Perfect! it worked great... EVEREST and SLIC_Toolkit show it as 2.1!! Now I will install W7... Thanks soooooo much!
A question before uploading rweverything and bios help required please... Hi all, I wondered if someone could possibly give me some information before I go wasting anyone's time. I have a Clevo E5125 but the bios is totally unavailable, Clevo seem to think that nobody should be allowed to update there computers. But I have used successfully "Universal BIOS Backup Toolkit" to make a backup of the bios and I wondered if this would have the ability to be modded? If the answer is maybe, possibly, or yes then I will go ahead and u/l the RW everything details along with the bios zipped up. many thanks chaps for any input given, as always it is very much appreciated. I have had quite a few bioses modded from here and I wouldn't dare look anywhere else. Weird really because clevo have all drivers available on there site for win7 32 & 64 bit but the bioses are locked down. all the best sadsack
Biosmod: ASUS_SABERTOOTH-P67-2103_ASUS_SLIC-SLP_DYNAMIC.rar Flash from DOS with included flash utility. Confirmed working by hellcry.