I have tried both, but nothing has changed. I have the same table error, so I'm not sure what the problem could be? Should I try to flash with the original bios, then try to load #2
Which of these would be best? PHLASH16.EXE BIOS.WPH /X /C /S /CS /O /Force or PHLASH16.EXE BIOS.WPH /X /C /S /MODE=3 or PHLASH16.EXE BIOS.WPH /X /C /S /MODE=3 /PN or PHLASH16.EXE BIOS.WPH /X /S /BBL /MODE=3 --> dangerous to flash boot block! I am unsure as to which situation would result in needing to reprogram the BootBlock, but when the bios would not install, I had considered using /BBL? I also cannot find the difference between /MODE=1, /MODE=2, & /MODE=3
usb2007, i will try your bios later on, have the 30BD board myself. Please post your Win 7 factory installed mod , too. Will look cool.
I think the problem I am having is that I am trying to flash the BIOS to the same version already on my BIOS chip so it doesn't work. It's very fast, gets to 93% of flash boot block or something and shuts the computer down, even though I used the /force option. Anyone know how to fix this, when flashing the same version? It's really frustrating ....
Worked like a charm for me. I get a completely positive dump now, and my bios says Windows 7. Sleek. I flashed via USB drive using Win98SE dos files and Phlash16 1.7. i put the bios on the stick as bios.wph and just typed phlash161700 bios.wph. After a while it shut down and the new bios was applied.
I am also using a USB drive, minidos files and Phlash16 1.7 I will try without the conditions. The first time I used it, it worked fine but now it doesn't work for some reason. I remade my USB drive once more. I also made a crisis recovery diskette, but I hope I won't have to test it. I am running Windows 7, so flashing from DOS
I tried again after I remade my USB, but same result. The bios flash does not complete. There are 5 or 6 beeps, appears to be flashing but then everything shuts down. I'm sure the latest mod is perfect, but I cannot flash it. I tried with no conditions that time, but it was the same. I am going to have to try to flash the bootblock, I guess ...
I had this too... Try win98SE instead of minidos! Just google win98 dos boot files or something similar. The moment i used win98SE files my flash completed! With minidos it would not even start flashing - it would beep then shut down after checking my eeprom. Sounds like you experience the same issue i did.
Oh, that really sucks!! Is that what is causing this whole problem? Wait a minute, I think I flashed the bios using minidos once before and didn't have a problem with that, but I'm willing to try. However, I ran Phoenix bios SECURE WinPhlash for Windows from a WinPE Environment and it also failed. This is from the Log: Flashing new BIOS stage Check if BIOS part numbers are the same Check if image file BIOS is newer than system BIOS Failed: System BIOS is newer or same as image file BIOS Error code : -109(0xFFFFFF93) Description: The current system BIOS is the same version (or newer) than the version you are trying to flash, so the BIOS will not be changed. Error code: -109