Panasonic Toughbook CF-52 (Phoenix Bios)

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Viper2k4, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    #41 LatinMcG, Jul 14, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
  2. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #43 Viper2k4, Jul 16, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2015

    Im not sure (tryed it some days ago). But i would try it later next days.

    So with default Settings and only change "Only alter tables in the main ACPI module" or something else to?


    Yes the BIOS is under the sticker. Now i have to wait for the USB-Flasher :)

    It's a "SST25VF080"

    Attached Files:

  3. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    ohh wow first time i see easy replace bios board in a laptop.
    SST reads in a special mode in programmer.

    time to try the settings andyp mentioned and flas**t.. make backup of eeprom first with programmer.(flash original bios first)
  4. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #45 Viper2k4, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Please select the 'Courier' font format to read !
    Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress  LenthDescription Table  (ACPI 2.0)
    RSD PTR MATBIO        000F7770    36Root System Desc.Pointer
     |- RSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4D47    84Root System Desc.Table
     |     |
     |  00 |- FACP  MATBIOCF52-3  7F6CDA66   132
     |  01 |- HPET  MATBIOCF52-3  7F6CDBDE    56
     |* 02 |- SLIC  MATBIOCF52-3  7F6CDC16   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
     |  03 |- SLAC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDD8C   374
     |  04 |- APIC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02   104
     |  05 |- MCFG  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A    60
     |  06 |- BOOT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6    40
     |  07 |- TCPA  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE    50
     |  08 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5E50   763
     |  09 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C53AB   607
     |  10 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5305   166
     |  11 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4E1F  1254
     |- XSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4D9B   132Extended System Desc.Table
        00 |- FACP  MATBIOCF52-3  7F6CDAEA   244
        01 |- HPET  MATBIOCF52-3  7F6CDBDE    56
      * 02 |- SLIC  MATBIOCF52-3  7F6CDC16   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
        03 |- SLAC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDD8C   374
        04 |- APIC  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02   104
        05 |- MCFG  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A    60
        06 |- BOOT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6    40
        07 |- TCPA  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE    50
        08 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5E50   763
        09 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C53AB   607
        10 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5305   166
        11 |- SSDT  MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4E1F  1254
          --- Scan  Finished ---
    Thats the result.

    (Atm. i have to wait for the postman. Because my programmer comes from the UK to me)
  5. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    #46 andyp, Jul 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    I think either the bootblock is not being flashed normally and therefore contains the table ID or there is code that copies it from somewhere else that isn't flashed.
    I do wonder if flashing with a programmer will fix it. I will also look for a lock in the code (although I'm pretty rusty as I haven't looked for one for a couple of years!)


  6. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    #47 andyp, Jul 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  7. Viper2k4

    Viper2k4 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    #48 Viper2k4, Jul 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  8. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    nice. 1 mb dump? id tought it was 4 or 8 mb. my bad 8mbit= 1mbyte

    AndyP thank you!. what was trick for slic ??
  9. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    #50 andyp, Jul 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Normally this sort of lock is in BIOSCOD1.
    We know that the OEM ID is 6 bytes, the Table ID is 8 bytes and they start at Ah in the ACPI header, so I normally just disassemble in IDA and have an eyeball.
    I found:

