Thank you so much, but can you explain how do i have to flash from DOS? which files from the .rar do i have to use? If you can post a guide please sorry but i've never flashed the bios before...
Sorry for the delay Latin. I did a reinstall with my original cert and it picked the OEM acer I originally had. Thanks So much for your help. I have another one as well I cannot seem to find a Slic 2.1 for Dimension 2350
this seems to be a tough one. tried 112 and wont let me add with 1.93 tool. 111 i did it wth 190 tool. hmmmm
i dont see a bios download for it. do you have the original backup ? seems u mismatched models and u flashed wrong bios. if u can find a bios for it it might be able to be flashed with recovery mode.
bios.wph and biosSLIC.wph are the unmodded and modded biosfile. In the biosmod package there are 2 batch files too, Original.bat and Mod.bat. Mod.bat launch the flash procedure with the modded bios, Original.bat launch the flash procedure with the unmodded (original) bios
ok, so do i have to place also the file Mod.bat in the pendrive? then when i flash from DOS following the instructions above do i have to type "Ph161700 bios.wph Mod.bat /x /s /c /force /mode=3 <enter> ?
It seems you are a bit confused ... Prepare the bootable pendrive, copy all files from the biosmod package to the root of pendrive, leave plugged the pendrive in a USB port, reboot the PC, enter the bios, set the pendrive as firts boot device, save and exit. At the DOS prompt type Mod and press <Enter>, wait the end of the flashing procedure, unplug the pendrive and reboot. ADD. After reboot post a screenshot of SLIC Toolkit (Advanced Tab).
Are there any activity (attempts to read the CD-rom, USB ports when you turn on Power and press Fn + Esc?