Panasonic Toughbook CF-52 (Phoenix Bios)

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Viper2k4, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #21 Viper2k4, Jun 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    The same :/. The Maker and the PubKey will every time be written from the Update Tool (try it with Lenovo to). But the XSDT and RSDT never change :/.

    I would need "simply" a SLIC.bin with the Naming for my board. But i think this is not pssobile or?


    Because the damn BIOS-Update Tool don't write all Data to the BIOS like the XSDT and the RSDT. I hope i found some switches for the Tool to do it. But found nothing so i try to disassembler and found this:
    Printed by the Tool if try unsupportet [switches] 
    Usage> %s [switches] filename  
    -mMachineName : Specify machine name
    -f            : Wait for no key, update forced
    -f0           : No key input needed but can check successfull update
    -r            : Reboot even if power-off sequence is supported  
    -a            : Use APM to Check AC and Battery status.
    -rchk version : where version is the expected BIOS version (such as 1.23)
    If current version is newer than expected, exit code is 0
    If current version is equal to expected,   exit code is 1
    If current version is older than expected, exit code is 2
    Otherwise 255 will be returned
    -mlist      : Print supported machines list.
    Found in the Tool with Disassembler and Function are know
    -wbd       : write "Board Revision Data"
    -rbd          : read "Board Revision Data"
    -wlt          : write "LCD Time"
    -rlt          : read "LCD Time"
    -wdd          : write "Device Data"
    -rdd          : read "Device Data"
    -wpc          : write "RECORD WORKING TIME and POWER ON COUNT" 
    -rpc          : write "RECORD WORKING TIME and POWER ON COUNT"
    -sn      : Set Serial Number ex. -snserial.txt (no special format, simply a Textfile with the Info in it)
    -cn      : Set Model ex. -cnmodel.txt (no special format, simply a Textfile with the Info in it)
    -st      : Set Asset Tag ex. -stasset.txt (no special format, simply a Textfile with the Info in it)
    -wt      : Set Ownership Tag ex. -wtowner.txt (no special format, simply a Textfile with the Info in it)
    Found in the Tool with Disassembler and Function are unknown
    -d            : dont know exact usage but it let me flash ROMS if CRC is wrong
    -cboot      : dont know (nothing happend, maybe it reboot if needed or possbile after flash)
    -x      : dont know (looks like this clear serial number and model number)
    -partial      : dont know (tool only shows "Usage" maybe it has to be combine with a other switch)
    -sum=      : dont know (dont work together with -d but shows the CRC Error for the Bios-File, that normaly is not shown)
    +bb      : dont know (nothing changed (what i see) combined with -d)
    -bb      : dont know (nothing changed (what i see) combined with -d)
    -sec      : dont know (tool only shows "Usage" maybe it has to be combine with a other switch)
    -sc3      : dont know (tool only shows "Usage" maybe it has to be combine with a other switch)
    -gen      : dont know (tool only shows "Usage" maybe it has to be combine with a other switch)
    -isec      : dont know (tool only shows "Usage" maybe it has to be combine with a other switch)
    -im      : dont know (nothing changed (what i see) combined with -d)
    -entire      : dont know (clear LAN MAC and so on)
  2. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    try Acer slic with SSV2.
    then take another readwrite report of acersys slic flashed.
  3. quid

    quid MDL Addicted

    Oct 22, 2010
    #24 quid, Jun 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    If I remember correctly some of the unknown options are as follows:

    -d      : Display Version
    -sn      : Set Serial Number ex. -snserial.txt
    -cn      : Set Model ex. -cnmodel.txt
    -st      : Set Asset Tag ex. -stasset.txt
    -wt      : Set Ownership Tag ex. -wtowner.txt
    -sum=      : Check CRC value of BIOS File ex. -sum=CRC
  4. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
  5. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    time to USB SPI programmer it.. CH341A
  6. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #28 Viper2k4, Jun 16, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2015
    Ok then im out. Im a Softwareprogrammer not an electronics engineer. The damn Bios-Chip is soldered to the board :/

    Why the heck Panasonic dont support simply phlash16 :)
  7. urie

    urie Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 21, 2007
  8. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #30 Viper2k4, Jun 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I check the BIOSCOD1. All fine there (Same ID as the SLIC). It simply looks like the Panasonic Tool is crap for flashing. Because it mainly exclude the ACPI Table. Thats my ACPI-Table after the Flash:

