anyone know of a program for overclocking a Ati mobility radeon 5470 1gb i had one program for my desktop that does this for nividia. on windows 7 x64 bit ultimate. cant seem to fins a good program for this.
Mobility = laptop. Overclocking a laptop card is a bad idea, most cards are actually underclocked so to work with the limited cooling ability that a laptop has.
That right.... overclocking is best for desktop cards.... though some gaming laptops come with factory-done overclocking...
Gaming will test it out, the temps prolly wont change on normal use as most cards have 2d underclock for video playback, desktop and normal use. Then the higher 3d clocks kick in when you do the likes of CAD or gaming.
Safest way is to stress the gpu and see if it's not getting to hot, if it's cool enough at stress then it will always be.
ya so far so good. tried resident evil 5 and tom Clancy's hawx. no issues at all have everest installed monitoring it. everything's staying around 120.F max under normal use its at 114F so far so good.
Install CPUID's HWMonitor. It will record the current, the minimum and maximum temps as long as it is running, everest is real-time only to my knowledge. I would minimize a game to check temps and the GPU would drop like 10-15 degrees in a second (water cooled GPU btw) so I used HWMonitor to get min and max temps
Hi, what value did you put in your .cfg file for Rivatuner in order to oc this card ? I ever find 1002-68E0 for the ID... Thx
here you go bro I rared mine for ya. Replace yours with mine i made to unlock it for this specific board only. I myself & The site take no responsibly if you fry anything from going to much.mines been running fine. It does show max degrees for the board in blue in the settings slider.remember to press thanks..
Thank you for the file, ti works What are the maximum values you put in Rivatune for the GPU and the RAM ? ;-)
like i said use the slide scale. what you can play with is the blue sector of the slider. i went about half just a mild boost.
OK, personnally, i put the GPU frequency at 800/820 Mhz and the memory clock at 850/860 Mhz.... I just wanted to know if it's possible to put them faster Thx
Max stable overclock Hello all, im overclocking this card to 880\910 mhz in GPU and 980\1000 mhz in memory clock this has been tested when playing Crysis, with 910\1000 was crashed 2 times in 4 testing months, only keep cool your system
Whats a suitable temp for this card? i'm using the gputool stability test at 859 GPU / 839 RAM and it gets to 73 C°, whats a safe recommended temp? Also whats a suitable fan speed percentage? default is 30%