@studio I couldn't find an SLIC table inside that bios. I'm not sure how to add one into it. You're better off asking a more experienced modder like Yen or someone in the HP thread.
looking in bioscod1.rom seems to have the slic info info appears as my report shows. maybe some one out there knows and can help me out
@studio I see it, but I don't know how to mod it in there. @Steve79 I don't know how to mod yours either, as it's in the same spot as studio's in the bioscod1.rom No idea how to edit those, only those in the ACPI.roms Sorry.
Quad Core Support? iaTa, With your edited bios, where you able to include quad core support for the 7800 FX laptops? I have a Q9100, that I am waiting to use.