    Please select the 'Courier' font format to read !
    Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress  LenthDescription Table  (ACPI 2.0)
    RSD PTR MATBIO        000F7770    36Root System Desc.Pointer
     |- RSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4D47    84Root System Desc.Table
     |     |
     |  00 |- FACP  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDA66   132
     |  01 |- HPET  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDBDE    56
     |* 02 |- SLIC  MATBIOCF52-3  7F6CDC16   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
     |  03 |- SLAC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDD8C   374
     |  04 |- APIC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02   104
     |  05 |- MCFG  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A    60
     |  06 |- BOOT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6    40
     |  07 |- TCPA  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE    50
     |  08 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5E50   763
     |  09 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C53AB   607
     |  10 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5305   166
     |  11 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4E1F  1254
     |- XSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4D9B   132Extended System Desc.Table
        00 |- FACP  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDAEA   244
        01 |- HPET  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDBDE    56
      * 02 |- SLIC  MATBIOCF52-3  7F6CDC16   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
        03 |- SLAC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDD8C   374
        04 |- APIC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02   104
        05 |- MCFG  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A    60
        06 |- BOOT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6    40
        07 |- TCPA  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE    50
        08 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5E50   763
        09 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C53AB   607
        10 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5305   166
        11 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4E1F  1254
          --- Scan  Finished ---
    Is there a way to extract the Platform-Informations from the Panasonic Update Tool? Because thats what is PHLASH16 crying for :/.

    Create a SLIC with "MATBIOCF52-1LA" is not even possible right?
  9. urie

    urie Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 21, 2007
    I see you have posted bios mod request hopefully you will get result, or more information more members involved the better.
  10. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    #32 Serg008, Jun 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  11. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #33 Viper2k4, Jun 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  12. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    I think the easyed way is to get the Bios flashed by the Phoenix tools. Did u think there is somthing in the flasher from Panasonic that could be extraced? Maybe platform.bin or somthing else?
  13. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    try running slic tool on the bad marker file with acer slic?
  14. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #36 Viper2k4, Jun 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Yes without change (because only the SLIC changed in the ACPI-Table). It looks like the Flash Tool dont change that values. I try to edit ALL (except one) "CF-1LA" with Hexedit to "CF-1LA" and i got this result:

    Please select the 'Courier' font format to read !
    Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress  LenthDescription Table  (ACPI 2.0)
    RSD PTR MATBIO        000F7770    36Root System Desc.Pointer
     |- RSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4EC9    80Root System Desc.Table
     |     |
     |  00 |- FACP  MATBIOCF52-37F6CDBDC   132
     |  01 |- HPET  MATBIOCF52-37F6CDD54    56
     |* 02 |- SLIC  MATBIOCF52-37F6CDD8C   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
     |  03 |- APIC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02   104
     |  04 |- MCFG  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A    60
     |  05 |- BOOT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6    40
     |  06 |- TCPA  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE    50
     |  07 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5FC6   763
     |  08 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5521   607
     |  09 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C547B   166
     |  10 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4F95  1254
     |- XSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4F19   124Extended System Desc.Table
        00 |- FACP  MATBIOCF52-37F6CDC60   244
        01 |- HPET  MATBIOCF52-37F6CDD54    56
      * 02 |- SLIC  MATBIOCF52-37F6CDD8C   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
        03 |- APIC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02   104
        04 |- MCFG  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A    60
        05 |- BOOT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6    40
        06 |- TCPA  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE    50
        07 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5FC6   763
        08 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5521   607
        09 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C547B   166
        10 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4F95  1254
          --- Scan  Finished ---
  15. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    phoenix mod tool with SSV2 acer slic ?
  16. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Like i said. Yes i try it but the flashtool dont change all the values. Onyl differnt ist then name of the SLIC Table.
  17. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #39 Viper2k4, Jun 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Oh its funny if i pick "Acer" as SLIC. We could see that the TCPA part get flashed also :)
    Please select the 'Courier' font format to read !
    Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress  LenthDescription Table  (ACPI 2.0)
    RSD PTR MATBIO        000F7770    36Root System Desc.Pointer
     |- RSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4D47    84Root System Desc.Table
     |     |
     |  00 |- FACP  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDA66   132
     |  01 |- HPET  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDBDE    56
     |* 02 |- SLIC  ACRSYSACRPRDCT7F6CDC16   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
     |  03 |- SLAC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDD8C   374
     |  04 |- APIC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02   104
     |  05 |- MCFG  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A    60
     |  06 |- BOOT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6    40
     |  07 |- TCPA  ACRSYSCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE    50
     |  08 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5E50   763
     |  09 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C53AB   607
     |  10 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5305   166
     |  11 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4E1F  1254
     |- XSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4D9B   132Extended System Desc.Table
        00 |- FACP  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDAEA   244
        01 |- HPET  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDBDE    56
      * 02 |- SLIC  ACRSYSACRPRDCT7F6CDC16   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
        03 |- SLAC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDD8C   374
        04 |- APIC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02   104
        05 |- MCFG  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A    60
        06 |- BOOT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6    40
        07 |- TCPA  ACRSYSCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE    50
        08 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5E50   763
        09 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C53AB   607
        10 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5305   166
        11 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4E1F  1254
          --- Scan  Finished ---
  18. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008