@andyp Im not sure (tryed it some days ago). But i would try it later next days. So with default Settings and only change "Only alter tables in the main ACPI module" or something else to? @LatinMcG Yes the BIOS is under the sticker. Now i have to wait for the USB-Flasher It's a "SST25VF080"
ohh wow first time i see easy replace bios board in a laptop. SST reads in a special mode in programmer. time to try the settings andyp mentioned and flas**t.. make backup of eeprom first with programmer.(flash original bios first)
Code: Please select the 'Courier' font format to read ! Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress LenthDescription Table (ACPI 2.0) RSD PTR MATBIO 000F7770 36Root System Desc.Pointer | |- RSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4D47 84Root System Desc.Table | | | 00 |- FACP MATBIOCF52-3 7F6CDA66 132 | 01 |- HPET MATBIOCF52-3 7F6CDBDE 56 |* 02 |- SLIC MATBIOCF52-3 7F6CDC16 374Software Licensing Desc.Table | 03 |- SLAC MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDD8C 374 | 04 |- APIC MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02 104 | 05 |- MCFG MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A 60 | 06 |- BOOT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6 40 | 07 |- TCPA MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE 50 | 08 |- SSDT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5E50 763 | 09 |- SSDT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C53AB 607 | 10 |- SSDT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5305 166 | 11 |- SSDT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4E1F 1254 | |- XSDTMATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4D9B 132Extended System Desc.Table | 00 |- FACP MATBIOCF52-3 7F6CDAEA 244 01 |- HPET MATBIOCF52-3 7F6CDBDE 56 * 02 |- SLIC MATBIOCF52-3 7F6CDC16 374Software Licensing Desc.Table 03 |- SLAC MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDD8C 374 04 |- APIC MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF02 104 05 |- MCFG MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDF6A 60 06 |- BOOT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFA6 40 07 |- TCPA MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6CDFCE 50 08 |- SSDT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5E50 763 09 |- SSDT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C53AB 607 10 |- SSDT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C5305 166 11 |- SSDT MATBIOCF52-1LA7F6C4E1F 1254 --- Scan Finished --- Thats the result. (Atm. i have to wait for the postman. Because my programmer comes from the UK to me)
Thanks I think either the bootblock is not being flashed normally and therefore contains the table ID or there is code that copies it from somewhere else that isn't flashed. I do wonder if flashing with a programmer will fix it. I will also look for a lock in the code (although I'm pretty rusty as I haven't looked for one for a couple of years!) A
nice. 1 mb dump? id tought it was 4 or 8 mb. my bad 8mbit= 1mbyte AndyP thank you!. what was trick for slic ??
Hi Normally this sort of lock is in BIOSCOD1. We know that the OEM ID is 6 bytes, the Table ID is 8 bytes and they start at Ah in the ACPI header, so I normally just disassemble in IDA and have an eyeball. I found: Code: seg000:C969 sub_C969 proc near ; CODE XREF: seg000:C8B2p seg000:C969 ; sub_CE3D+16p ... seg000:C969 push ax seg000:C96A push cx seg000:C96B push esi seg000:C96D push edi seg000:C96F mov edi, esi seg000:C972 add edi, 0Ah seg000:C976 mov word ptr [edi], 'AM' seg000:C97B mov word ptr [edi+2], 'BT' seg000:C981 mov word ptr [edi+4], 'OI' seg000:C987 mov edi, esi seg000:C98A add edi, 1Ch seg000:C98E mov word ptr [edi], 'EM' seg000:C993 mov word ptr [edi+2], ' I' seg000:C999 mov edi, esi seg000:C99C add edi, 10h seg000:C9A0 mov esi, 0F000h seg000:C9A6 shl esi, 4 seg000:C9AA add esi, 0E604h seg000:C9B1 mov cx, 8 seg000:C9B4 seg000:C9B4 loc_C9B4: ; CODE XREF: sub_C969+5Cj seg000:C9B4 mov al, es:[esi] seg000:C9B8 cmp al, 0 seg000:C9BA jnz short loc_C9BE seg000:C9BC mov al, 20h ; ' ' seg000:C9BE seg000:C9BE loc_C9BE: ; CODE XREF: sub_C969+51j seg000:C9BE mov [edi], al seg000:C9C1 inc esi seg000:C9C3 inc edi seg000:C9C5 loop loc_C9B4 seg000:C9C7 pop edi seg000:C9C9 pop esi seg000:C9CB pop cx seg000:C9CC pop ax seg000:C9CD retn seg000:C9CD sub_C969 endp and patched it to (just nopped out the bits that actually write the OEM ID and the part of the loop that writes the Table ID: Code: seg000:C969 push ax seg000:C96A push cx seg000:C96B push esi seg000:C96D push edi seg000:C96F mov edi, esi seg000:C972 add edi, 0Ah seg000:C976 nop seg000:C977 nop seg000:C978 nop seg000:C979 nop seg000:C97A nop seg000:C97B nop seg000:C97C nop seg000:C97D nop seg000:C97E nop seg000:C97F nop seg000:C980 nop seg000:C981 nop seg000:C982 nop seg000:C983 nop seg000:C984 nop seg000:C985 nop seg000:C986 nop seg000:C987 mov edi, esi seg000:C98A add edi, 1Ch seg000:C98E mov word ptr [edi], 454Dh seg000:C993 mov word ptr [edi+2], 2049h seg000:C999 mov edi, esi seg000:C99C add edi, 10h seg000:C9A0 mov esi, 0F000h seg000:C9A6 shl esi, 4 seg000:C9AA add esi, 0E604h seg000:C9B1 mov cx, 8 seg000:C9B4 seg000:C9B4 loc_C9B4: ; CODE XREF: seg000:C9C5j seg000:C9B4 mov al, es:[esi] seg000:C9B8 cmp al, 0 seg000:C9BA jnz short loc_C9BE seg000:C9BC mov al, 20h ; ' ' seg000:C9BE seg000:C9BE loc_C9BE: ; CODE XREF: seg000:C9BAj seg000:C9BE nop seg000:C9BF nop seg000:C9C0 nop seg000:C9C1 inc esi seg000:C9C3 inc edi seg000:C9C5 loop loc_C9B4 seg000:C9C7 pop edi seg000:C9C9 pop esi seg000:C9CB pop cx seg000:C9CC pop ax seg000:C9CD retn I'll incorporate it into the tool. See v2.60 in other thread. A
I have a Panasonic CF-30 Toughbook CF-30FTSAZAE Bios V200L14M22 it is not showing any wifi components in the bios,however they are all physically there including Bluetooth and tested working,do I need to update the bios in some way ??
Hi together im looking for a Bios Bin File for a CF-52 // DL3UP1912BCA Maybe someone can upload Thanks Chris