    seg000:C969 sub_C969        proc near               ; CODE XREF: seg000:C8B2p
    seg000:C969                                         ; sub_CE3D+16p ...
    seg000:C969                 push    ax
    seg000:C96A                 push    cx
    seg000:C96B                 push    esi
    seg000:C96D                 push    edi
    seg000:C96F                 mov     edi, esi
    seg000:C972                 add     edi, 0Ah
    seg000:C976                 mov     word ptr [edi], 'AM'
    seg000:C97B                 mov     word ptr [edi+2], 'BT'
    seg000:C981                 mov     word ptr [edi+4], 'OI'
    seg000:C987                 mov     edi, esi
    seg000:C98A                 add     edi, 1Ch
    seg000:C98E                 mov     word ptr [edi], 'EM'
    seg000:C993                 mov     word ptr [edi+2], ' I'
    seg000:C999                 mov     edi, esi
    seg000:C99C                 add     edi, 10h
    seg000:C9A0                 mov     esi, 0F000h
    seg000:C9A6                 shl     esi, 4
    seg000:C9AA                 add     esi, 0E604h
    seg000:C9B1                 mov     cx, 8
    seg000:C9B4 loc_C9B4:                               ; CODE XREF: sub_C969+5Cj
    seg000:C9B4                 mov     al, es:[esi]
    seg000:C9B8                 cmp     al, 0
    seg000:C9BA                 jnz     short loc_C9BE
    seg000:C9BC                 mov     al, 20h ; ' '
    seg000:C9BE loc_C9BE:                               ; CODE XREF: sub_C969+51j
    seg000:C9BE                 mov     [edi], al
    seg000:C9C1                 inc     esi
    seg000:C9C3                 inc     edi
    seg000:C9C5                 loop    loc_C9B4
    seg000:C9C7                 pop     edi
    seg000:C9C9                 pop     esi
    seg000:C9CB                 pop     cx
    seg000:C9CC                 pop     ax
    seg000:C9CD                 retn
    seg000:C9CD sub_C969        endp
    and patched it to (just nopped out the bits that actually write the OEM ID and the part of the loop that writes the Table ID:

    seg000:C969                 push    ax
    seg000:C96A                 push    cx
    seg000:C96B                 push    esi
    seg000:C96D                 push    edi
    seg000:C96F                 mov     edi, esi
    seg000:C972                 add     edi, 0Ah
    seg000:C976                 nop
    seg000:C977                 nop
    seg000:C978                 nop
    seg000:C979                 nop
    seg000:C97A                 nop
    seg000:C97B                 nop
    seg000:C97C                 nop
    seg000:C97D                 nop
    seg000:C97E                 nop
    seg000:C97F                 nop
    seg000:C980                 nop
    seg000:C981                 nop
    seg000:C982                 nop
    seg000:C983                 nop
    seg000:C984                 nop
    seg000:C985                 nop
    seg000:C986                 nop
    seg000:C987                 mov     edi, esi
    seg000:C98A                 add     edi, 1Ch
    seg000:C98E                 mov     word ptr [edi], 454Dh
    seg000:C993                 mov     word ptr [edi+2], 2049h
    seg000:C999                 mov     edi, esi
    seg000:C99C                 add     edi, 10h
    seg000:C9A0                 mov     esi, 0F000h
    seg000:C9A6                 shl     esi, 4
    seg000:C9AA                 add     esi, 0E604h
    seg000:C9B1                 mov     cx, 8
    seg000:C9B4 loc_C9B4:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:C9C5j
    seg000:C9B4                 mov     al, es:[esi]
    seg000:C9B8                 cmp     al, 0
    seg000:C9BA                 jnz     short loc_C9BE
    seg000:C9BC                 mov     al, 20h ; ' '
    seg000:C9BE loc_C9BE:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:C9BAj
    seg000:C9BE                 nop
    seg000:C9BF                 nop
    seg000:C9C0                 nop
    seg000:C9C1                 inc     esi
    seg000:C9C3                 inc     edi
    seg000:C9C5                 loop    loc_C9B4
    seg000:C9C7                 pop     edi
    seg000:C9C9                 pop     esi
    seg000:C9CB                 pop     cx
    seg000:C9CC                 pop     ax
    seg000:C9CD                 retn
    I'll incorporate it into the tool.
    See v2.60 in other thread.
  10. nick424

    nick424 MDL Novice

    May 21, 2016
    I have a Panasonic CF-30 Toughbook CF-30FTSAZAE Bios V200L14M22 it is not showing any wifi components in the bios,however they are all physically there including Bluetooth and tested working,do I need to update the bios in some way ??
  11. ChrisCGN

    ChrisCGN MDL Novice

    Oct 7, 2020
    Hi together im looking for a Bios Bin File for a CF-52 // DL3UP1912BCA

    Maybe someone can upload :)

    Thanks Chris