No, it will remove them. Stuff is deleted from systemapps and everything once you edit the state repository DB to allow it. My cloudexperiencehost is gone. You just have to pass packageFullname. I didn't delete anything before trying to uninstall though. Wish it was like 8.1 where you can fully remove metro apps and metro app support.
Well, I got a different information from MSMG Toolkit experts. Are all those System AppX's completely gone from "Windows\SystemApps" directory? If not - you didn't remove them, just disabled them. When you use WIM Tweak or CBSEnum to actually remove packages, then they disappear from that SystemApps folder without any need to delete anything manually and SFC ScanNow command does not bring them back.
That part isn't possible. Shell Exp. *is* the start ui. It doesn't connect to the internet like the settings app with its "telemetry helper" (thanks registry searching). And I played with SFC. It can bring back things removed with NTLite and MSMG. i.e I removed secondary tile experience before I even installed, no trace left but yet it puts the folder back. Good thing is the app stuff brought back never runs. Don't use SFC. But you said that remove-appx just hides apps and it doesn't. While wimtweak/Cbsenum can actually put the files back into systemapps. Have you tried updates yet, I have to warn you component removals mean you need to manually install cumulative updates in pieces. On another forum we discovered how to do it but the main visible update package is never installed.
Could you please link me on these individual updates because I ran the cumulative update and boy did it mess things up = restored so much of the crap I removed! So I cleaned it and Edge stopped working...
I just want updates to the 3 things I always wanted - ShellExperienceHost, MS Edge, and Immersive Control Panel! I would greatly appreciate if you could tell me how to get them updated individually because I could care less for anything else!
You just extract the update and then run individual updates from each cab file. Main cab is 4 cab files and then those break into 1000s of cab files. Then you install: For /R c:\putPathHere %f in (*.mum) do dism /online /norestart /add-package /packagepath:â%fâ It may bring some components back, usually they will fail if they were removed. The whole update stopped installing for me because of missing components. Then you can hide the individual packages just like WU would have done. If you just want to update some things you would have to look through the cab files and see what they are updating which was too big of a task for me.
Oh, I simply downloaded THE CAB update, not the MSU or MRU - I am not sure which 4 cab files you are talking about... Anyway, first time I updated - it recreated the entire AppRepository (AND that Database file) to its original state! Then I used Acronis True Image Restore, and before applying the update I pretty much eradicated ALL registry entries related to the non-existing packages in places where they were all listed, removed non-existing packages from SystemApps, and ran the update. This time it did not touch AppRepository and did not touch the registry, but it did recreate a few folders in SystemApps. I guess I am all set now!
It was the full cab, just the cab failed. So the cab extracts into update.mum, catalog and about 4 more cab files. Then you extract the 4 cab files into folders and loop-Dism them. This month I will try the 500MB fractional cab instead of the big 1gb one.
BTW, when a package is truly removed, neither DISM nor SFC can bring it back nor detect errors, which is why to truly remove the package for good is to remove it before you install the OS with MSMG Toolkit.
And yet stuff I removed with it came back when I ran SFC while some stuff I removed after install wasn't a problem. It must really depend on how deeply integrated the pk is.
None of what I removed came back... I think this time when I make an image, I will set Inbox=0 before installation instead of doing it later. AFAIK you just have to remove those AppX's from registry in places where all of them are listed at the same time, but I am not sure... There is no way to edit the AppRepository SQL DB file or the folder and its subfolders before the installation because it simply does not exist inside the image. That way I can run Get/Remove PackageX Command as the first thing when PC starts, and get rid of all that crap from the beginning.
I've, as of yet, still had no luck in completely removing ShellExperienceHost from the system without ill, or at least, remediable effects. Best I've been able to do so far is StartIsBack++'s option to not prelaunch SEH. That doesn't actually it stop it from running though. It's still in Task Manager, but suspended instead of running.
I think that's normal. Mine is suspended until I launch something that uses it. At one point I had done something to make it launch on demand but that install got clobbered. Might of had something with the ****broker services and setting them manual, I don't remember for sure. Something like that is probably the most we can hope for.
Trial and error would gave you the answers 1. usosvc - wuauserv - vss 2. better to disable 3. no difference -- 1. yes each time do not decouple all packages 2. TI is a token, SYSTEM is always the user used