Yes I noted the same also, will have a closer look at

    "Additional": {
    "Setup": false,
    "Wallpaper": true,
    "SystemLogo": true,
    "LockScreen": false,
    "RegistryTemplates": false,
    "Unattend": false,
    "Drivers": false,
    "NetFx3": false

    Appears in additional section you need to change "RegistryTemplates": true,

    Ran another VM test & confirmed to be ok.
  10. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
  11. FlyTech

    FlyTech MDL Novice

    Sep 24, 2009
    From my json ver

    "Additional": {
    "Setup": false,
    "Wallpaper": true,
    "SystemLogo": true,
    "LockScreen": false,
    "RegistryTemplates": true,
    "Unattend": false,
    "Drivers": false,
    "NetFx3": false

    What does enabling the Setup entry listed in the Additional options section actually do. Currently the default selection is set to false. Have not been able to find any documentation on this entry.
  12. FlyTech

    FlyTech MDL Novice

    Sep 24, 2009
    I was looking in the readme that came with the download. Sorry dude, but thanks for the info.
  13. KnightSirius

    KnightSirius MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2015
    First time posting here, I'll try to keep it succinct. I've successfully created an optimize-offline ISO using the guides, and I've installed it without issue! However, I have a few details I am unable to find info on.

    1) The default search window in the start menu has changed location! I assume this has to do with disabling (or at least crippling) Cortana? Or maybe it's just an update I don't have on my primary computer that I am comparing against even though I am up to date using the Windows Update Assistant... Any info on this would be awesome as I'm not sure if I like it or not yet LOL. I always have classic-shell if nothing else though.

    Here are two screenshots of what I'm talking about!
    pls no ban I'm just a lurker :eek: my links are just screenshots of my windows desktop with the search box open.



    2) I forgot to update my ISO using WIN10UI before making my optimize-offline ISO.

    What affect does this realistically have? I updated the system I'm testing my ISO on with the Windows Update Assistant from 1809 -> 1909 and on the surface it seems to not have changed much but I can't know for sure how much it reverted in the registry if anything! It doesn't seem to have re-installed any apps at least.

    I'll probably make another ISO after applying updates to my original ISO... if I can get that to work...
    However, if I were to not bother does it just largely defeat the purpose of making my own ISO to begin with? I guess what I'm asking is do we know how protected the changes that are made using optimize-offline are from Windows Update?

    As far as I can tell the original intent for this project was for machines that are to never go online, as such you apply the updates ahead of time to the ISO, then the optimizations, install windows and never worry about it again.
    However, a lot of users on here seem to be using it in place of a regular Windows install for their personal systems which are online, just wondering how the changes hold up in the long term? if anybody has been using it long enough to know.

    Cheers! Also thank you to those involved in developing/maintaining this and those answering the all-too-common didn't-read-the-guides questions lol (hopefully I'm not included in that) :)
  14. Mavericks Choice

    Mavericks Choice MDL Guru

    Aug 5, 2015
    This app is more about removing windows ten bloat! It's not that these peeps will never go online & there's many other options instead of WU, I use WUMT, works well & is very reliable, accessible here & supported at MDL too.
  15. KnightSirius

    KnightSirius MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2015
    Oh damn, somehow I never came across mention of WUMT before now! That is a damn useful tool, thank you very much for mentioning it haha :)

    Also yes I understand it's for removing win10 bloat, which is why I was so excited to happen across it heh. Might not have conveyed my thoughts well enough; I am wondering how resilient the alterations made by the optimize script are to windows updates, Will the alterations eventually be 'repaired' by future updates? Assuming MS decides they know what we want better than we do and decide to just install a few apps and reverse some registry edits to re-enable telemetry features in larger feature updates...

    But I guess that's a moot point now that I know WUMT exists :p
  16. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    @KnightSirius .. if you have the patience and/or the time, you can always do what I used to do.
    With each new batch of updates, apply the Optimize Offline script to a newly created image with said updates already itegrated.
    You can then upgrade (update) your OS freely, mostly negating the effects that direct updating may have on the system.
  17. KnightSirius

    KnightSirius MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2015
    Yeah, figured that was probably going to be the only real solution. Quite tedious for what is realistically likely little benefit, at least if you're doing it frequently.
    It'd be really cool if someday there exists a background service that ran sort of like KMS updating activation every 6 months, but instead verifying that your configuration remains as you desire; reverting any changes made by updates.
  18. quakze

    quakze MDL Junior Member

    Dec 15, 2011
    In short, there is no effect of updates on the OS.

    I am using Optimize Offline script created OS from two months, and non of the app reverted back.